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caya 06-26-2014 08:57 PM

Pre-Melanoma Mole
I had a routine body once over a few weeks ago with my dermatologist - he spotted a small flat mole on my upper thigh that seemed oddly shaped to him - a triangle. He excised it, and sent it out for testing, but he told me he did not think it was anything to worry about.

Good thing he took it out - turns out it is a "Severe Dysplastic Nevus" - in English, 5 -6 months away from becoming full blown melanoma. He called me today to tell me, and he is referring me to a plastic surgeon who will dig in further and close up with stitches, standard procedure apparently. To say I am in shock is an understatement!

Since diagnosis I have been very careful not to be out in the sun too much, and when I am, I use a 45 - 50 SPF broad spectrum paraben free sunscreen. Any one else have this happen?

I urge all of you to get thee to a dermatologist for a "once over." I'll be seeing mine every six months now.

all the best

Jackie07 06-27-2014 02:11 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Thanks for sharing this, Caya. Glad you've found it early and took care of it.

I'd been told by one of my neurosurgeons that 'people who have one type of cancer are more (than others) likely to have another type of cancer'.

So we all need to watch out for 'signs' ...

Sending you good vibes.

roz123 06-27-2014 05:26 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
thank you for posting Caya
I go to the derm once a yr for a "once over" and this is on my own doing - no one ever suggested it even though I know im higher risk especially on the rads side
yes we need to be vigilant
glad you caught it so early!

Becky 06-27-2014 06:22 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
So lucky for you. You might have missed that in February I had a basal cell removed and several other suspious things (that were nothing). I think although I too use sunscreen or avoid the sun - wear a hat etc that these things probably started brewing when I was young and "George Hamilton" showed us that "tan is beautiful". Not so when you have stitches in your face!

So happy for you dear friend that all is well.

tricia keegan 06-27-2014 04:15 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
I had a small scaly spot biopsied too and and it showed Bowens disease so it would have gone on to develop into a skin cancer, I had it removed and a few PDT treatments which cleared it thankfully and glad you found yours early on too!

Adriana Mangus 06-27-2014 08:48 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Hi Caya, Blessed the Lord you went to see a doctor.

Im sure your mind is at ease now knowing you are in good hands and will receive the appropriate treatment for your skin cancer.

We always have to be watchful of our symptoms and body in general, its also
important to get an annual examination done by a professional, rather than ourselves at home in front of a mirror, we might miss some important clues.

I'm beyond happy for you, Caya.


sassy 06-28-2014 01:00 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Glad you caught this Caya and shared with us the need to be mindful.

caya 06-30-2014 11:26 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Thanks for the good wishes everyone. It was beyond scary hearing this news, but luckily I am going to be okay.
It's just a reminder that even though we may be years out from diagnosis, ( I am almost 8 years out), we still have to be vigilant in all areas of our health.

all the best

donocco 06-30-2014 01:35 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole

Im glad you caught it early. Ive read that Melatonin might have anti melanoma action. Also coenzyme q10. Taking these supplements might have some preventative action and ease your mind more. Talk with your oncologist. If anything both of these supplements are anti cancer but still the doc should know what you are taking and be in agreement.


Mtngrl 07-02-2014 10:16 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
In my case melanoma predated breast cancer. I had melanoma in situ in 1999. A GP noticed it and commented on it, then decided it was OK. I started wondering whether she really knew what she was talking about, and went to my dermatologist. He took one look at it and took the whole thing off (with local anesthesia) right then and there. After the biopsy confirmed it was malignant, he did some more cutting to make sure there were clear margins. Since then I've had one other precancerous mole removed from my thigh.

I'm allergic to most kinds of sunscreen, so I cover up to avoid excess sun exposure. A little bit of sunlight helps the immune system, so I don't avoid the sun entirely.

When my first CT scan showed lesions on my liver and lungs my first thought was, "I hope it's not melanoma." Metastatic melanoma has a very poor prognosis.

Lien 07-03-2014 07:33 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
As far as I know, melanoma is often caused by childhood sunburn. Ofcourse it helps to be vigilant now, but the best thing we can do is make sure our kids are protected.

