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dixie46 07-06-2012 05:19 PM

Extreme fear of mri's
I am probably the most claustrophobic person I have ever seen. I know they give you light sedatives when undergoing mri's but honestly I think I would need to be pretty much put out.

Does anyone who is extremely claustrophobic have any tips in the event I might have to have one in the future.

I think too it is the time involved as I have had a heart scan and was quite panicky in that machine but it was only ten minutes. Even the one where you get the blue dye for lymph nodes for horrible for me and it really was only lying on a table with a rectangular screen like thing over me. It was not especially close to my face and I could see out of both sides but made the tech stay in the room where I could hear their voice.

tricia keegan 07-06-2012 05:55 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
Hi Dixie and I have the same problem, what helped me was to close my eye's before going in the scanner and keeping them shut for the whole process until they brought me out and while in there I imagined I was lying on a gorgous beach,not easy but it can be done:)

Gerri 07-06-2012 06:26 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
Hi Dixie,

I too am claustrophobic but I would consider my fear to be more moderate than extreme. Before I got my first breast MRI I was very afraid that I would freak out in the machine; I did much better than I expected. My first few MRIs were done face down with my arms stretched over my head; they lasted for about 45 minutes. I was amazed that I made it through okay, but I did!

I have a routine breast MRI done once a year; I don't really worry too much about it any more. The place I go to now actually has what they call an "open" MRI. It has a larger opening and is intended for larger people and those with claustrophobia. I can keep my arms down at my sides and the test only lasts for about 25 minutes (I believe they are newer machines). I just tell them when I call that I am claustrophobic and they automatically assign me a larger unit.

My strongest recommendation is that once you enter the room you do NOT look at the opening you will be entering - I never do. Once I am on the table, I close my eyes and don't open them the entire time I am in the machine. I try to think of other things while I am in there, but truth be told they are very noisy so sometimes it is difficult to divert your mind. I am always told when a session is beginning and how long it will be. Time seems to pass a little quicker when we are in a countdown.

Just remember to breathe and try to keep your mind out of panic mode. It seems to get easier for me each time. I hope that if you do have to have an MRI you will be able to get through it okay. Look what you have been through already. Trust me, you are stronger than you think.

KDR 07-06-2012 06:34 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
Ativan can help ease the panic. Ask for an eye mask. They should have them available, but maybe you could put one in your pocket. If that's not allowed, then close your eyes and put yourself on a beautiful beach or in an interesting museum and DON'T OPEN until you are finished. You will probably be given a panic button and just having that in your hand should make you feel a little lighter. I am the Queen of PTSD. Took me 10 years to drive over a bridge after my 9.11 experience. It's all good, be kind to yourself.

karen z 07-06-2012 11:35 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
You might talk to your doc. about anti-anxiety meds and I agree that a sleep mask/closing eyes/using imagination helps a lot.

sarah 07-07-2012 05:16 AM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
take an anti-anxiety pill beforehand and put something over your eyes - can't have any metal in it but anything - like a sock or some material and close your eyes. they'll give you something for your ears but I would also put ear plugs in. you may have to listen for some directions to breath in or out or hold you breath.
take some deep breaths (yoga breathing) before they start and concentrate on visualizing something you like or calming.
basically keeping your eyes closed is the main thing.
the tube isn't that long and ask for a pillow to put under your knees so your back doesn't hurt.
take care
health and happiness and good results

carlatte7 07-07-2012 06:12 AM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
Ativan, turn the fan up, keep your eyes closed and a familiar cd...one you know every single word to. Mine was jon bon jovi. Theres always someone there to talk to you through the head set.

norkdo 07-07-2012 10:11 AM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
My sister says she gets completely put out to have an MRI. General anesthetic.

dixie46 07-07-2012 03:37 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
Thank you for all the great suggestions. I think from prior experience my worst problem is letting my mind take over my surroundings. It seems once I let my mind realize where I am that is where the trouble begins.

So the tips about not looking at the machine and music and covering my eyes may make all the difference in the world. Plus a little premed.

Patb 07-07-2012 03:52 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
You did not say if it was a breast MRI and if it is you
would have to be in the tube. I use xanax or ativan.
For all other MRI's I use the open MRI and the new
ones are great. Am having one Monday night of the
liver area.

chrisy 07-07-2012 04:07 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
I usually am fine but had a panic attack going into the machine for a liver MRI last year. I was able to talk myself down but if you already have anxiety i agree with the other girls suggesting meds.

My strategy while in e machine is always keep my eyes closed inside any scanner. In the pet or bone scan it's quiet and they play music. I'm always bummed when it's over because it is so mellow. Obviously an MRI is not mellow, it's very noisy! I imagine myself conducting a symphony with jackhammers, alarm bells, whatever it throws at me. Keeps my mind occupied.

Good luck

dixie46 07-07-2012 07:26 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
I have no reason yet to think I will need an mri but it would not be a breast one as I had a double mast four years ago.

I just don't want to let any symptoms be ongoing because of this fear. Good to know about the larger ones.

Vicky 07-07-2012 08:15 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
Hi Dixie,

I had no idea I was claustrophobic till I was in the tube! I now have sedation for my MRI's and get anywhere from 2-3 xanax about an hour before the test depending on how long it will be. They put a washcloth over my eyes, and they also talk to me telling me how long each segment will be. I am just barely awake and I do just fine. They have told me they can do anesthesia if they need to. But the one time I needed a long test, we just broke it up into two sessions on two different days. They will work with you!

Lani 07-08-2012 09:06 AM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
back in the mid 90s I had an MRI at a facility that was using virtual reality glasses in their MRIs, not just for claustrophic patients

The glasses allowed you to watch TV on a screen which was located parallel to the bottom of your feet outside the tube. I watched a cooking show on PBS and had no feeling I was inside a tube. Perhaps you should ask your facility if they have those virtual reality glasses left over from those days (most facilities stopped using them as they found there were fewer people who wanted them than they thought there might be) or seek out a facility that does!

Hope this helps!

Delaney 07-08-2012 12:57 PM

Re: Extreme fear of mri's
I am slightly claustrophopic and have never been offered a sedative. One oncologist suggest a glass of wine!
I love the tv idea, had never heard of that being available.

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