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Britbee 11-25-2011 05:24 PM

I really had no idea..
About all things related to breast Cancer before I was diagnosed. No one in my family had it so it came as a complete shock. Yesterday I went for a meet with my oncologist but that was not where I got my eyes opened. There was a young lady there that showed me many ways that I could be helped. I had no idea that those runs/walks for BC were for patients as well as for research I just always assumed it all went to research. I have insurance which usually pays 80% of my drugs but there are limits and there is a list and if the drug is not on it then you have to fight to get it. The Neulasta was one and another nausea fighting drug was another. I was taken to see a Social Worker and found that I was eligible to get aid for drugs that were not covered, also aid for parking (which is astronomical at the hospital I go to) and also even up to 100 dollars on my food bill. To say I was in shock is an understatement I had no idea these resources were out there. Needless to say my son and daughter and best friend are all renewing their vows to enter in the next BC benefit to run/walk. Now I have told people that the money from these runs/walks actually benefit people who cannot afford their medicine it makes them see it in a whole different and more favorable way.
Anyway, had my first chemo today and so far just have a headache. Had a portacath installed two days ago and I think it was certainly an advantage to have one.
Sorry for rambling on, love this site, wanted to let everyone know help is out there, not sure about anywhere else but definately in Canada!

norkdo 11-26-2011 09:31 AM

Re: I really had no idea..
britbee so sorry bout your paget's, etc. and other health challenges. so happy for you that all the treatment is free. i, too, live in canada. all drugs (except Emend, the good anti nausea drug, which you should get ur oncologist to prescribe asap, btw) are free if you have cancer. neupogen just got put on the free drug list too. cannot imagine being like the protagonist in Breaking Bad, an american character in the southwest, having to face a life of crime to pay for treatment, or to just die because you are poor.
hey, obama tried .....to change all that. we'll see if the big hmo's let him win.

Mtngrl 11-26-2011 03:11 PM

Re: I really had no idea..
Britbee--glad you're getting the help you need. Good luck with all that.

Note, however, that not all breast cancer groups are equally helpful. "Susan B. Komen for the Cure" claims that it gives financial help to cancer patients but people have reported that (a) only one chapter, the New York one, administers the financial aid, (b) the phone is never answered and there's no voice mail, and (c) there's no way other than calling the phone that never gets answered to contact them to apply for financial assistance. Also, although Komen raises billions with its runs/walks/sleep-ins, etc., it gives only about 19% of proceeds to research. The leader, Nancy Brinker, recently said she didn't think the cure would come from a laboratory. (Really? Can you name any diseases that have been cured outside a laboratory?) But there are small nonprofits that do provide actual assistance to human beings who need it.

Some "pink ribbon" situations involve absolutely no monetary contribution to breast cancer or its cure, so Komen is not the worst of it, by any means. Before you run/walk/buy/donate be sure you know where the money is going. Your best bet is to donate directly to a reputable program.

tricia keegan 11-26-2011 04:07 PM

Re: I really had no idea..
Britbee, I live in Ireland so all my drugs are free too as was everything during my cancer tx including Neulasta etc and I'm very grateful for that as know many ladies in the U.S who fell on hard times with no insurance and had to fight for these drugs at a time they ill could afford to do so.

Amy, I moderate the susan g komen message boards and must beg to differ with you, I've been doing this for four years and posting there for six, and can't begin to tell you the numbers of women who have had free Mammo's and other help and advice provided by this organization and while I don't have numbers on hand right now of $ amounts given to this type of help I seriously question its as low as you were told.

3twins 11-26-2011 07:48 PM

Re: I really had no idea..
You can do a little research on any non-profit by going to www.guidestar.org. Registering is free and you can access any IRS 990 at no charge. Very helpful in deciding which charities to support.

KsGal 02-24-2012 12:25 AM

Re: I really had no idea..
Im so glad you found those resources, and that you shared it with everyone here.

Im am also shocked to learn that Susan Komen only gives 16 percent to research. What???? Where does all the money go?

Unregistered 02-25-2012 05:48 AM

Re: I really had no idea..
its challenge for you to fight with disease specially your cancer you may succeed in you fight against cancer if you have to dare to defeat the cancer the solution of cancer is just chemotherapy.

BonnieR 02-25-2012 11:52 AM

Re: I really had no idea..
Britbee, glad you are finding resources. Keep looking. There are often local grassroots charities or foundations that offer help. I know in my area the social workers are able to obtain assistance with rent, meds, treatments etc on an individual basis from local organizations. It is too bad your hospital charges patients for parking! Can't you be excempt from that? My cancer center offers free valet parking. Also, while I was receiving chemo and dragging myself around, my doc authorized a temporary handicapped parking permit so I did not have to walk too far while shopping etc.
Anyway, social workers are miracle workers. I am glad you have them on your team.
Keep the faith.

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