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Old 09-04-2006, 05:54 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
For myself, the liver mets were detected by a CT scan and elevated liver panel blood tests. I had no 'symptoms'. The largest met was 4.6cm.

I also had no pain for bone mets, again the scan and elevated blood tests detected them. Recently began having 'poofs' in my head (not headache, just not right) in the same areas of the brain. CT scan again showed areas of 'concern'.

I recommend that if you 'don't feel right' get it checked out! Insist on regular scans as these can detect things not yet 'felt' or cause you pain.
It is when the disease is advanced in the liver that your skin and eyes will take on a yellow cast - indicating severe liver disfunction. As mets grow in the brain, pressure increases and so does the headache pain.

I am currently on a steroid to control any swelling in the brain as we decide the next course of action - as it appears the herceptin/taxotere combo has not worked to keep the mets to my liver in check. Since herceptin nor taxotere pass the blood brain barrier...mets to the brain could occur at any time OR there were cancer cells already there, just waiting to do their nasty deed (grow).
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