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jml 02-15-2013 10:27 AM

2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
Hi Friends~
Already feeling nervous with how the side effects of this 2nd cycle are going to effect me - but at least I know now to vigilantly hydrate, keep eating in spite of mouthsores, have Magic Mouthwash and Ulcerease, and getting Neulasta today to help my WBC's stay up, & keep me out of the hospital!
As I was getting my infusion yesterday, I asked my nurse to check my pulse/heart rate because I was feeling some fluttering, as I have for short intervals in the recent couple of days. On those occassions I thought I was having a little anxiety, so took an Ativan and went to sleep.
But I thought it was important that someone else have hands on, and when she took my pulse, she concurred that she was feeling an arrythmia.
So they rolled and EKG down to me in the infusion center, confirmed an abnormal read, and took it to the cardiologist.
On preliminary investigation, they think it's a Type II heart block (Wenkeboch block), if this is all it is it won't require intervention, but could require a pacemaker if more serious. OH PLEASE NO!
So going back today for an Echo (last one on 12/14 was normal, but that was before the chest radiation - don't know if they're related, but we'll find out soon enough.)
Just want to settle into my treatment, awful SE's an all. At least I know what to expect with that, but this new heart issue is frightening and disappointing.
I want to push on, but now feeling so fearful about every little thing that could pop up & go wrong.
Hair's almost already all gone - started falling out on day 10. Strangely relieved to not have to suffer the stinging scalp for now, but I'm sure it'll be back to finish the last bit of fuzz/hair that I do have left.

Any one else with experience with atrial fibrillations? Any feed back will be helpful~

Keeping the Faith~


chrisy 02-15-2013 12:33 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
I had something new show up on my last ECHO but for some reason don't have that report. No symptoms, but it was post-perjeta. I'm glad you are getting this checked out, because none of the other stuff you are going through will be any good without a beating heart.

I know the thought of ONE MORE ISSUE is just draining. Enough already! Hopefully it will turn out to be nothing major and you can and will push on.

Hang in there, my sweet friend

Lani 02-15-2013 01:24 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
the good news== Atrial fibrillation is a very common problem in the general population, especially elderly, with lots of effective treatment options

the even better news---I believe they are now finding one can still have MRIs even after having a pacemaker implanted. Ask specifically about that when/if they suggest a pacemaker as an inability to undergo an MRI could be problematic later in your bc care and expose you to a lot more radiation, Used to be they told those with pacemakers they could never again get an MRI

one caveat--they may want to "fix" your AF with pacemaker or ablation sooner rather than later IF they determine your AF might place you at risk for a stroke as they probably don't want to put you on blood thinners while you are on PTH. Really don't know enough about your AF, PTH protocol effect on platelets, etc to comment (and it is certainly not an area I know much about) further. Just something to think about.

StephN 02-15-2013 01:32 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
I second Chrisy's "hang in there."
Could low blood counts contribute to some irregular heart beats? I recall having some fluttering when my counts were low. I was sent to my GP for immediate EKG, but it was in normal range by the time I got there.

Hugs and healing to both of you brave gals!

CarolineC 02-15-2013 01:45 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia

Last year, I, like you, ended up in the hospital. I was in reverse isolation for 3 days after my first dose of Docetaxel and Herceptin. This was take two of chemo because I had 8 rounds of chemo two years earlier.

When I was having my second treatment, the nurse infused the Herceptin over 30 min and right after I started having heart palpitations and she had to give me steroids, lay me down, and checked my pulse frequently. (no EKG) When I first was diagnosed I would have my treatments over 60 min. This time around I had forgotten to remind them about the time difference. I realize now that my body was weak; I had just had 20x rads to my sternum, a root canal, my port reinserted , and chemo in about 6 weeks, then had landed in the hospital where it took 4 days of Neupogen shots to get my counts to the lowest of normal and then had another treatment of chemo. My system is very sensitive and reacts to things, good or bad.

I also wondered what on earth I was doing to my body because I had decided to do chemo again-my oncs had given me options of what to do-you could try this, you might do that-because there isn't enough research on Stage IV to know exactly what to do.

