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harrie 05-03-2010 12:33 AM

Acupunture and "sick energy"
Very recently I had a great 6 month check up with my oncologist. My markers were all very low and my lab results were all good.
THEN....I went to my acupunturist for some therapy and got a call back from her telling me she detected significant amts of "sick energy" meaning I had active cancer cells. She said she could tell because that night after working on me she was very very tired. She highly recommended I take this Chinese herbal medicine tea to boost my immune system. She told me of instances where it reduced tumour growth.
She told me she was sure that sick energy came from me and not someone else and she also told me that I had time to think about it.
I can't tell you how upset I was to hear what she told me! Talk about being hit blindsided!!
She said she would be unable to tell me what is in the tea (I wanted to tell my onco what was in it).
I informed my onco telling him what happened. So far i have not agreed to take the tea. He is skeptical and said he wanted to talk to her but so far have not heard back from him.
I am not so acutely stressed as before, but it still weighs heavily in the back of my mind.
Does anyone have any opinons?
Has anyone ever had experiences with an acupunturist similar to mine????
At a minimum I will now probably do a MRI or CAT scan just to alleviate the seeds of fear that have been planted. Insurance may not cover based on an acupunturist findings.

StephN 05-03-2010 09:08 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Hi Harrie -

How long have you been treated by this person? Do you take other herbs that you get from her? Sounds strange to me, too.

I have gone for a few acupuncture treatments (as have others I know personally) and it seems that all such practitioners are trained in Chinese herbal concoctions. They get a percentage of the price from the herbs they sell.

Mine recommended a blend of herbs against inflammation and water retention. I used it for a couple of months and it seemed to have a small effect, but then my doctors found the source of my problem and I went back to "western medicine" and my problem was solved.

If you want to repeat your blood work sooner than your usual schedule, maybe that would ease your mind.

P.S. The herbal powder I took had ALL the ingredients listed, as does the herbs my sister takes. I was able to look most of the names as they were written in English letters.

ElaineM 05-03-2010 10:45 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Wow !! I have never heard of this either. It sounds suspicious.
I have a licensed naturopath who is also a licensed acupuncturist and a doctor of oriental medicine. He has done alot of acupuncture on me, including when I had very active cancer in my body and he never told me I made him tired.
I suggest you try a different acupuncturist and see if you get the same reaction. You could bring the tea to the second acupuncturist or to a store where they sell Chinese herbs and see if they can tell what's in the tea.
Do you have a friend who can read Chinese? That person might be able to tell you more if the tea is in a package or box with Chinese language on it.
If there is a little English on the package try doing an internet search using those terms. Plum Flower Brand is a well known brand of Chinese medicine. That brand is easy to search on the internet.
Good luck. Take good care of yourself.

ElaineM 05-03-2010 11:32 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Congratulations on your good test and lab results. Go with that and be happy.
By the way, "sick energy" can mean many things. Maybe you are a little run down and just need a little more sleep or need to eat more healthy foods.

MJo 05-03-2010 01:07 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
I've had two acupuncturists, both who were also RNs. The most I heard form them was that my fire,water,air, earth was out of balance. I can't imagine either of them telling me I had active cancer cells.

schoolteacher 05-03-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Mary Anne,

Congratulations on your good scans. I have never had acupunture, so I can't add anything to what you were told.


Bill 05-03-2010 06:18 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Hi Harriecanarie! In my opinion, I would treat this like any other diagnosis. Get a second and third opinion, and have a few tests done, then dwell on it a little bit. But first, go draw yourself a nice hot bath, light some candles around the tub, put on a nice calming CD, and pray and reflect and then get a good night's sleep. Love, Bill

Joe 05-03-2010 07:02 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
I think of "sick energy" when I am up to doing devious things.

Never heard of it and wouldn't pay too much attention to it.


Jean 05-03-2010 10:44 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Hi Maryanne,
While acupuncture will assist in balancing energy could it be that when you went for your treatment you were over tired or exhausted. Maybe she is picking up that imbalance and reading it as sick energy. Consider what you were doing a week prior to the treatment.

I would absolutely have a second opinion. You may even want to have your blood work checked again.
Of course have the MRI (at the very least you will have
a base line ) and you can then relax knowing you were checking on this information.

I am sure you will find that all is 100%. I am sorry that this situation put a damper on your postive and otherwise good news.

