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'lizbeth 08-29-2012 11:47 AM

Increased risk for endometrial cancer
Breast Cancer a Risk Factor for Endometrial Cancer Type in Women Under 55

By Katie Riley, Arizona Health Sciences Center | July 13, 2010 UA researchers found that nearly 20 percent of the 348 women they studied with Type II endometrial cancer had a prior history of breast cancer, compared to only 3 percent in a control group of 830 women with the more common form of endometrial cancer.

http://uanews.org/sites/default/file...s/image005.png Setsuko K. Chambers

http://uanews.org/sites/default/file...ages/zheng.jpg Dr. Wenxin Zheng

A new study by University of Arizonaresearchers suggests that breast cancer may be a significant risk factor for developing a serious form of endometrial cancer in women age 55 or younger.
Dr. Wenxin Zheng and Dr. Setsuko K. Chambers of the Arizona Cancer Center and the UA department of obstetrics and gynecology were among an international group of scientists who participated in the research study, which partially was funded by the Arizona Cancer Center from its National Cancer Institute core grant and from a Better Than Ever pilot grant.
Results will appear in an upcoming print issue of the International Journal of Cancerand are available now on the journal's online edition.
Cancer of the endometrium – the lining inside the uterus – is the most common malignancy of the female genital tract in the U.S. Most cases respond to treatment and have a fairly good prognosis, said Zheng, who also holds a professorship in the UA department of pathology and serves as director of gynecologic pathology and molecular pathology at the UA College of Medicine.
A less common form of endometrial cancer – Type II or endometrial serous carcinoma (ESC) – tends to afflict older women and is considered more dangerous because it presents few symptoms until the cancer is advanced, he said.
In their study, the researchers found that nearly 20 percent of the 348 women they studied with Type II endometrial cancer had a prior history of breast cancer, compared to only 3 percent in a control group of 830 women with the more common form of endometrial cancer.
Among the study subjects with Type II endometrial cancer, the incidence of breast cancer was significantly higher (41 percent) in patients 55 years or younger compared with those who were older than 55 (16 percent).
The study findings may have important implications for younger women with breast cancer. These patients and their physicians may want to be vigilant about symptoms (such as abnormal bleeding) of Type II endometrial cancer, a diagnosis that otherwise is rare in younger women, Zheng said. Abnormal bleeding in younger women is most commonly found to be from non-cancerous causes.

"This frequent association of breast cancer and ESC may suggest there is some genetic-based intrinsic linkage between these two women's cancers," Zheng said. "More studies are needed to address the potential impact for this particular group of patients."
Consultation for patients is available at the High-Risk Clinic (694-CURE) at the Arizona Cancer Center, where a group of experts focus on the education, genetic counseling, screening and prevention of women at risk, particularly for breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer, Chambers added.

sdstarfish 09-17-2012 07:20 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
What scares me about this is that endometrial cancer is also one of the potential side effects of Tamoxifen. They say it's 'rare', but I already know a few people who've had this happen.

'lizbeth 09-17-2012 08:38 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
The nurse said my biopsy was benign! I didn't even ask what, as long as it is not cancer it can't be that bad. I have the ultrasound tomorrow and get the news Oct 1st.

Jackie07 10-06-2012 12:18 PM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
After I had my total hysterectomy in 2010, the surgeon told us that there's 'hyperplasia' found in my uterus already.

My prophylactic surgery was approved based on personal and family cancer history (which fits the HNPCC Hereditary Non-polyposis Colon Cancer criteria: brain, breast, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, digestive tracts and reproductive organs) and BRCA test results.

Thickening of the endometrial linings has been a listed side effect of Tamoxifen. But I wondered whether or not the research finding had taken into consideration of the genetic risk factors.

Jackie07 10-07-2012 12:52 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
Here's the abstract of a more recent article:

Breast Cancer Res. 2012 Jun 12;14(3):R91.
Endometrial cancer survival after breast cancer in relation to tamoxifen treatment: Pooled results from three countries.

Jones ME, van Leeuwen FE, Hoogendoorn WE, Mourits MJ, Hollema H, van Boven H, Press MF, Bernstein L, Swerdlow AJ.

Section of Epidemiology, The Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5NG, UK. Michael.Jones@icr.ac.uk.



Tamoxifen is an effective treatment for breast cancer but an undesirable side-effect is an increased risk of endometrial cancer, particularly rare tumor types associated with poor prognosis. We investigated whether tamoxifen therapy increases mortality among breast cancer patients subsequently diagnosed with endometrial cancer.