The nurses have now put in my file that I need my infusions over 60 min. although the Herceptin bag says 30 min. I wanted over 90 min, but then they start talking about "the time in the chair". Comes down to money all the time.

I am now able to handle the Herceptin abit better;about halfway through I will get really cold, but I find the longer it takes, the less stress on my system. I hope that this is just a temporary issue for you, because you have also had ALOT happen in the last while, not to mention the last 10 years.

You have inspired me over the last number of years in my own experiences. Last year at this time I lost my hair for the second time and I had a major meltdown because it meant I really WAS sick, and my "normal" was gone again. It is much harder than losing it the first time. I thought of all of you that have endured these treatments and kept going and that has helped me to make it through each day.

Look at everything you have been through. You WILL make it through this tough time again because you are amazing and strong and resilient.

Deb33 02-15-2013 04:10 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
I have had arythmia for years and a variety of things set it off. ESPECIALLY chemo. I remember my 1st night lying in bed wondering if I was going to die...I didn't.

I always take CoQ10 and during chemo took DRibose which is a natural supplement that supports the heart muscle. Alot of older folks take it to offset degenerative heart disease.

Blood sugar can kick me into irregular heart beats too. Its good to get it checked out but know that it is fairly common.

karen z 02-15-2013 04:42 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
Hi Jess,
You've got some good ideas and suggestions here. But enough is enough already and hoping you can get this issue resolved quickly and move on. Hang in there tough and funny gal.
Karen Z

NEDenise 02-16-2013 09:41 AM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
I'm with everone else on the whole *enough, is enough* thing! Sheesh! No rest for the weary?

I've had arythmias on and off for years. Since BC, and my forced Herceptin Holiday, I've seen a cardiologist. She has me on 2 different meds to avoid another holiday(carvedilol and enalapril)...but she also has me take fish oil, vitamin D3, and CoQ10. I'm not sure which one of the things I take (if any of them) helped, but I haven't had arythmia in several months now. Might it be worth asking someone about, do you think?

All my best, warmest wishes are headed your way...along with prayers!

Joanne S 02-16-2013 11:28 AM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
2 Attachment(s)
Jessica, I'm so hoping this just turns out to be a fluke. Just a want to let you know too how much I admire your strength and faith. You are an amazing woman! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Joanne

Dear Lord Almighty, I worship You. I give You reverence. I pray for Your mercy. Our HER2 sister, Jessica has endured so much from this miserable cancer. Please embrace Jessica in your healing arms and ease her suffering and pain from this disease and restore her health. I pray for your miracles with all my heart for all of us stricken with sickness, and I pray for peace on earth. In Your Name, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Catkins 02-17-2013 04:40 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
Hello Jessica

I'm truly sorry to hear you're going through this heart scare.

It is scary. Last year I found out I have minor heart valve disease (left mitral regurgitation) so I can guess a little bit about how you're feeling.

On the bright side, as our fellow posters have mentioned, atrial fibrilation is common. In fact, my sister has it and it is so mild it does not have to be treated.

Hope you have the type you mentioned that does not have to be treated.

On the other hand, if it does have to be treated, surely it is better to know now and get it sorted out.

Keeping everything crossed for you.


fullofbeans 02-19-2013 01:14 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
Jessica I agree hang on. Don't even think of pacemaker (and related operation) now. Deep breath in, you are in my thoughts

Laurel 02-19-2013 07:57 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia

I am inclined to agree about low counts triggering arrhythmias. However, the radiation so near your heart may have caused some damage to your heart muscle, but usually that does not show for years. I'm bettin' on the low counts and hope when they are back to normal the ticker will settle down.

I gotta say you Perjeta gals are truly tough. Those side effects are hell. "what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger...." NOT! Wish it wasn't so damned wicked on the body. I sure hope this second infusion is less wrecking.

Pray 02-19-2013 10:35 PM

Re: 2nd PTH yesterday...and now discovery of heart arrythmia
During treatment I had a thyroid storm which throughs off your rythmais. I am praying for you everyday!

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