Jean :)

SoCalGal 05-03-2010 11:10 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Harrie my friend, this is utter non-sense. I've been treated by a Chinese Medicine Doc for many years, and have never heard of such a declaration! East is supposed to meet West. Working together, oncologist plus all other healing modalities. You can tell I am more than a little fired up. I'm with Bill, get another opinion from a DOM (Dr of Oriental medicine) before you torture yourself another moment. I've used alternative practitioners for 14 years and they always disclose herbs, supplements and any and all information pertaining to my health. xo Flori

harrie 05-03-2010 11:57 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Ah, thank you SO MUCh everyone. I was a bit apprehensive to put this online with worry that I might hear additional info that would make me more apprehensive.
Hearing her words was pretty close to when I first heard my dx. Terrible!! My biggest fear was maybe by some remote chance she was right on. Maybe picking up stuff before western medicine is able to. Who knows.... :-(
Steph, I have only gone to her maybe 6 times in my life. She lives in Calif and I usually go to see her when I am in town to see my onco.
I live in HI, so when I went to see her I was a little jet-lagged plus running around a bit ragged.
She has given my some "stuff" before (Chinese herbal stuff) for increased circulation or whatever.
I have minimal experiece with acupunturists and almost no knowledge of Chinese medicine. I do know that it is a very old science.
I always thought she was very professional with my best interests in mind.
My onco reaction after reading my email explaining the situation is that she bordered on being unprofessional and irresponsible. But he did ask my permission to call her to find out how she came to her conclusions.
I would never base all my health concerns on eastern medicine and I do have a fantastic oncologist. But this just threw me in the loop.
I thank you all for your input. you don't know how much it is appreciated. It makes me just that much more relaxed.
Love to you all....

harrie 05-04-2010 12:04 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
SoCalGal, when you see your Chinese med dr, are you saying that the dr will disclose to you what is actually in the herb or tea that they give you?

Re: a second opinion from another Dr of Oriental Medicine....I don't think so. I think I have had enough.
At least right now.

Also, I asked her specifically, could this "sick energy" be from anything else and she definitively said "it was from cancer cells"! Like no 2 ways about it.

She also said this happened to her before and she got this large skin rash from this woman that had this "sick energy". She said I gave her a rash too, but it was very small.

Westcoastgirl 05-04-2010 10:38 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Your post made me mad. I had to say that. I think that she was way, way out of line. What the H%#$() is sick energy and how dare she say anything about cancer when there were no definitive tests done, insensitive, looking to further her income? She sees you as vulnerable and a good candidate to buy her teas is what I think. I understand how easily we can be upset. We have gone through so very much and are vulnerable for sure. It does not take much to get me back into a tailspin and fretting but this visit to the acupuncturist I would not repeat. Put her information and tea where it belongs. Sorry, but was that too blunt?

StephN 05-04-2010 11:12 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Dear Harrie -
Glad you are starting to discount this acupuncturist's declaration of your "sick energy." Maybe it is her OWN "sick energy" that surfaces from time to time and she blames that on her clients?

I don't care how tired or bedraggled you were, you have it together lady.

Maybe we should all seek out practicioners who have CANCER SNIFFING DOGS, as I would put more stock in the animal's ability to sense illness than that woman's "bad vibes."

michka 05-04-2010 11:20 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Harrie, it makes no sense but I can understand that such a declaration can make you really upset. Just forget it! This person is either a nut or a crook. ...and if you are still worried, don't stay like that. Consult your onc. Michka

Jean 05-04-2010 11:25 AM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Now Steph has opened a good door...
Cancer sniffing dogs....man's best freind.


ammebarb 05-04-2010 12:02 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Harrie, I'm inclined to agree with Westcoastgirl and Steph. My first thought was that she was becoming ill herself....and then the business about her getting a rash! Maybe she changed laundry detergent or touched poison ivy! It is so very easy for us to be concerned about recurrence, and a real shame that she would cause you a moment's additional anxiety. If repeating a scan or having labs done will reassure you, I say, "Go for it!" Otherwise, try to believe in your good appointment with your onco and breathe easy.

Barb A.

chrisy 05-04-2010 12:19 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
From a totally different direction, as usual...I'd just like to say you are really fortunate to have an oncologist who wants to talk to the acupuncturist! Definitely keep THAT one on the team. not so sure I feel the same way about rash-lady

Westcoastgirl 05-04-2010 12:23 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Great point Chrisy!! I like that onc.

CourtneyL 05-04-2010 01:50 PM

Re: Acupunture and "sick energy"
Isn't that a bit unethical to not tell you exactly what is in the herbs? What if there are some serous counterindications with what you are already taking (if anything)? I know that Chinese Herbs along with western-style drugs are not widely studied and effects of combining them might not really be known, but to refuse to tell you what is in them is a huge indicator to me that this person does not have your best interest in mind. Is it some super secret patented formula or something? My herbalist/acupuncturist always writes down the exact name of the herbs that she puts in my formula. She frequently tweaks with my prescription to adjust it to whatever is going on with me health-wise. I would drop this person like a hot rock and find a new acupuncturist stat.

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