We pooled case-patient data from the three largest case-control studies of tamoxifen in relation to endometrial cancer after breast cancer (1,875 patients: Netherlands, 765; United Kingdom, 786; United States, 324) and collected follow-up information on vital status. Breast cancers were diagnosed in 1972 to 2005 with endometrial cancers diagnosed in 1978 to 2006. We used Cox proportional hazards survival analysis to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).

A total of 1,104 deaths occurred during, on average, 5.8 years following endometrial cancer (32% attributed to breast cancer, 25% to endometrial cancer). Mortality from endometrial cancer increased significantly with unfavorable non-endometrioid morphologies (P < 0.0001), International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics staging system for gynecological malignancy (FIGO) stage (P < 0.0001) and age (P < 0.0001). No overall association was observed between tamoxifen treatment and endometrial cancer mortality (HR = 1.17 (95% CI: (0.89 to 1.55)). Tamoxifen use for at least five years was associated with increased endometrial cancer mortality (HR = 1.59 (1.13 to 2.25)). This association appeared to be due primarily to the excess of unfavorable histologies and advanced stage in women using tamoxifen for five or more years since the association with mortality was no longer significant after adjustment for morphological type and FIGO stage (HR = 1.37 (0.97 to 1.93)). Those patients with endometrioid tumors, who stopped tamoxifen use at least five years before their endometrial cancer diagnosis, had a greater mortality risk from endometrial cancer than endometrioid patients with no tamoxifen exposure (HR = 2.11 (1.13 to 3.94)). The explanation for this latter observation is not apparent.

Patients with endometrial cancer after breast cancer who received tamoxifen treatment for five years for breast cancer have greater endometrial cancer mortality risk than those who did not receive tamoxifen. This can be attributed to non-endometrioid histological subtypes with poorer prognosis among long term tamoxifen users.

'lizbeth 10-07-2012 07:59 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
Thank you Jackie.

I got the results of my ultrasound and I have a fibroid that is over 4cm by 4cm by 4cm - isn't that the size of a golf ball? Nothing growing in the endometrial biopsy to be concerned about, so that is good.

I've been reading about fibroids and if I understand correctly I have too much estrogen in my body? Being a cancer survivor - that doesn't sound like a good situation. I'm looking for natural ways to reduce Estrogen and starting to read about DIM, chasteberry, etc.

Anyone have a natural way to shrink fibroids that worked, and is safe to try as a breast cancer survivor.

I was ER/PR- so not on Tamoxifen or anything like that.

Thanks, feel free to chime in please.

nlkoebel 07-05-2013 09:02 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
I've been diagnosed with hyperplasia or something like it and was taking progesterone last year to reduce the lining. I've also had fibroids. My Her2 DCIS showed up this March. I've wondered if there has been a connection, even though my DCIS was hormone negative.

Jackie07 07-06-2013 08:36 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
Below is a thread about possible link between infertility treatment history and breast cancer. Something was used to stimulate the egg production for harvesting.

I was given birth control pills to control three uterine fibroids which ironically had been caused by the three infertility treatment I'd received in 1998/99. Once my breast cancer was diagnosed (weakly ER positive - 5%?) in 2003, my gynecologist told me to stop taking the pills.

2 1/2 years after my recurrence, I requested for a prophylactic hysterectomy/oophorectomy and was approved based on personal/family cancer history and the BRCA test result.


anna4969 07-14-2013 08:57 PM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
Hi Jackie, Nlkoeble and Lizbeth,

This topic resurfacing really came at a good time for me. Thank you so much for addressing this. I wonder if anyone has some advice on my situation.

I am er/pr- her2+ I received FACT and Herceptin, and naturally no tamoxifen with the er/pr negativity. Just finished Herceptin in January(stayed on Herceptin and extra year and a half). After 3 and 1/2 years, I just got another period last week. Back in 2010, chemo put me into menopause. I am very late 40s.

So I emailed onc and he requested I see my GYN and wanted follow up on that appointment and a report. So, I did see her this past week, she tried to do an endrometrial biopsy, no luck. Had a transvaginal ultra sound on Friday, she called said everything is normal. Also had FSH blood work which shows I am postmenopausal.

