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Vanessa 11-16-2007 12:23 AM

Up Late Again
I am feeling a little nervous, because I am starting chemo (Abraxane) again tomorrow. I have been on tykerb for a little over a week and it has been very hard. I am hoping I can tolerate both the tykerb and the abraxane, but again, I am a bit anxious about it. On the tykerb, I throw up almost everytime I brush my teeth, which is really unpleasant. I am hoping the naseau willl gradually diminish. I hope no one is reading this over breakfast, but please say a little prayer for me.

Chelee 11-16-2007 12:37 AM

Vanessa, Looks like WE are at it again. LOL I am up late again too. Plus I hate to admit it...but I DON'T even have your excuse for being up...I just am.

I can SURE understand why you would be feeling a bit anxious to say the least. I wish there was something I could say that would help...but I can't. I can't only imagine how stressful it is to think about adding Abraxane to Tykerk if your already having a rough time of it. I haven't taken either of those drugs so I'm not much help. But I'm sure someone here might have some advice or calming comments for you. I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You hang in there. Here's to things going better then expected. (Are we the only night owls.) Actually, I'm off to bed in a minute...I hope. lol


hutchibk 11-16-2007 01:30 AM

Hey there night owls... best of luck tomorrow, Vanessa! Hey - just to be sure, make sure you are not taking any supplements that have folic acid in them. This would include multi-vitamins and B-Complex. Folic acid can be a powerful culprit in worsening the side effects of Tykerb.

Sheila 11-16-2007 04:02 AM

If I knew you were all up in the middle of the night, I wouldn't have been lying there amidst my steroid high just watching TV!!!
I am hoping Abraxane will be easy for you...many say it is very tolerable, much better than Taxol or Taxtere, and NO PRE MEDS!!!!! I wish my insurance company would let me get Abraxane instead of Taxol, but I was denied?
Lets see, they paid big bucks for a human hair wig, they paid for a leopard skin lymphedema sleeve from Lymphediva's, but they won't pay for Abraxane....only in America!!!

jones7676 11-16-2007 04:52 AM

I started Abraxane last week with Tykerb. I am upset because my counts already dropped......it seems to be working very well based on how my chest (lung met) and leg (bone met feel). I just hope that I can tolerate it. They reduced my dose slightly yesterday. Beyond that, a little trouble with a belly ache but no nausea. I hope it works out well for you.

kareneg 11-16-2007 05:06 AM


You are in my prayers I hope everything goes smoothly for you today. And I tossed and turned all night must of been a bad night for sleeping lol.

Believe51 11-16-2007 09:33 AM

Thinking of you today and adding special prayers for your stressful day. Wanted to send a smile out to you and remind you how much you mean to me. Please update us how everything is going when you feel well enough. Listen to Brenda's advice for it surely does help with those side effects. Alternate nausea drugs if you have more than one available, if not ask doctor for another. Between limiting the folic acid, alternating nausea meds and the normal small meals Ed tolerated it very well. Even though his tumor markers rised with each blood test this does not happen to all. I wish for for you the miracle that Ed and I wanted from the Tykerb/Xeloda. May you fare well Dear Friend and recieve the response we all ache for you to get. Sometimes doses can be lowered a bit to fit your needs. Give it the fair shot that you are and we will be here routing you on Love. Keeping you softly on my mind today and always Sweet Sister of Mine.>>Healing prayers and energy>>Believe51

Margerie 11-16-2007 09:41 AM

So sorry Vanessa. Nausea is no fun. A couple of tricks when brushing your teeth- switch to a non-minty paste like cinnamon. Sometimes the mint can trigger the nausea/gagging. Also I have friends that swear by aromatherapy oils- they make some for anti-nausea and she puts it on her wrist and takes a big whiff whenever she need help.

Wishing you luck with the Abraxane and that it kicks cancer butt and not yours!

hutchibk 11-16-2007 10:48 AM

Marg is right about changing toothpaste, good idea - and did you know that many people don't know that they are allergic to the mint and/or cinnamon in toothpaste? I wonder....

And Believe is correct about mixing up your anti-nauseas.

fauxgypsy 11-16-2007 01:34 PM

Try baking soda instead of tooth paste. I hope you start feeling better soon.


dhealey 11-16-2007 02:23 PM

Keeping you in my prayers Vanessa that you will tolerate this combo and become NED soon. Are you taking zofran or emend for the nausea? These worked wonders when I was on adramycin/cytoxin.

Lolly 11-16-2007 05:25 PM

Vanessa, I was on Tykerb/Abraxane earlier this year, and it was fairly tolerable for me; not much stomach upset, but low counts made me tired.
"The Rash" however, was quite colorful! Hope you do well, and hope the naseau abates.

<3 Lolly

Vanessa 11-16-2007 05:47 PM

Thank you everyone for your kind words and advise. I finished chemo today and she even added on Herceptin. I did get 5 mg of decadron and it seems to have really helped with the naseau. I feel better this afternoon and actually feel like I can eat a little something. I would like to alternate my nauseau medicine but the Phenergan makes me a little sleepy. Zofran is what I take during the day. Maybe I can try that on a day I don't have anything to do.

Brenda, I rememebered your advice not to take folic acid or any vitamins with folic acid in it. I am surprised I remembered, because my memory has been so bad.

I use Biotene toothpaste and it has made it hard for me to use anything else, because it burns my mouth. I think baking soda might be a good option.

