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jml 05-20-2012 02:47 PM

OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
OhmyGod OhmyGod OhmyGod!
I can't believe this has happened.
Paying my insurance premium has always been my highest priority, as I'm self insured & self employed & have been with my insurance company for the past 10 years...
In the midst and chaos of rushing off to Hawaii to be with my dad when we put him in hopice & his ultimate passing, I asked a friend to deposit a check for me in my Credit Union because it was the begnning of the month, and the deposit needed to be made asap to cover a handful of items being deducted, including my insurance premium.
Long story short, the credit union where the deposit was made is an affiliate of my CU and their policy is to hold the check for 8 days, which they did.
In the meantime, a handful of autodrafts came through, including my insurance premium, and they all bounced and I was charged overdraft fees for each.
I remember looking at my account while I was in Hawaii, and saw a line item with my insurance co's name, but the charge was the overdraft fee not the premium being deducted. At the time I think I was in such a state that I couldn't make sense of what was going on.
In the meantime, when the deposit check finally cleared all the other vendors re-submitted for payment and were eventually covered, but my insurance company did not re-submit. All the while they were sending me letters to my house, but I was in Hawaii, and I was having all my mail held at the postoffice in Atlanta. So needless to say, I was none the wiser that I had missed my payment.
Until yesterday when I stopped to pick up a prescription the pharmacist is the one that told me that my policy had been cancelled since March 31. I nearly passed out.
So I raced home, looked more closely at my bank account, was able to make sense that the payment for April was never drafted, then opened my mail and found the letters from my insurance company that I had missed a payment and my policy has been terminated. Oh my God. What am I going to do?
I'm so panicked and confused and scared. I was having treatment in Hawaii during the month of April & getting prescriptions filled, but apparently didn't have insurance coverage, but no one told me at that time. Had I known during the month of April I could have made the payment before the end of the month and I would be okay.
Instead I'm only discovering this now and terrified about what lies ahead.
Does anyone have any familiarity with this situation? Is there anychance they'll reinstate me or am I SOL? What do people do when they have Stage IV cancer for 10 years and then lose their insurance? Am going to have to change providers and leave the team that has kept me alive for the past decade?
I'm so panicked I can barely breath, and I don't know how I'm going to get through the next 18 hourse when the insurance co finally opens up & I can talk to customer service.



Delaney 05-20-2012 03:08 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
Surely you are such a long term customer, they will grant you extra time. I know when we change insurers here, there is a 12week grace period or so. hopefully, you will deal with someone with a heart and they will sort you out, it was so easy to make that mistake in the circumstances. Best wishes.

Unregistered 05-20-2012 03:55 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
what state do you live in and who is the insurer?

Unregistered 05-20-2012 03:59 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
This has happened to me. I have Kaiser who was able to reinstate me as soon as the received payment. I went two weeks receiving treatments until I realized what happened. Kaiser covered all the during that period because they had received payment of the month that treatment occured.

I'm praying that for you too. I just kept telling myself I wasn't the first to do this so there must be some kind of policy to correct it.

BonnieR 05-20-2012 04:31 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
I feel your panic. Do they have any sort of after hours/ emergency phone number? Surely they will work with a long time client. Maybe they have some sort of advocate service you could appeal to
I know this sounds gratuitous at the moment, but we have our premiums automatically deducted so a payment doesn't get missed. Maybe you can set that up in future
Meanwhile, take a deep breath. It's almost Monday. Keep the faith

chrisy 05-20-2012 04:41 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
I can't even imagine the panic you are feeling. Try to breathe. You don't know how this will unfold, and unfortunately until you actually speak to somebody, you won't even know where to start.

Somehow I reject the idea that you, who have fought so hard for so long to manage this stupid disease, finding creative solutions and putting together a team such as you have, will be brought down by an insurance snafu.

Hold your intention firmly - that this will be resolved with a good outcome for you - and try to stay calm. Keep the faith.

KDR 05-20-2012 05:24 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
I wish I could tell you how to resolve this issue, and you've gotten good advice above. In N.Y., you have until the end of the month to pay without termination. Call and ask for a reinstatement.
Start at step one. I wish you the best of luck. My own heart started racing when I read your post.
Let us know,

Vicki revised 05-20-2012 07:17 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
Surely something in all the new health care laws addresses situations like this, esp since you are a long time customer AND you have stage 4 cancer. They may charge you a higher premium for the missed months like COBRA.

radiant 05-20-2012 10:24 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
This last Feb - I went thru ins nightmares
and then again in April. The ins company
forgot to send me the bill - then told
me they would cancel me. I was able to
prove no bill was sent and was reinstated.

