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chrisy 01-10-2013 10:31 AM

UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
UPDATE..ah short lived hope there! Twasn't tumor flare...not too surprised but a bit annoyed they didn't hold tx today so I could move on to the next (Gemzar/carbo). Oh well that gives me two weeks to gear up or THAT. Scan shows some little things resolving but some big things growing. Too bad not the other way around.

Bye bye peach fuzz:(

Hi friends! First, indulge my usual plea for good thoughts and prayers today as I have a scan "sometime" which was scheduled yesterday.

Since I started Navelvine Nov 20, it's just been a continued ball of confusion about what is going on. I have pain at the tumor site (which is now most of my liver!), skyrocketing ca 19-9 marker and slightly declining CEA, ca 29.29. The 19.9 is a weird pancreatic mArker which has always been the only one that ever came close to working for me. When they palpate my liver, they can't really feel much change,,,, nor was there much change on an ultrasound they did last week when my total bilirubin went up to 1.6 (usually itis around 1.0). So they can't tell if it is progression or tumor flare.

She has kept me on Navelbine in the context of there are only a couple of chemo options left, and I've been burning through them pretty fast so they want to be sure. So I'm bummed, sad, feeling like I'm running out of hope as well as options.

But I got this running through my head on Sunday, to the tune of "ball of confusion". Dating myself once again!

Markers goin up
Markers going down
Why? Who knows! But it makes me wanna frown
Run run run but you still can't hide

Oops - progression there!
Or is it tumor flare?
Hope so, cuz now I have a little bit of hair
Fuzz. Buzz. Cuz it's so soft up there

End of line? Not so fine. Graduations, obligations, in my prime, need more time
Options? Chemo? Radiation? Make me leave the reservation?
People all over the world are shouting KILL THE BEAST!...
Or shut it down at least...

Oh, and cancer sucks...

Still breathing for now...


StephN 01-10-2013 11:29 AM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Gosh - you dated ME with that song. There was a time in my life pre-cancer that I had that song in my head.

Navelbine is known to be good against liver mets, so I think it is wise to wait for less "confusion."

Is there any way to get another biopsy to see if you have changed hormone status? I think you had one a while back, but one never knows with this sneaking snake of a disease.

There is a "letter number" drug in small trials that I think is a Dr. Slamon brain child. It was being referred to as 009 if I rightly recall. Heading to my PT now so no time to check on it.


KsGal 01-10-2013 11:52 AM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Applause! Applause! Love the tune..Im saying go with the actual physical evidence. They don't see much change, they don't feel much change. Those numbers can always change so much so fast. I have a whole head full of tumors and my "most accurate" marker is at 17.
It's a flare. Its gonna be all good news. This is a new year...it's gonna be our year, all of us. Im sending lots of prayers and positive energy. Big hugs.

Joan M 01-10-2013 12:38 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!

I love your spirit. You're my kind of girl. I often tell people, i guess my number isn't up yet.

Perhaps a biopsy would tell more. I would agree that Navelbine is known to kick liver met butts.


caya 01-10-2013 02:52 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Chrisy I am sending lots of prayers, hugs and love from the great white north.

You are a Warrior Woman, and I am hoping the Navelbine will kick your liver mets to the curb!

all the best

Laurel 01-10-2013 03:10 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
I don't know, Chrissy-girl, I just have a good feeling and a lot of hope on this one.

KDR 01-10-2013 04:53 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
I'd rely on most on the CEA. And in a few weeks, maybe you can do T-DM1 with Perjeta. Have you given some thought to Kim (Mamacze's) contact for profiling?

Let's see what the scan says. Remember, a strong bond with spirit is essential to our healing. Please remain positive.

You're gonna be good.


NEDenise 01-10-2013 07:03 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Praying, praying, praying!
Fingers and toes crossed!
Sending love and positive energy your way!

yanyan 01-10-2013 08:13 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Hi Christi I hope it's nothing serious! Could it be the medication you are taking that caused burlirubin to go up? Mine is 1.8 but onco didn't say anything about it. I know tykerb does cause it to go up. Sending u positive vibes!!

Bunty 01-10-2013 08:30 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Chrisy, I believe your spirit will keep you going for a long time yet. Keep strong, and I hope the confusion abates very soon, and you are on track physically and mentally again!
Best wishes

cheery 01-10-2013 09:54 PM

Re: PET CT today - ball of confusion!

You've been a source of inspiration for me since I came on board and I've been following your posts quietly encouraged by your perseverance.

Navelbine was my first chemo for liver met at diagnosis and it gave me 4 years of NED. When the liver met came back recently, we did Navelbine again and it kept my liver met stable. But this 2nd round of Navelbine gave me lots of shooting pains in the hip and liver area. I didn't experience any pain whatsoever on my 1st round of Navelbine at diagnosis. I'd seen 2 oncologists to say that Navelbine is known to cause pain at tumour sites. So why the difference in pain experiences for both rounds? No one could explain..

Navelbine is very doable with constipation and low WBC. Other than that, my QOL was excellent.

Hope this helps and sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

chrisy 01-10-2013 10:00 PM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Well, so much for the navy beans! I loved that, it was a pretty east chemo but for me it didnt do much against the tumor:(

KDR, both TDM1 and Perjeta failed, although I think the Perjeta actually was working and it was the taxotere that failed. I'd love to think TDM1 might someday be an option for me, but not right now I'm afraid! Hope SOMETHING starts working and kicks this crap to the curb, or at least stops itis it's tracks. I'm overdue!

Joanne S 01-10-2013 10:17 PM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Chrisy, I remember "Ball of Confusion" all too well. and love your version! KILLTHE BEAST! My heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts and I pray for reduction and great improvement for you. Super cyber hugs, Joanne

Paula O 01-11-2013 03:19 AM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
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Redwolf8812 01-11-2013 04:05 AM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Praying, Chrisy

- Penny

jaykay 01-11-2013 06:20 AM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Thinking of you, Chrisy. Love your version of the song, you are a fighter (and very creative ;-))


jaykay 01-11-2013 06:24 AM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Oh yeah, forgot to mention - cancer sucks

StephN 01-11-2013 11:44 AM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Chris -
It may be a little late for detoxing concentrating on your liver. But, there may be some form of tea you can drink that will help you feel better.

Just thinking in terms of getting your body ready for the next round. (As much as possible ...)

How is the leg doing? Must be healed if you can go back to some hard chemos? Sorry that monkey wrench allowed your liver to let down its guard.

chrisy 01-11-2013 01:28 PM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Paula, Penny - THANK YOU!
Jaykay - never forget CANCER SUCKS:)
Steph - The leg is actually getting much stronger. I'm actually doing a little bit of my famous liver detox program right now, which coincidentally is excellent for the RBC, Hemoglobin and Platelets. I need some more work on the WBC tho. I'm also trying like heck to boost my protein and calorie intake - while staying anti-infammatory. So that leaves out the chocolate cake and potato chip diet approach. All to, as you say, get strong for the next round.

Mandamoo 01-11-2013 02:40 PM

Re: UPDATE...PET CT today - ball of confusion!
Oh Chrisy - I am sorry navy beans didn't help. Ca you have perjeta with the gem and carbo? Everything I've read is dual blockade better - I suppose access may be an issue. I am so hoping this will work for you. I am having carbo alone with perjeta and herceptin. Hoping not to lose my hair.
I know you have posted your liver detox somewhere before - do you think you could post again? When had my WBC issues I found TCM and accupuncture helpful.
Wishing you reduction!

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