So thus my question for you, she never got the biopsy and ultra sound says everything looks okay. Would you still insist on a biopsy? I will find out the long term plan tomorrow and she may suggest a biopsy attempt again, or maybe not. Any thoughts on this? I tend to think I should insist. How can we really know for sure without a biopsy?

Any thoughts?

Sleep well everyone :)

Jackie07 07-15-2013 11:41 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
From reading the abstract below, it seems to me a biopsy needs a target. Since there's no particular signs/symptoms, there's no particular spot she could do the biopsy. That's just my guess.


'lizbeth 07-15-2013 11:49 AM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer

I understand the freaked out feeling, trust me. I was so happy to have a fibroid diagnosed and not endometrial cancer.

I am your age and went in and out of menopause starting a year after chemo. My body can't make up its mind, and you might be experiencing a little of this too. Your FSH blood work showed the status of your body at the time. Things change. If I spend time around women who are young and fertile my body starts to mimic them and I get periods.

The transvaginal ultrasound will show the thickness of the lining of the uterus. If you have cancer it should show in the greater thickness of the lining. It also shows the status of your ovaries, etc. So normal is a very good indication of health. this is how they can tell what is going on with the lining of the uterus without a biopsy.

By the time you see my post you and your doctor will likely already have a good plan in place.

anna4969 07-15-2013 03:21 PM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
jackie and lizbeth,

what settling emails you have sent. I appreciate your taking the time to answer. Yes, I spoke with the nurse this morning and the thickness is 2mm more than what they consider normal. Now, that being said, she did reiterate that the uterus, ovaries look normal. She also saw a follicle and is in fact wondering if I am not truly releasing eggs again and thus it was just a period out of no where and a fluke. Interesting for you to say about being around other females as I was in close proximity to my young niece during that time who had her period then. Hmmm? Boy am I praying this is the situation with this.

Plan is to wait 2-3 weeks to see if I have a period again, and then on August 8th she will attempt another biopsy with some help of medication given the night before the biopsy. And thank you for another confirmation that the FSH can flip around. They will be taking another blood draw for that too.

As we speak, I am waiting for a phone call from my onc to run this by him and see what he thinks of the plan. I am grateful, so grateful for the advice.

One other thing, I have never heard of HER2 going to the uterus. That is a bit unusual, isn't it?

Happy Monday evening.

'lizbeth 07-15-2013 04:18 PM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer
I'm glad you received some answers. It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor that is taking good care of you.

I have a friend who has ovarian cancer and I was really frightened at the thought of having cancer there. Breast cancer really isn't that bad when found early. I was quite happy to have something growing for once - that was benign!

I think your body is just confused . . . now what am I supposed to be doing? Aging gracefully, or preparing for the next generation. Hmmmmm . . . .

Let me just warn you how painful those biopsies can be, at the very least take some Tylenol. Better yet, discuss it with your doctor and see if she can offer something even better.

Her2 mets to the uterus are quite rare. It is very unlikely that you would have one. It is more likely a little post menopausal confusion after your body has recovered from chemopause.

Your GYN is on top of the situation, but it sounds like an abundance of good caution.

anna4969 07-15-2013 08:13 PM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer

Once again, thank you for such reasonable and reassuring words. I was so delighted to see a response from you.

Onc did call me early evening and he agrees fully with the GYN's plan. I feel so much more calm that he is in the loop and agrees. Wow, it strikes me every time I realize how his words comfort me. Just two strangers at one time thrown together because of this ugly cancer crap and you develop such strong relationships. It is really something isn't it? I can't imagine how hard it must be to have to change oncs for whatever reasons. The trust you develop just can't be measured.

Thank you so much for the advice on the biopsy. Yes, her several attempts last week, were not nice. I was a unprepared and would have dosed up on Motrin or Aleve had I realized. She did give it a good shot but said she needed to stop because it was becoming torturous and it was. So, you bet, I will dose up on one of those prior to my August 8th attempt.

I do, in my heart, feel that my body is just confused. I never was a regular kind of girl but the 2 years before my diagnosis, I was like clock work. Along comes chemo to jazz that up and now maybe my body just wants to do what it should have been doing for the past 3 years. I am putting my eggs in that basket for now(literally I guess :).

I will let you know come August where things are if you are interested.

Once again, thank you, thank you. Have a peaceful sleep.

'lizbeth 07-15-2013 08:28 PM

Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer

I would be very interested in hearing the results of your biopsy. I am hoping that you will have very good news. Please let us know what the results are.

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