You may want to call your state's insurance
commission tomorrow and see what your
rights are before contacting the ins company.
They may offer to call on your behalf.

Also, contacting patientadvocate.org
would also be a good thing!! They have
a toll free number and r excellent with this
and they are free!

Plz let us know how this unfolds. I'm SO
sorry - I've felt this panic before.



KsGal 05-20-2012 11:58 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
I agree, this is scary. I think the thing that mosts worries me is the fact that your policy has been cancelled for a few weeks, rather than during the grace period (before the end of April). Im soooo sorry you are going through this. I know you must just be panicked beyond belief, but take a deep breath. It's almost Monday morning, and I know you will be on the phone as soon as the offices open. You will be able to get answers to all of your questions. I have to think that, considering your history with this company and the circumstances that caused this situation, they will work something out with you. Big hugs, prayers and fingers and toes crossed. Please keep us updated.

Sheila 05-21-2012 04:33 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!

I think its important to plan on getting documentation of you being in Hawaii, your fathers illness and passing..thisis all pertinant info that the insurance company needs to take into account...especially since you have had them for years...then there is always the cancer card / chemo brain issues...use it when you need to. I just got into a heated argument with express scripts the other day over NEXIUM....yes, Nexium, and after 1 hour and 20 minutes on the phone, nothing was done. I was almost in tears, hung up and then decided I wasnt putting up with their BS...I called back, asked for a manager, and then explainded to them that I was asking for Nexium, not Opium....and that 1 hour and 20 minutes may not seem like a lot of time to them, but its different for a terminally ill cancer patient....boom, he immediately straightened out the snafu, and credited my account for the cost I had already paid, and sent the drug.....do not take no for an answer, always ask for a manager, explain what has occurred, how stress can affect you....I usually tell them..I know you people probably wish i was dead so you can quit paying, but hey, i am fighting for my life....what is it was your wife, mother, sister, daughter? Make it personal......Sending prayers that this will be taken care of today....if not, you have a mod squad of Her2 women ready to go to battle for you....sending strength and a big hug....please let us know what happens!

jml 05-21-2012 05:09 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
I'm sitting here anxiously waiting to call my insurance company...cell phone charged, ear piece ready, detailed notes in hand and my Dad's rosary.
Unfortunately they don't open until 8am Central time and I'm in Eastern time...one more hour.
I really am at their mercy as I am now 3 weeks outside of the grace period. One of their final letters they sent said that they may reinstate my policy or I could reapply, but their acceptance is purely at their discretion. That's a little glimmer of hope, isn't it? Considering the complicacted circumstances surrounding the confusion.
If I just simply had more money in my account to cover all the autodrafts I wouldn't be in this situation, but the reality it I just haven't been working as much, having just finished brain rads and I just don't generate the income I used to, live very lean and sometimes hand to mouth.

Thank you for all your support and empathy and the encouragement and suggestions of where I might turn for assistance if today's phone call doesn't have a favorable outcome.

I'll keep you posted~

Keeping the Faith~


ps-sheila- i'm so sorry for your frustrating phone call.
i hate those and i hate that for you. i always try and cut
bait early and ask for a manager, but on many occassions
i've gotten so tangled in go-nowhere conversations with
customer no-service reps that i've completely lost it. hope everything worked out.

chrisy 05-21-2012 08:26 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
Let's see, I assume you are on the phone nos. Sheila's right, do not give up, keep escalation until you get the right person - meaning the one who gives you the answer you seek.

ElaineM 05-21-2012 09:51 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
You have received excellent advice from everyone. I just need to add a few suggestions of my own.
Find out what your state laws are regarding health insurance. There must be a state office that overseas those things. Call them and ask for advice.
Find out what the federal laws are regarding health insurance and what and what not an insurance company can do under your circumstances. Find out what you can do legally.
Call your hospital or oncology group and make arrangements for a temporary payment plan just in case you have to go that route.
Consider applying for your state Medicaid plan if all else fails. Low income uninsured working people may qualify under some circumstances.
Make arrangements for your health insurance premiums and rent/mortage to be automatically deducted from your checking account every month just in case you are not able to take care of those things yourself.
All the best to you. Have faith that something will work out for you eventually.

schoolteacher 05-21-2012 10:03 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!