I have red hair and light skin, so I've had my share of sunburns in the 60's, but as I get dizzy when I'm exposed to too much sun, and since I have many allergies, I have avoided being in the sun, or covered my body with hats and loose fitting clothes ever since my teens.

I'm 55 now, and have regular check-ups. Even though my kids are much darker skinned, I always covered them in sunscreen and made them put on their baseball caps. They have lots of moles, so we keep a close eye on them. My 18 year old had a mole removed which turned out to be benign, and my youngest will be seeing a dermatologist next week.


jaykay 07-03-2014 08:19 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Glad you caught it early, too. I've been having skin exams for 20+ years due to my youthful (dumb) sun tanning activities plus the fact that I am a freckle/mole person.

I've had moles removed plus a couple of biopsies. Nothing serious, thank goodness.

As many have said, the key is regular body exams by a doctor and awareness of any changes on your body.


Mtngrl 07-03-2014 09:25 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
The acronym for spotting melanoma is "ABCDE," for asymmetry, borders, color, diameter, and evolving. Here's a reference you can bookmark: http://www.aad.org/spot-skin-cancer/...at-to-look-for

linzer 07-03-2014 12:13 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Thank you for posting. I have never had a skin/mole check and just booked one today after reading this. I also have a slightly "off" mole on my thigh that I'm anxious to have looked at. Hopefully will be nothing. I appreciate your taking time to bring this to our attention.

caya 07-03-2014 01:39 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Linzer I am glad you have booked a skin/mole check. Hopefully all will be clear.

Amy, I knew about ABCDE - the flat tiny mole I had taken out did not fit into any of those categories - the only thing that was unusual was the shape - a triangle.

So that is why it important that a dermatologist does the once over - they are experts, and really know what to look for.

all the best

Aussie Girl 07-08-2014 06:35 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Hi Everyone

I work as a pathologist in Queensland Australia - melanoma capital of the world. Dysplastic naevi are very common here as are other skin cancers. A severely dysplastic naevus should have a 5mm margin of normal skin taken out around it by surgery (depending on the site). It is too early to have spread. Get the rest of your body checked, then an annual check (or whatever your doctor recommends depending on your skin type).

I couldn't believe it when I went to Hawaii and saw Americans putting coconut oil on their skin. I was the only one in the pool wearing a long sleeve swim shirt!

Slip on a shirt, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a hat and Stay out of the sun in the middle of the day!

Aussie Girl

Mtngrl 07-09-2014 01:17 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
It's definitely important to have a dermatologist do the looking. I'm with you 100% on that, Caya. The month I was misdiagnosed by a GP, and diagnosed at one glance by a dermatologist, the cover story for Prevention Magazine was about how primary care providers usually miss a melanoma diagnosis. That was memorable!

My dermatologist in Denver used a light and a magnifying lens for skin checks. Since moving to the east coast in 2008 (Philadelphia, then Boston) the dermatologists I've seen have just used the naked eye.

caya 07-09-2014 08:17 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Amy my derm used the light and magnifying lens for the check. I can't believe in this day and age derms are only going by the naked eye.

thanks Aussie Girl for letting me know it was too early for it to have spread. I am waiting to see the plastic surgeon who will do the bigger excision with wider margins and stitches.

all the best

KDR 07-09-2014 08:35 PM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
Caya, so glad it was found! This is big! Who needs more trouble? Glad to see it gone!
You're so special

Aussie Girl 07-10-2014 05:29 AM

Re: Pre-Melanoma Mole
All dermatologists in Australia and many general practitioner use a dermatoscope to examine skin. (Magnifies and uses a special light.) Also photos with a measure next to the lesion are used to follow those spots than aren't obviously back, but need to be followed up.
Another thing - for a mole, if it isn't large or in a tricky spot to cut out (eg. face), get the whole thing cut out first go. Don't waste time with small partial biopsies. You can not exclude melanoma unless you've got the whole thing under your microscope.
Aussie Girl

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