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DonnaNY 06-27-2008 11:55 PM

Swollen Feet/ Ankles ?
Hi all, My mom has been on Herceptin since January Of 2004, Over the last 2 weeks however her feet and ankles have become swollen. She saw Onc and he said it's water retention and he wants her to keep her feet elevated above her heart. Her last Muga was Ok , but he wants her to take a month off, which will be three treatments she will miss. My question is for anyone else who had this problem , any advice about this? Foods she should avoid , tricks to get the swelling down. It is slightly painful , but not horrible. Thanks !

With Love, Donna

Jackie07 06-28-2008 12:22 AM

After about my 3rd (?) 3-week treatment of TCH, I had swollen ankle and knee (only left side - my weak side.) It happened one day after I had walked for about an hour for exercise. We went to my Oncologist and he checked on it. He did not suspend my treatment - probably because it was still early and he wanted to just monitor it. When I finally had a Muga scan 22 weeks after the beginning of chemo, the score was quite low and we had to stop my treatment. My Muga score continued to be low, so I've been under 'forced' NED for almost 7 months now.

I've seen at least one posting from a Her2 member that she had gotten her Muga score up by exercising and then went back to resume her treatment.

Chelee 06-28-2008 12:37 AM

Hi Donna, My lower legs, ankles and feet were really swollen to the point it was painful at times. However I wasn't on herceptin as long as your Mother. At first I blamed it on my chemo but when I finished the taxotere & carbpotin all I was on was the "weekly" herceptin to finish up my year and my lower extermities had major edema.

It was bad enough that my pulmonary doctor and onc several times did not like the looks of it and I was sent straight to the hospital to have a doppler done. They were so afraid I had clots...which thankfully I didn't. So then I was put on lasix and potassium to get rid of the fluid build up. Once I finished my yr of herceptin it did go away. So I know the herceptin can cause it.

But with your Mom it's different because she didn't start having this problem till 2 weeks ago? At least her doctor is aware of it and is keeping an eye on it. Since he did a muga on her how did that turn out? Was it low or on the high side? It does help to elevate your legs. I did every chance I got. And of course avoid foods that are loaded with salt...that goes without saying. If it gets too painful like it did for me maybe her doc will give her some lasix to get the edema down. Wish I could be of more help. Hope things get better for you mom.


sarah 06-28-2008 01:47 AM

I had swollen ankles and feet most of the time I was on weekly doses of Taxol and Herceptin (6 months). My oncologist wasn't concerned, my Muga was good.
I wondered about heart issues but they didn't think anything of that or other side effects I had and still have.
I slept with lots of pillows under my feet to keep them elevated. wore bigger shoes and sometimes put them in cold water. Avoid salt or cut it out completely.
If a cardiologist has checked her out, it's probably something common to the treatment.
Hopefully someone on this site will have good advice. This site helped "diagnose" the severe pain in my chest as a pericarditis and taking ibuprofen helped cure it. The cardiologist just said he'd check it again in a month!
stay well

BonnieR 06-28-2008 09:49 AM

Since she has been on treatment so long and this has only begun recently, it may be totally unrelated.
How is her BP? Her circulation?
It is a good idea to limit salt and foods high in sodium when there is edema. But important to figure out the cause. Does she see a GP or cardiologist?

rinaina 06-28-2008 11:54 AM

Hi Donna,
I had a problem with swollen ankles while I was on Herceptin and had to go on a diuretic which helped tremendously. My echos and mugas were great throughout.

Bill 06-28-2008 06:00 PM

Hi Donna! Good luck and best wishes to you and your Mom. As already stated, cut salt and elevate. Also, a diuretic would help, and I'm not sure on this one, maybe someone else can chime in here, but doesn't increasing your fluid intake actually decrease your swelling?

DonnaNY 06-28-2008 11:28 PM

Hi all , thanks for the advice . my mom just had a muga it was a 51. Which isnt horrible, but the month off Herceptin will probably do her good. Oncologist is very good and is watching the swelling. Thanks again and I will let you know how all goes. She also had to have a ultrasound of her kidneys as somethng in her bloodwork , a # was going up and down, everything was Ok , he did say she had small kidneys , but my mom is Petite. He wants her Off the Aredia for awhile he thinks that is what is causing that abnomality in her blood work. Thanks again !

caya 06-29-2008 04:09 AM

My left ankle/leg was swollen throughout most of my Herceptin infusions, and the Taxotere beforehand as well. The onc. sent me for ultrasounds 3 times to make sure there were not blood clots (there weren't), and they chalked it up to a s/e. My MUGAs were also fine. I also took a diuretic, I still take it for now.

I am now almost 2 months since my final Herceptin infusion, and the swelling has gone down considerably.

all the best

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