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Old 09-09-2006, 05:04 PM   #10
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Location: indianapolis, indiana
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I finished cmf chemo a year ago in June. And i had my final herceptin June 21, 06. I was stage 1, er/pr-. I am chemopausal and not taking any other breast cancer meds at this time. My blood counts were still down in August when my family doc checked my cholesterol again. My vision has improved, but it's still not as good as it was before. I had ibs before this, so nothing changed there except a little more sensitive now. Headaches are fewer and farther in between thankfully. I'm still at a loss for words a lot. People are just used to it now though. Most of the aches are getting better except in my ankles. They are worse in the mornings. Didn't have a problem with dry eyes or dry nose, mine ran all the time which isn't so bad now. I still have a problem with my energy level, but doc says blood counts could account for part of that. And i still have problem with my right hand swelling, cancer was on the left side so all of my treatments went in on the right hand. I never lost my eyelashes or eyebrows even when I did tac with the first onc and lost all of my other hair. My fingernails aren't peeling as bad as they were and are finally getting harder. Still have insomnia, but doc says menopause can do that. I will post again on this in about three more months.
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