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Old 09-07-2006, 05:09 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 5
can you really die from WBR?

Hi everyone,
I just posted this, but it got lost so I'm writing it again.
I wrote a couple days ago about my mother who started experiencing confusion, incontinence, and who has difficulty walking. She is NED throughout her body since 2002. She had six brain lesions treated in early 2005 with WBR and gamma knife. They are all considered gone. Now at the hospital because of these new symptoms, no doctor could figure out what was going on. Finally, her neurosurgeon, who performed the gamma knife and who has been following her MRIs, took a "closer look" at the most recent MRI and said that he sees some "signals" which indicate permanent radiation damage. He said this is irreversible and that unfortunately the condition generally worsens and the patient dies within 6-9 months. My father is the one who spoke with him and I think he was probably too stunned to even think of any follow up questions. I can't believe this. Is this really true? Will she really die from WBR or is there hope? Could she continue as is for quite some time? Haven't so many of you had WBR and are doing fine? Any input or experience or knowledge is appreciated.
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