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Old 08-27-2006, 02:36 PM   #18
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Well,I went out and purchased my organic cottage cheese, 2 lbs of fresh flaxseeds, and a large bottle of flaxseed oil. I'm all ready here. I've been taking the capsules but read about how they weren't as good. I actually like the taste of the oil and the seeds, I ground them up finely in a coffee grinder. I read in the article that to be sure if you are eating the seeds to grind them up into fine powder because they have found a lot of blockage occuring because of unchewed flax or sunflower seeds and you don't get the same nutrient value. I don't know much about this but the cottage cheese with the oil, topped with the powdered flax seeds, and a few peaches in there was pretty tasty...sherryg683
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