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PinkGirl 09-17-2007 10:01 AM

I have noticed that in some of the posts there is mention of insurance companies not paying for some treatments. Being a good Canadian, I have no idea what chemo treatments cost. Can anyone give me a ball park figure of what a year of herceptin costs? Anyone know what my chemo would have cost? I think I better give my little red and white health card a big kiss !!!

Believe51 09-17-2007 10:21 AM

Kiss It Girl
....and then sing "O Canada"..LOL!! We have had no health insurance since September 1 and it is not like he can get billed for infusions; as my hospital would be gracious enough to do that to help. My Sweet is on a regime of Tykerb/Xeloda, of course we are not going to get into how I am getting his chemo meds for him right now!!! Uggh!!!

So All Together Now: "O Canada"....giggle, giggle!!


hutchibk 09-17-2007 10:32 AM

Believe - I hope you are going through the Roche assistance program for Xeloda and GSK Commitment to Access for Tykerb!! That's how I get mine.

Believe51 09-17-2007 10:50 AM

Hey Brenda
As for the Tykerb, I did go through the 'Commitment to Access' program and things should be okay. The Xeloda I was able to get filled before 9/1 by the doctor rewriting the prescription a little different, we are set until the first week of November.

Question: He is out of Tykerb starting today. Is it alright to go a few days maybe a week without it?? (like we have a choice!!)

The disturbing thing about this was we refilled the prescription twice before they refused the next bulk drop!!

PS>Brenda, do you know the words to 'O Canada', because we could use you in our choir?? That is if you can put down the cheddar cheese and sesame crackers for a bit!! LOL...Love 'ya Brenda!!


hutchibk 09-17-2007 11:16 AM

I think they prefer that you don't go without... call Commitment to Access right now and tell them that he is out! They should be able to help you coordinate with the pharmacy to overnight it. (McKesson is the pharmacy who I receive it from, if it is yours as well, ask for Melinda there and she is very compassionate and will get it overnighted to you.)

I was instructed to call Commitment To Access about 10 days before my Rx runs out every month to be sure that I don't run out...

Hope this helps!

P.S. I always thought the words were 'No Canada'... or 'Blame Canada' - I guess I watch too much South Park, LOL.

PinkGirl 09-17-2007 11:28 AM

I didn't get the part about No Canada, Blame Canada, and I don't know what South Park is .... probably because I am too busy paying my high, high taxes to cover our universal health care !!! Do you know how much herceptin and chemo drugs costs??? I really am curious - I have no idea what the price tag would be, or how much a mastectomy costs. I had back surgery in 1991 and only had to pay for the little TV in my room. I think Canadians should know how expensive health care is, and then we wouldn't abuse the system so much.(Canadians go to a doctor for absolutely every little ache, pain, cough, sneeze, itch ) We just go and never give a thought to how much it costs.

Sheila 09-17-2007 12:03 PM

Pink Girl
Love the name, love the Popeye saying!!!
I can tell you that Herceptin here in the USA varies by where you live...I know this because I filed a complaint with the Illinois Attorney General on the price my hospital/clinic was charging for Herseptin...3 times what others in this country were paying...after a big investigation, they did lower the price, and had to back pay the insurance and people for the charges that were TOO high....it is still more than alot of areas in the country...I can tell you that mine is $9,500 every 3 weeks, and $5200.00 every other week....just to let you know, my Avastin, Taxol and Herceptin every 2 weeks runs over $100,000 a month....and I don't pay a dime. I not only kiss my insurance card, I sleep with it!

Brenda_D 09-17-2007 12:12 PM

My lumpectomy surgery was over $12,000, surgeon fees were over $1200.
My port placement cost over $6000, not including the doctor fees (another $1000). Then take into account pathologist, anesthesiologist, fees.
My chemo was over $1200 every 3 weeks (A/C), and Herceptin was $3745 the first time. Now it's $3100 plus $200 "other" and $115 doctor visit fees. That's every 3 weeks.
The rads were over $31,000.
I had a Pet/CT scan that cost $4700, a bone scan and a couple ct scans.
Add to that the cost of my medicine. Even the co-pay has totaled over $500 so far this year.
I am so glad I have insurance!

