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Old 10-10-2006, 04:00 PM   #105
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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This is an abstract from an article I saved.

I will try and find the link to it and post it.

Thank you for bringing it up as a subject.

This seems to sum it up plus carbonated drinks, and I wonder about vitamin C unbuffered when used as a preservative etc. I also cannot recall the situation re orange juice etc, which in addition in high quantities is a source of fruit sugars which in excess - all healthy things in moderation. I have started significantly diluting all purchased fruit juices.

"fish, meat, poultry, eggs, shellfish, cheese, milk, and cereal grains are net acid producing, whereas fresh fruit, vegetables, tubers, roots, and nuts are net base producing. Legumes yield near-zero mean acid values. Salt is net acid producing because of the chloride ion."

“fish, meat, poultry, eggs, shellfish, cheese, milk, and cereal grains are net acid producing, whereas fresh fruit, vegetables, tubers, roots, and nuts are net base producing. Legumes yield near-zero mean acid values. Salt is net acid producing because of the chloride ion. …As a result, healthy adults consuming the standard US diet sustain a chronic, low-grade pathogenic metabolic acidosis that worsens with age as kidney function declines. Virtually all preagricultural diets were net base yielding because of the absence of cereals and energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods—foods that were introduced during the Neolithic and Industrial Eras and that displaced base-yielding fruit and vegetables ”

I hope this helps a little.

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