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Old 08-25-2006, 05:18 AM   #1
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her 2+ and flaxseed oil

Hi everyone
I am a very strong believer in the use of flaxseed oil (Dr Budwig's protocol) and fish oil and found this while looking for testimonials on the net:
Breast Cancer (“her2/neu positive”)

Hi everybody,

I was diagnosed with a her2/neu positive breast lump, 7.5cm, of which only a third could be removed, and not having all options available then, as I have now, started with chemo in January - what medical doctor, who we all turn to for help when ill, is going to advise you otherwise ? I had already had 3 treatments, lost all my body hair, got really ill and had my immune system affected adversely, when my dear sister Cheryl in desperation started doing research on my behalf and came across the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese protocol and immediately started me on it. At that time my cancer count was 78. When I had my next full blood count 3 weeks later before the next round of chemo, the count had come down to 43 !!!! I know it was the flaxoil/cottage cheese because before that, with just chemo, the count did not move at all. By the time I finished chemo, the count was on 23 and now, 2 months (stopped chemo) later is still coming down.

But now the very best news : a friend of mine developed breast cancer, had a mastectomy and had to undergo chemo as well. She was a bit hesitant to follow my advice and Not have chemo, so before she started chemo, I put her on flax oil/cottage cheese and my own supplementation programme and diet, which she followed religiously. She started chemo -exactly the same as I had- adriamycin, traditional hair remover, included. She has now finished the treatment and to this day, HAS NOT LOST ONE SINGLE HAIR !!!! Also, was never nauseous, never had a mouth sore, never had a problem with low white blood count, and never got sick with so much as a cold right through our very cold winter this year. It was as if water was poured into her ! They can not even measure her cancer -the count is so low!

Also, my Dad who also got lymph cancer this year -can you believe it, was also put on the flaxoil/cottage cheese diet and is now in remission ! It’s like a miracle. The huge lumps he had before are now just speckles on his scan and will soon disappear, I know.

All I can say is : IT WORKS !!! And I can not thank my sister enough. My life is really back to normal because of her dedication and the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese she fed me ! (am still taking it)

I eat it on fruit, jacket potatoes, in fruit shakes, as a dip with raw veggies, with organic honey on crackers. When you really feel you can't face it any more, just pinch your nose shut and swallow anyway!

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