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-17-2007 12:43 PM

I swear my husband just told someone recently that H was $15,000 ev 3 wks (inclding bld tests). I know Aranesp is up to $8,000 an injection. My doc, and I, believe Medicare is denying Aranesp to ca patients unless they are under 10 (new rule was under 11, which was under 12 to begin w/) because of the cost! Insur co are following the example. 13-15 is my normal, when I feel best. Yet I have lived in upper 11s w/Aranesp to boost when it drops to mid 11s and it last mnths. My red bld cells are boosted and so am I! Now I am 11.1 and feeling sluggish. I do take my nut/onc guru's supplements for energy and that helps big time. I'd be in bed otherwise. They did tell me last wk that if I spend more than 50% of my time in bed, I'm eligible. Isn't that a great criteria?

Then the nurse whispered that I could buy it in Canada and self-inject. That some do that. Well I can't imagine what that costs but I have no doubt it's not in my ballpark. And, thank goodness, I'm not on Taxotere, when my #s were in the toilet regularly. I could barely speak, my tongue weighed 50 lbs at least. I shuffled vs walked. Kept tripping on my own toes, while leaning on a wall, or Paul's arm. What of the chemo patients who are being ravaged????? SOMEBODY HAS TO FIX THIS.

I know about the scary studies re Aranesp and the like, but still, my onc and I feel it's really all about $$$. I've been on the drug since '98. Works for me. I think the fear tactics are mostly hype! And my onc concurs. Sad. So, it keeps the troops quiet. No one is fussing and protesting, too scared to demand tx for their flagging bld counts. Do we have to be crawling, or in need of a transfusion, dangerously low and prone to all kinds of infection and worse?????? Personally, I'm outraged.

I remember when the Procrit was $800 for the injection. That was astounding. I understand the need to stand up to the ?drug co's, the ?cancer center's, ridiculously rising charges, but meanwhile the ca patient in falling through the crack in the floor! At least I can keep on getting my Vit H w/o protest since '98. That is huge. And I treasure my insurance card, believe me. I don't leave the house w/o it! That + my driver's license, 2 credit cards and a $50 bill are my essentials. Oh, and some tissues. I have a YOU NEVER KNOW mentality, w/spares of everything. Wish I'd stockpiled Aranesp.


hutchibk 09-17-2007 01:15 PM

Sorry to digress Pink -
* Tri-weekly charges from my cancer center to insurance for Herceptin alone (with the anti-emitics, streroids, benadryl, etc, etc) were apx $7000 usd.
*Taxol/Herceptin, tri-weekly charges were apx $11,000 usd.
*Taxol/Carbo/Herceptin tri-weekly charges were apx $17,000 usd.
*Tri-weekly labs and Dr. visit co-pays range between apx $200 - $500 usd.
*Aranesp is apx $4000 usd as charged by my ca cntr to ins.
*Neulasta is apx $6500 usd as charged by my ca cntr to ins.
*I think one month of Xeloda is apx $3500 usd - which is provided to me through an access program
*I think one month of Tykerb is apx $5000 usd - which is provided to me through an access program
*Day surgery to put in new port was apx $6000 usd. (then add anesth & surgeon fees)
*I can't remember what my mastectomy and reconstruction costs were 3 1/2 years ago, but I am guessing about $20,000 usd +.

Just to explain the 'Blame Canada' and SouthPark - it is an adult cartoon here in the US where the ficitonal characters (Stan, Cartman, Kyle, Kenny - all about 7 years old going on 40) got mad at the fictional Canadian govt for fictionally prosecuting their favorite fictional Canadian TV stars (for what I can't remember), Terrence and Phillip (who are flatulently profound and just totally goofy) - and wrote a song called 'Blame Canada'.... it is an absurd and often quite hilarious TV show... so no direct offense was intended from me to you or Canada. It was a direct reference to South Park.

