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Pinay88 08-20-2011 11:46 AM

Chemo 1 Done!
Hello ladies. It's been a while since I posted. Protocol we decided on for me is AC x 4 then taxotere/herceptin x 4 (all every 3 weeks) and then herceptin alone to complete a year.The big news is I have taken the first step and my first cycle is done! I just slept the afterwards through. Now, truthfully, I feel like a tired old woman with deadened weights attached to every muscle fiber in my body. But thanks to advice I have picked up from this site, I have kept moving and moving. Thankful too for meds that kept my nausea and vomiting at bay. Constipation is a brewing concern...I have never burped (excuse me!) so much in my life! Any thoughts? Weird though, I keep on taking naps..I'll be up 3 or 4 hours then asleep for the next two or so. When does it become 'normal' again in the cycle of 3 weeks before the next round comes again? My port insertion site is a tad uncomfy but bearable...hope this gets all better soon too. Will see my onc again in a week's time and hoping my blood counts will be good!
God's blessings to us all! =)

chekmark 08-20-2011 01:27 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
Let the count down begin.Yahoo, 1 down. Go girl. We all react differently to chemo. I felt good the day of and the day after then felt kind of crappy for the next 3 or 4 days and then started to feel better. By the time my next infusion was due I was feeling pretty good. You kind of experiment with yourself and find out what you can tolerate and what you cannot, smells, foods etc. I am 5 months out of chemo and some smells still really bother me. It will all be over before you know it. Good luck to you. Keep us posted and let us all know when we can do the chemo is over happy dance with you.

BonnieR 08-20-2011 03:07 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
As checkmark said, we are all different. But usually the effects peak around day 3-5 and we are feeling pretty good in time for the next go-round!
Just listen to your body in terms of sleep. Nap all you want! Eat small, easy to disgest foods. High protein things. Drink lots of water. Might something like Ginger Ale or 7-Up help the burping?
Your port is very new. Give it time to settle down. The area is still tender. Mine was annoying the entire time I had it, but that was because of the akward placement, not pain.
So, you are on the road to recovery! Keep the faith.

tricia keegan 08-20-2011 05:09 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
I had a/c every two weeks and slept non stop the first week and just felt queasy when taking the anti nausea meds. Rest when your body tells you to as it will help you heal and the port will heal.
Ask for some stool softeners as this too was a major issue for me, good luck and well done on completing the first!!!:)

Pinay88 08-20-2011 06:47 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
Thank you for your replies. I am happy to have overcome the first hump to my healing...that of actually starting the chemo. Quite a difficult turn to do all this sleeping and burping from a previously active life. But right you are, I must listen to my body now...have been jotting down stuff in a journal to remind myself for the next time. I just came from a morning walk of about half an hour. And I feel good. It felt free not to be wearing my mask and inhaling the fresh air. At home, I've needed to be confined to my room as two of my three kids have stuffy noses right now. I miss snuggling with them :(
Chekmark, I long to do that dance of joy for the end of chemo and that thought will push me onwards.
Bonnie, practical advice as usual and I will check into that 7Up. The port is smarting now but it will be better.
Tricia, I will look into softeners...will drop my onc a line about it.
Will keep you posted.

snolan 08-20-2011 07:21 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
I slept so much I think my couch has my butt imprinted on it. Let your body rest and just think that this is the meds distroying the cancer. You will bounce back in a few days. Have fun with the burping, you have a good excuse, try the alphabet or signing a song while burping (LOL). Here's to a fast countdown.

Deb33 08-21-2011 12:22 AM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
I am the "Constipation Queen" on or off Chemo and found Smooth Move tea to be a really natural solution. It tastes a little herbal but is definitely tolerable and works in 8 - 10 hours. You can get it at any health food store or probably online somewhere.

BonnieR 08-21-2011 12:51 AM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
Great idea about the journal. I kept one all thru treatment and still do. I used it like a scrapbook, collage, journal. Glued in cards that I was sent. Had friends write in it. It was good for note taking and doctor visits. Inspirational quotes. The works! Keep it up. It will be a real chronicle.

Pinay88 08-21-2011 04:40 AM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
Snolan, right you are. At times, I've to check my backside and make sure I haven't any bedsores from all the lying down :p The burping though is causing quite a bit of comedy in our household and my 6 year old in particular has now the habit of 'outdoing' my burps..hahahaha!
Deb33, thanks for the advice. I am going to try psyllium fiber supplement and see how it works. You look fab on your pic, by the way...can't believe that was taken 5 days post mastectomy. You look glorious :)
Bonnie, you are right. The journal will fill up fast. I find it therapeutic to do so. I look forward to perusing the pages once more when all this is over and marvel at this chapter of my life that hopefully will not need revisiting in real life ever again.

Lastly, thought I'd share this...a friend passed this along to me. Just when I was wishing to fast forward things to the end of chemo and all treatment..
"When we claim one of God's promises in the bible,whether it is for peace of mind, courage or provision of our needs, we place ourselves in His hands and on His schedule. As we wait, it may at times seem as if the Lord has forgotten us. But trust embraces the reality that when we stand on a promise of God, He remains faithful. The assurance is in our hearts, and the timing is in His hands."

MJo 08-21-2011 05:47 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
AC is no picnic. I found Taxol easier. I also wore out the couch -- by the time chemo was over and I got my energy back, the springs were sagging. Be very good to yourself. Every one is different. Some of the women here worked full time through chemo. I was too sick with AC. I lived on ice cream. Worked half-time with Taxol. Once treatment was over, my body recovered quickly. I don't have children. Am amazed at how mothers cope with chemo and caring for a family. Puhleez stay away from sick kids while you are on AC. It can do a job on your white blood cell count and leave you open to catching colds.

Pinay88 08-22-2011 04:15 AM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
MJo, I am realizing that now...it ain't a picnic. More like what one probably feels after a prolonged sparring session. Thankfully though, I am day 4 post chemo and I think I am already on the rebound from the lethargy..I hope I haven't spoken too soon. But no matter how better I am feeling now, I am for sure on the alert for anything contagious. All masked up, I am on one side of a room and my kids on the other...it's sad. As for keeping the household running, I am blessed to have family and friends who help tons with what needs to be done in the house. Just really need to keep on counting our blessings :)

MJo 08-22-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
Let us know how you feel after Chemo 2. We are a resoure to help you get through treatment.

Lisa1967 10-14-2011 06:40 AM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
Greetings Sisters, I had my first A/C yesterday. Felt great after chemo no side effects at all. As a matter of fact I even forgot to take my anti nausea medication (0ndansetron hcl 8mg) until I was already settled in bed. Even though I didn't think I was going to need it, I jumped out of bed at 11:30 and took it just in case. What I was also prescribed was (Dexamethasone 4mg) a steroid for nausea which I told my Onc I wasn't happy about taking and she said not to, unless I was very nauseous. ....Thank Goodness that does not seem to be the case.

Prior to giving me the "red devil" I was warned that for the next few days not to be alarmed by red urine....apparently the "red devil" is comfy in my system because he ain't leaving!!

Woke up this morning just fine. I do have a slight headache (not medication worthy) unsure if its treatment related or the crappy weather were having today in NY. All in all I feel good. This however can change in a few hours when I receive my first Nulesta shot.

From what I've been reading and assume comprehending well is that most who have an easy time with the A/C have more trouble with the T and viseversa....let's see what shall happen

Hugs to All.....Lisa

Pray 10-14-2011 02:38 PM

Re: Chemo 1 Done!
I pray you continue to do well Lisa. Gods blessings to you.

Your Friend,


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