Hope you were able to talk to your insurance company, and they reinstated your insurance.


ElaineM 05-21-2012 10:32 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
A couple extra tiny little suggestions !!
Some pharmacies offer discount cards. See if your local pharmacy has them and apply. Every little bit helps.
Also you could apply for assistance for your meds online.
I think some of the organizations are Needy Meds and Partnership for Prescriptions. Do a search for help with the cost of prescriptions. That should bring up some helpful links. You might want to apply while you sort out your insurance issues. You can always refuse the help if you don't need it, but at least every little bit might help in the meantime.
Good luck.

BonnieR 05-21-2012 11:04 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
I think I misunderstood earlier about how you were making your payments. In re-reading the circumstances, it seems a case can be made that the money WAS available and the credit union was the hang up. If not for them, this wouldn't have happened.
At any rate, as the others have suggested, go to the top. Get a manager, an advocate. And always keep the faith. We are behind you and awaiting the outcome.

jml 05-21-2012 01:06 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
Thank you everyone again. Yes, Bonnie, the credit union was the hang up, so now I've decided that I'm going to have to make the 20mi drive to my own credit union to make deposits rather than the "convenience" of going to the affiliate around the corner from my house.
The verdict is still out on whether or not they're going to reinstate me or not, but with the help of the folks at the insurance company they walked me through how to expedite applying for reinstatement and I authorized them to electronically draft 3 months ($$$$)worth of insurance premiums to cover the month that was missed, this month and next month. The lady that helped me was very patient and kind, said she would go talk to the underwriters about my circumstances. I'm still a little scared because I always anticipated my insurance co. would LOVE to drop me since the cost of my care is so expensive vs what I pay each month. I've never had problems getting any procedures or treatments approved and their customer service is always helpful. Keeping fingers crossed...
In addition my mortgage didn't get paid either, so I was scrambling for cash to deposit to cover that and now owe my best friend $300.
My family already pays the 1st mortgage on my condo, I pay the 2nd, plus all my out of pocket healthcare expenses.And I've always been very proud that I have been self sufficient enough to do so. I don't want to be a burden to them and I want to be able to work as much as I'm physically & mentally able. But it's definitely hand to mouth.
Just another compromise and a sacrifice, losing our independence & livlihoods to accomodate this disease.

The Good News of the day is I finally feel some hair nubs growing in after losing my hair for the 4th time, this time due to WBR!

Keeping the Faith~

sassy 05-21-2012 04:46 PM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!

If you haven't done so, I suggest you write everything out exactly as it happened so you have it in hand, ready to fax or e-mail to the insurance company, the commissioner of insurance for your state or whomever may need it in the event that you don't get the best answer back. If you write it while you are not in a complete state of panic, you will be less likely to forget details that might be helpful, plus you will be able to formulate your best rational and empathy inducing case. Point out that you made the payment in "good faith" and that the flub was due to the credit union issue, not your lack of submission of payment or even lack of sufficient funds.

This link might be helpful:


I understand your fear that the insurance company may try to drop you, but I think the circumstances of your situation, your previous payment track record and the fact that you acted in good faith should help. Just don't give up. I think insurance companies often deny claims simply because most people don't stick with it and follow up. Many lay people feel that if the insurance company says no---thats it---and it may not be so.

Stick with it and hang in there. Keeping you always in my prayers.

Vicki revised 05-22-2012 08:09 AM

Re: OMG -Panic! Missed insurance premium...now coverage terminated!
I would def. find a closer credit union or bank. There may be times in the future that drive may be difficult. The affiliates are just middle men.

Not sure if it would work in your situation but years ago my CU screwed up and posted my deposit to the wrong acct (the joint acct with my son). When I realized what happened and went there in person, (pre-cancer) and I had no tolerance for fools.

I told them how pissed off, embarrassed and broke I was and that I was closing all my accts (my director at work was on the board of dir but I hadn't pulled that card yet--told them I was going to send letter to board) they paid me back all the fees, corrected the problem, reprimended the teller who wasn't paying attention, and put me on overdraft protection for no annual fee or interest, which I am still on now.

I have a feeling since they accepted the 3 months payment this will work out, but they may want to do auto drafts from your acct for the premiums inthe future.

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