PinkGirl 09-17-2007 02:14 PM

holy sh#t...
That's a lot of money. When I started herceptin, I thought someone told me that the total cost of it was going to be $54,000 Cdn. That sounds low now that I've seen your estimates. I know the drug companies aren't as bad here as in the States - maybe that accounts for the difference.

Brenda - no offense taken - I just have never heard of South Park. Sounds a bit like the McKenzie Brothers - they drink beer, fart a lot, and say eh? Have you ever seen the Canadian bumper sticker: "When opportunity knocks, Canadians complain about the noise." We are a bit different up here !!!

Seriously, I can't imagine having to live with this nasty disease and also have to worry about paying for treatments. I really feel for those who do not have private insurance. I know if I ever need to have "pill" chemo, it is not covered the way the infusion kind is. I will have to buy the pills and submit the bills through my private drug/dental plan. I will get the money back, but I'll have to put out the money first (CREDIT CARD). If I didn't have a private drug/dental plan, there is a Foundation that would pay for the chemo pills.

Thanks for your replies. I think I will give my red and white card an extra kiss tonight.

hutchibk 09-17-2007 02:22 PM

How much do you pay in taxes in Canada per year? Specifically to pay into the national health system?

sherri 09-17-2007 03:21 PM


In Canada richer people pay more tax: up to $30,000 income for a family of 4 (parent + 2 kids) pay a very little tax almost zero. up to 40,000 you pay 26% tax. then anything after $40,000 is about 33% and it goes up. Of course there are ways to lower your tax, like buying RRSP, investment etc.. But the the truth is that the people that have the opportunity to make more money pay more tax and take care of the unfortuate ones, but there is no child or anybody in Canada that is worried about paying bills for medical (hospital, drugs etc..)
In my case I would benefit more if we had private insurance, my tax rate with all those accounting tricks end up at about 40% of my income. But I like to tell you that I don't mind and sleep better at night, thinking all the children in this country get the best of the health care and no one has the right to send back a patient wandering on the street, even though that person is a drug addict.
Don't you think that is human nature to take care of the poor and unfortunate ? Maybe I'm naive?! ..... but I'm proud to think this way.

mrsd 09-17-2007 03:35 PM

I am just a lurker here usually but this thread is very interesting, and yes we do have excellent health care here in Canada but it is not without faults. For example each province uses it's health care money differently, I live in Nova Scotia and therefore my treatment options available under our government health care system may be different that say someone living in Alberta, for example our province does not cover the drug Avastin and this is currently a hot topic here right now. People who can afford the drug recieve the treatment and those who cannot afford the drug are having to drain savings and rely on community support to help pay for the treatments. Any form of other assistance from the cancer society and numerous others are limited by your income. So yes we do not pay for many many things and are not limited to who will treat us we are not without our faults............ sorry I don't mean to rant but it's just that I get upset by government determining treatment, I would rather be in the care of a doctor. But still very happy to be a Canadian in our strange system. And again sorry I didn't mean to rant but just wanted to point out the not so great points too, and I am amazed everyday when I read the post here how great everyone on this board is and how you all stick together and support each other, as you have been there and done that and you do know what we are going through.......thanks for telling it like it is.

PinkGirl 09-17-2007 03:48 PM

I think that's the way we think because that's the way it has always been in Canada, in our lifetime. I agree with you - my husband and I are taxed in the 40% range and it doesn't bother us at all. Even before my dx., I didn't have a problem with it. I think it's because we can't believe that in a country as wealthy as the USA, there can be people not receiving health care because they can't pay for it. I don't think our system is perfect, but when I see some program on Oprah about parents who have a child needing a portable respirtor and they can't provide one, then I think "bring on the taxes". But there are some Americans who believe that our system is "Socialist". Once, an American tourist told me that Canadians were Communists!!!!!!!!!! There is an opinion that if you have a lot of money, you should be able to push yourself to the top of the line. As you probably know, there are wealthy Canadians who don't like being in our "universal " system; and I'm sure you know where they go when they are seriously ill -- The Mayo Clinic. Anyhow, I could go on and on about this. I am happy with our system, (with all it's flaws) and have always believed that you judge a nation by how it treats it's weakest citizen. I guess I'm a socialist. There's a provincial election coming up in Ontario -- go NDP!!!