Believe, I am so sorry that that xeloda and tykerb did not work for Ed, I know you have said before, but the radiation made me doubly forgetful, that treatment is he taking know? I hope it goes well. I continue to pray for both of you and I believe it is your mother that is sick also. You are all in my prayers.

Again, I am so happy to have this group behind me. Thanks for the advice and support. I keep you in my prayers and and am sending healing hugs to everyone.

Becky 11-16-2007 05:49 PM

Dear Vanessa

I hope your infusion went okay today. Get yourself some Ginger tea. It may help with some of the stomach upset - or any herbal tea in general. A nice non-caffeine (but flavorful) drink may help. I am thinking of you. Although God is great, not everyday is good.

Big hug to you

SoCalGal 11-16-2007 07:19 PM

acid blocker?
Hi Vanessa,
I was having a lot of probs w/nausea and then my onc put me on prevacid 30 mg (I'm not sure of the dose - it's the black and pink dose) which during chemo - I would take 2 a day. Otherwise it's one a day. This made a huge difference - especially with nausea upon waking up. I don't know if you've used an acid blocker. They have OTC brands such as prilosec. Sending good healing vibes your way!

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-16-2007 08:47 PM

I Truly Care
Hi Vanessa,

I just wanted you to know I am keeping up on you and praying for kinder, gentler reaction to all you have been bombarded with. You are amazing! Flori's post reminded me that I had to take 2 Prilosec at a time on chemo. My doc suggested it and it made a huge diff. I took Zofran for major nausea and Phenergan for lesser nausea. There is no good nausea. It is horrid. So my heart goes out to you. I ate saltines and salty things which I think helped. The Phenergan is good to take before going to sleep. I know what you mean. I'm straining my brain to remember for you. Of course others take Compazine and Kytril which did not work for me, but might for you. You reminded me of the toothbrushing trial 2X a day, or more. I used to stop and take deep breaths, trying to calm myself, half expecting what was about to come and/or never seemed to fail to come. I do think the breathing, relaxing helped the gagging. I never actually threw up, but then wondered if I had if I'd have felt better. We do the best we can. Can't ask for more.

I am praying that you can withstand all that is being thrown at you. You are such a remarkable Spirit. Your attitude is beyond stupendous. I know you do everything and then some. This may be a time to slow your pace and allow your body to heal and fight the side effects. You deserve some major coddling, hugging and pampering, Vanessa. I love your smile and your never give up strength. I'm not asking you to give up by any stretch of the imagination. Just BE GOOD TO YOURSELF. Be your own best friend. Do for yourself what you would suggest to someone you dearly loved!

Please keep us posted. I look for word of you all the time. You are a most special lady, treasured by your Sisters dearly. We are here for you. Someone is always awake I think. If not this one, that. So you're pretty much covered. Know that we all want to help. I am searching for words to touch you with some serenity. I know the road is rock-strewn and you feel barefoot, but I believe your dreams lie at the end of this path. You are in a process, a spiritual unfolding, enduring an exact combination of drugs to eradicate those dysfunctional cells in their tracks! We each are willing to risk the certain and the uncertain to go after our dream. In '98 with Herceptin, blind faith led me and urged me to carry on no matter what, through the Taxotere and its horrid hardships. It would be all worth it in the end when I claimed victory. It will be the same for you, Vanessa. This will all be worth the precarious, choppy trek to your prevailing! Feel it making its way to you. KNOW it is yours. I can only give you my experience and the Lessons I learned to help you cope and try to guide you through this daunting journey. Mine was different and yet the same. We can each relate to one another's struggle. Surely I feel you, through your words, and my arms are out, wanting to hug you close. Not to make you cry, but to let you know I care, I truly care. I feel swept up in emotion, wanting to make it all right for you...

Try to focus on one step at a time. If you look too far ahead, you will feel overwhelmed, I have learned. Zen proverb -- THE DEER HUNTER DOES NOT NOTICE THE MOUNTAINS. Hone in on what you must do and tune out all the rest. That's the best I can come up with right now. Wish I had a magic formula to send in to the vapors just for you, to give you instantaneous remission. Patience is a virtue, and so unattainable for me. In time, sweet Sister, what you want will come. Sending you courage, which you are already in possession of, but maybe need a little extra right now, at this so very difficult time. It is obvious you are full of grace. I admire you more than you can know.

With love, Vanessa,

chrisy 11-17-2007 03:03 PM

Vanessa, I don't know if I'm allowed to post since it's midday here...

Hope you continue to feel better this time around. When I was getting chemo I used Tom's of Maine toothpaste which I think is a baking soda formulation but doesn't taste as yucky. Maybe that will help.

Much love,


Lolly 11-17-2007 06:25 PM

Hi Vanessa, so glad to hear the first Abraxane went ok. Flori's suggestion about an acid blocker is something to consider. I've taken Prilosec 20 mg for acid reflux (which started with chemo years ago) and since starting Taxotere I take a double dose on my onc's advice as the reflux was no longer under control, resulting in, yes, naseau. Since starting the double dose, no naseau and I don't need pre-meds before my infusion.

<3 Lolly

Patb 11-17-2007 06:38 PM

see a pattern here with whos up late, later, really early, early, etc.
Take care.

janet/FL 11-17-2007 07:19 PM

Hi Vanessa
True story. My onc put me on 40 mg Prilosec. The pharmacy gave me 40 mg Prozac. If I wouldn't have caught the mistake, I would have taken the Prozac. My stomach might have hurt but I wouldn't have cared! LOL!

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