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Old 08-28-2006, 05:46 PM   #6
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unfortunately many male surgeons behave like first-grade bullies.

Having temper tantrums is unfortunately tolerated in their "social" circles

Are you being treated at a cancer center where there is a tumor board. That would allow all the relevant specialists (radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiation therapists, and oncologists) to all examine you, look at the relevant records, slides, imaging studies and sit down and behave like adults and discuss rationally what the best plan for you would be.

If not, is there another breast surgeon in the area who could provide a second opinion?

MRIs of the breast as I understand it are much more likely to result in a false positive result than a false negative one.

You have to look out after yourself. Do not change your treatment because you fear annoying your doctor. Ask him to sit down and put in writing his reasons for how he feels so you can explain it to your family (a good excuse)listing the pros and cons in a Cost-benefit analysis. I doubt his tempermental outburst will be repeated in writing, which he knows leaves a "paper trail" and I doubt when asked to put pencil to paper he would not engage his brain and see that there may be more than one way to approach this and that thoughtfulness and consideration of the patient and their wishes and welfare.

It is always best to politely put such a person into a situation which forces the misbehaving person to do the right thing, even though they do not want to.

Hope this helps!

(Sorry for my editorializing!)
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