PinkGirl 09-17-2007 04:11 PM

We don't actually know how much of our taxes go to health care. We pay Federal taxes to the Government of Canada, and we pay Provincial taxes to our respective provinces. Because some of our provinces are not as wealthy as others, the Federal government gives money to the Provinces to help with health care budgets. Health care is a provincial responsibility, so there are differences between the care given. We also do not have the choices that you have in the States. We cannot just make an appt. with a specialist. Everything starts with a GP or your family doctor. They refer the patient to a specialist. To be cost effective, they are supposed to (but don't always) refer us to the closest specialist. When I was dx. I had my choice of 2 Cancer Centres, and I was assigned to an oncologist. I like my onc. but if I didn't, I would end up with another one at this centre, or start over at the other centre I could have gone to. My cancer centre is 5 hours away from where I live. I receive a travel grant of $265.00 every time I go there (I am there right now) I stay at a beautiful patient lodge, free of charge. It is like a 5 star motel. I am using their free internet right now. If I was so sick that I had to be flown here, the Canadian Cancer Society would fly me here, but I would have to give them my $265.00 grant. If I am flown from one hospital to another hospital, that is covered by our health insurance. I was dx. in August/05, mastectomy Sept/05 and started chemo Oct./05. So.......what can I say...we have excellent health care, but we don't have the choices you have. I'm sure you can't imagine being told who your oncologist is going to be !!! I could go on and on about this..........Gotta go to bed... I have my scans tomorrow.

sherri 09-17-2007 04:27 PM

NDP for sure!

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-17-2007 04:38 PM

$$$$$$ Correction.
$$$$$$$$$$ CORRECTION. For H the cancer center BILLS $8,000 ev 3 wks. They get around $2000. It's a game. They keep billing more and getting more, but the #s don't actually coincide. And then, it's back to the Aranesp issue, which I won't repeat but is above in my post. Apparently not an issue in Canada.

U.S. NEEDS HEALTH CARE REFORM. We all know that. Insurance co's are making medical decisions, even contrary to our docs recommendations. Clerks behind a desk can override him/her, just to save $$$$$. And Medicare leads the way, which is not a good thing to say the least. And yes, you judge a society by how they care for he less fortunate among them. We're in a quagmire of a mess. But I did get to choose 5 oncs on my own, choose my surgeons, etc. And I can purchase Aranesp on the black market, from Canada and self-inject. IF I had a whole bunch of $$$ to afford such a luxury. Our system is badly broken and we all know it.

My neice is uninsured b/c she comes from divorced parents and he won't pay and she can't pay, so my neice hasn't been to a GYN ever, etc... New administration has to fix this + solve Iraq... Meanwhile...


dhealey 09-17-2007 05:08 PM

It is interesting the different prices for some of the same treatment. My first mastectomy was $10,000 that inculded a night's stay in the hospital and surgeon, pathology fees. My adramycin/cytoxin was $8,500 every other week, lunasta shot $6000 every two weeks, taxol/herceptin was $8,000 everyother week, anarasep $3000 every three weeks and now just on herceptin runs $4,800 every three weeks not including labs. My second mastecomy ran about $7,000 and I did not stay the night this time. Echo run $2,000 every three months and the cardiologist charges $500 to read it. It makes me dizzy thinking of all that money! About 2 months ago I added up my charges to date and I hit over $100,000 and I have only been in treatment 8 months. Mind boggling!!!!

PinkGirl 09-17-2007 05:36 PM

Oh Canada
Andi - like your niece, I also have never been to a GYN !!! I have my internals and pap smears done by my family doctor. If she thinks there is a problem, then I get referred to a specialist ( a gyno ). I have normal paps, normal internals, no symptoms of anything, so no GYN. Now, if I insisted, she would refer me to one, because of the BC.

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