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Old 08-14-2006, 08:43 AM   #25
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Posts: 52
The article talks about colon cancer patients. Although it would seem to hold true for breast cancer patients, it is not routinely offered. My oncologist told me that is because colon cancer tends to metastasize to the liver first and be the only place of metastases. Even though that CAN happen with breast cancer, they say that isn't the 'norm' and that once it spreads it can be in more than one place. However, the articles that I have read on this are contradictory. From what I gather it is not being offered to more women is because it happens too often and there aren't enough facilities/surgeons to offer it to the numbers of breast cancer patients for whom this does hold true. And, until adopted standard protocol is changed, dr's aren't held liable for not doing anything that isn't standard. I think that it is quite unfair and, in fact, seemingly discriminatory.
Latest research shows that if one has mets only to the liver and there are one or two areas involved that surgery can be done and it can still be 'curative.' This research was available at least 4 years ago, but protocol has not changed to be in sync with those research findings.
I tried to see a surgeon based on the above. My referral was rejected on basis that I could 'hemhorrage to death.' I have a lesion in my liver that has never been biopsied. Report states that it could be a possible hemangioma. However, appropriate testing for it has never been done. A tagged red blood cell study was done. Report came back stating that there was not enough resolution to evaluated lesions less than 2 cm.
No further testing was done. However, my onc. rote that an MRI was done. No MRI was ever done. Whatever was there increased and then became stable. A treated liver lesion can subsequently resemble a hemangioma.
Either way, I tried to see a surgeon and my request was denied. Because the protocol for breast cancer hasn't changed, they--dr's/treatment facilities can get away with this. So wrong...
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