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emmastarr 05-16-2011 08:07 AM

Hi girls!
Just after some advice really. Am feeling very fatigued today, feel like I've hit the wall. Have been fatigued since chemo etc and it hasn't really improved that much since I've been on herceptin. I've had no herceptin for 6 weeks to see if my EF improves (which it has) but the fatigue is still there. I do have 2 young, active kids that keep me busy and my low white count means that I'm picking up colds/throat infections etc which obviously doesn't help!Any suggestions?
Thanks, Emma

AlaskaAngel 05-16-2011 08:34 AM

Re: Fatigue
Hi Emma,

I'm one of the few here who had most of the same treatment you have had. Most have had Adriamycin and Cytoxan like you and I but have not had 5-FU and instead have had a taxane. I also was on tamoxifen afterward. However, I did not have any blood boosters in-between treatments (which you may have had), and I never have had trastuzumab because it wasn't approved back when I had treatment.

Everyone is a little different due to age differences and other factors, but I too had fatigue and low blood counts for a long time afterward even though I have no other chronic conditions that would contribute to that. Eating healthy food and getting a bit of exercise helps, but with that particular chemo regimen the blood counts didn't rise much for almost 3 years, and only slowly.

You might be younger than I was. I was 51 at the time. If you are younger, your blood counts may improve sooner than mine. I know this may sound a bit discouraging but I do want you to know that what you are going through is similar to another person that was previously healthy, and that eventually it does improve.


Deb33 05-16-2011 09:24 AM

Re: Fatigue
I've completed 4 of my 6 chemo treatments and fatigue is a constant battle. I drink wheatgrass and carrot juice with spinach every other day to help maintain my blood count. I've also heard boiling papaya leaves and drinking the tea is helpful but I haven't tried that. I also have a cup of coffee each morning - a no no but it helps get me going.

tricia keegan 05-16-2011 12:59 PM

Re: Fatigue
Hi Emma,

I had a different regime and no young children but fatigue was a huge issue for me throughout my entire treatment, I was fortunate that I could rest when I needed to though!
Do you have someone to help with the children so you could nap more when you need it??

whatz 05-16-2011 06:40 PM

Re: Fatigue
I'm about 1 year out from Herceptin and still tired (and no small active kids to tend to neither :-) ). Anyway my blood-values are borderline normal except for something that indicates high red-cell count. My onc did not remark on it but my GP indicated it could mean a Vit B deficiency (which also would manifest with fatigue). Long story...I've started taking a B-Complex (today is day 2 of the experiment) and I have to say I do feel better. May want to check into that...

Mary L 05-17-2011 01:21 PM

Re: Fatigue
I just wanted to share something has helped me have more energy since all of my chemo & 4 years of Herceptin. My onc told me they ran a study on chemo fatigue and the people who took the Ginsing had an improvement in their energy. I have been taking Ginsana for 4 years and I can tell the difference when I run out of it. It works for me. Mary L

pibikay 05-18-2011 12:15 AM

Re: Fatigue
I think fatigue is a side effect.Hema is on Tykerb alone these days and she is often fatigued

Catherine 05-24-2011 08:52 PM

Re: Fatigue
I am 5 years out from DX, but oh, do I remember the fatigue and the wall. I have always wondered how you young mothers cope with the fatigue and young children. I had the luxury of taking a nap whenever I needed a nap. Gingseng sounds worth trying...but if you can get some help with the kids that would be even better. How about hiring a young person to come in for an hour each day and you take a nap or at least a rest. You will eventually get stronger and less tired, but it may take another year before the walls start disappearing. My walls would appear after 3-4 days of busy living...and then I would just collapse and have to go to bed. All the best, and please do try to sneak in a few naps just for you.

All the best,

sarah 05-24-2011 11:13 PM

Re: Fatigue
Hello Emma,
Fatigue comes with the territory. I feel I stayed in bed, reading books most of the 6 months I did chemo and consequently gained 15 lbs! While I feel I've never regained my stamina or breath, I am pretty active. For me, fatigue was the hardest side effect because it seemed such a waste of time but it does get better and everyone suffers from it. I was on Taxol for 6 months with Herceptin which I stayed on for 6 years.
I'd say try to take little walks, watch what you eat and rest when you feel like it. Don't let the fatigue make you depressed, it will pass just as your hair will grow back! stay strong.
health and happiness
hugs and love

emmastarr 05-25-2011 12:00 AM

Re: Fatigue
Thank you for all your advice and support, you have all made me feel much better knowing that this fatigue thing does go away at some point. xx

JennyB 05-25-2011 02:34 AM

Re: Fatigue
Hi Emma,

I have just started Radio and also have 2 young children and am also at times exhausted, it is not every day but I find I run out of patience with my 2 yr old on the bad days and then feel worse about eveything because of that! I think it is a combination of of course the children the treatment and the thinking about everything constantly. Am hoping that it wears off soon and that it is just the odd bad day.
I take many supplements including astragalus and COQ10 and try to eat lots of fresh produce and juice every day.
Hope you start to feel energised soon.

Catherine 05-25-2011 08:05 AM

Re: Fatigue
Sarha's advice to take little walks was very true. If you can get outside for 10-20 minutes at least once a day and walk around the block or down your lane, this will help too. Finding that time for yourself is very hard when you are the mommie. The walks will keep any possible depression at bay. Yes, this will all get better. And yes all this lounging around seems like a waste of time, but is a part of the side effects.

You can do it, and we are behind you. Please do try and get someone to help with your little people, so you have a little time to reenergize.

All the best,

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