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Old 08-20-2006, 05:39 PM   #1
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madubois63 - home from hospital

Hi everyone...I am home. Got out early today! I slept a good part of the day away. My counts are steadily dropping, and I have to go several times a week to the oncology clinic for blood tests and possible transfusions. They sent me home with tons of medications, and I have to watch for fevers...that will send me right back in the hospital - so please don't sneeze my way. So now I recoup from this and wait for the next step to come...transplant. It was all so over whelming in the beginning, but I am taking it one step at a time and it doesn't seem as big as it really is. I look forward to the day when a check up is just a check up and they come six and twelve months apart (not every freaking week...). If I don't answer your mail for a few days, it's not because I don't love you, it's cause my stomach is fighting my every being....

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