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Old 08-28-2006, 06:05 AM   #20
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I have seen a lot of the suggestions in the trail you post in a variety of other similar trials looking at vitamin E.

Vit E can help but it is not the answer in a very rough summary.

Vit E is generally reported as an antioxidant.

I have seen arguments that antioxidants may interfere with chemo radiation etc.

My questions was effectively - was it the blood thinning or something else that was causing spread. It could be the blood thinning but I would guess is more likely to be something else, and this article does not seem to be suggesting that it is blood thinning - it just posts a caveat.

This is all hugely complex, and very great deals remain unknown, but there are suggestions that long chain omega threes particularly increase oxidation ( which can kill rougue cells). The mitochondrial membrane has it own type of lipid that shows a predisposition to take up high levels of DHA when available. DHA has particular properties and may have a special role both as fuel and source of controlled oxidation which enables rougue cell destruction.

Vitamin E helps protects fats from unwanted oxidation but I GUESS and no more where people have insufficient omega 3 / blocked fats pathways / deficiences in long chain fats may be it has a negative effect by blocking weaker oxidiation paths?

In conclusion I have no problem with a suppostion that in certain circumstances excess Vit E may be related to spread - I dont know the answer but can see in very vague terms possibilities why - but I do not think the article would support your concerns on blood thinning and spread re the omega threes. ( Omega threes and warfarin)

There are anumber of trials suggesting synergies for long chain omega threes and various chemos and indeed in animals radiation.

Please do come back if you disagree - I struggle with all this too - and thank you for the post, and obviously always talk to your advisors as I am only trying to report what I read but claim no particular expertise.

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