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Old 09-12-2006, 03:20 PM   #4
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I respectfully strongly disagree

The abstract states "This test correctly identified all but one of the patients who achieved pCR (12 of 13 patients) and all but one of those who were predicted to have residual disease had residual cancer (27 of 28 patients)" Although the numbers are small, it would be a very remote possibility that the occurence was just due to chance.

To help with the jargon: pCR is pathological complete response ie, when they look for cancer under the microscope after biopsying after neoadjuvant chemo ie, chemo given before any removal of the tumor other than an needle or core biopsy THEY CAN"T FIND ANY AND THEREFORE FEEL THE CHEMO/IMMUNO/HORMONAL therapy was extremely they also were accurate in all but one case when when predicting whom the therapy would have NO EFFECT ON.

What is it they say... close, but no cigar. Well, I'd say almost right on and a cigar is in order!

Just my opinion...

Will read the full article and eat my hat (and report back)if it appears less than newsworthy
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