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Old 09-10-2006, 07:59 PM   #7
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Posts: 21

Thanks for sharing your experience with Taxol. I received it on Friday along with a double dose of IV Benadryl, 50 mgs of Dexamethasone (20 mg the night before, 20 mg morning of chemo and 10 ml by IV as a pre-med) and some famatodine. Got a bit of reaction during, which is when the second Benadryl IV was administered. Have continued to take 2 (4mg tabs) of Dexamethasone two days after the Taxol and started the hives and itching all over this evening. Will continue to take Benadryl as needed along with the famatodine. This usually works out to every 4 hours but maybe I will try to make it more of a regular schedule.

I am hoping as the Taxol and Neulasta will no longer be in my body for long, maybe it will allow the herceptin to be tolerated easier. Keeping my fingers crossed...

Glad that you have been able to tolerate herceptin well - that is encouraging news.

On another lighter note, I am walking in my first breast cancer fundraiser on October 1st. Needed something positive to balance all these contortions I'm going through to just be able to take the drugs I need. I'll be walking with my girls, their dad, my sisters and some friends. Can't wait.

Take care,

Toronto, Canada
DX: 12Dec05, Stage IIIa, invasive ductal carcinoma, extra-nodal extension, ER/PR+, HER-2neu 3+, FISH: 7.8
Chemo: AC + T completed 8Sept06, and Herceptin started started 7Jul06 (Herceptin temp. stopped due to allergy)
Hormonal Treatment: 9Oct06 (Arimadex)
Radiation: To start 10Oct06 (5 weeks)
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