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Cathya 01-02-2006 07:45 PM

Mind over .....cancer!!???
I was thinking today of something that happened to me 6 months to a year before I found my lump and wonder if any of you have had a similar experience. I am not a particularly spiritual person but I can't help but wondering....... In any case, I was in the middle of a sound sleep one evening some time before my diagnosis when I woke up and the first thing that went through my mind was, "there is something in my body...and it's killing me". Now, I thought about this for a few seconds...figured I was nuts and where did that come from and went back to sleep. I have a history of bowel cancer in the family and had just had a colonoscopy so figured I was safe. I had thought about this numerous times and wondered....is this a higher power or perhaps I felt the lump in my sleep or perhaps the mind knows things about the body at some deep level. In any case this was a warning that I didn't listen to and now I listen .....lucky no messages of late. lol Happy New Year all.


Unregistered 01-02-2006 08:27 PM

Hi Cathy- I'm starting to listen to my body, heart and mind better now too.I've always had nightmares and one in which I did feel a real struggle going on in my body. In fact,while I was waking up it felt like a fight was going on right in my body between an angel and a devil. That's the only way I can describe it, because they were each trying to throw the other one out.Needless to say, I try to pray a lot more now and try to follow the Lord as best as I can.I know He has a special plan for each of us- even if we can't see the big picture now, some day we will find out. God Bless You- Cathy

karenann 01-02-2006 09:36 PM


Funny you should bring this subject up...in December, '04, I got a bad cold and, just couldn't get rid of the cough. In January, I was in the shower and I thought about how my aunt had a bad cough when she found her breast cancer (she died in 2001). Anyway, I thought I should do a SBE (don't do them all the time) and, 'low and behold', there was a lump there. I truly believe, my aunt was trying to get my attention.


saleboat 01-03-2006 01:10 AM

I used to have a very stressful Wall St job and spent many months preparing to take a new, less stressful job. One of the reasons I told people that I wanted to change jobs was that I needed to do it before 'I got cancer'. Which seemed very ironic because there is virtually no history of cancer in my family (plus I was 34 y.o. at the time). But I knew that the stress I was under was doing bad things to my health. Lo and behold, within two months of switching to a low-stress job, I found a lump. I know that my former job did not cause the cancer, but I did have a sixth sense that something was possibly wrong.

panicked911 01-03-2006 02:16 PM

mind over ...cancer
oh the stargest things..
skipped my mamo last year and OB nagged to do it this year - only date available July 22 - my brothers b'day - had mamo - doc said problem on left side - wanted to reshoot - they did saif it was fine - I didn't beleive them - a sith sense told me something was no right - had an ultra sound on my mothers b'day sept 2 ( we we very close and she passed away 8 years ago - not from cancer) - ultra souns showed 1 small lump - went to surgeon had biopsy - got cancer diagnosis on daughters 10th b'day - went to see surgeon at Sloan she found the second lump and scheduled surgery for Oct 3 - ( which would have been by father's 80th b'day - he passed in 1985) - made surgeon chnage th date to Oct 5 - couldn't handle the birthday thing anymore even though the dates were picked arbitrarily -
To much of coincidence for me to accept

panicked911 01-03-2006 02:16 PM

mind over ...cancer
oh the stargest things..
skipped my mamo last year and OB nagged to do it this year - only date available July 22 - my brothers b'day - had mamo - doc said problem on left side - wanted to reshoot - they did saif it was fine - I didn't beleive them - a sith sense told me something was no right - had an ultra sound on my mothers b'day sept 2 ( we we very close and she passed away 8 years ago - not from cancer) - ultra souns showed 1 small lump - went to surgeon had biopsy - got cancer diagnosis on daughters 10th b'day - went to see surgeon at Sloan she found the second lump and scheduled surgery for Oct 3 - ( which would have been by father's 80th b'day - he passed in 1985) - made surgeon chnage th date to Oct 5 - couldn't handle the birthday thing anymore even though the dates were picked arbitrarily -
To much of coincidence for me to accept definitely other forces at work

Patty H 01-03-2006 04:35 PM

I had something like that happen too. I was sleeping and out of a deep sleep I heard someone call my name. I was home alone at the time. I told my daughter about it and I told her I had this feeling my life was going to change forever. Shortly after that I found out I had breast cancer and my daughter quickly reminded me of what I said. I have always been a Christain but through this walk I have ecome even closer to the Lord and I don't think I could have made it through this without my faith. Patty H

athena453 01-03-2006 04:50 PM

I, too felt a sense of uneasiness last winter. I knew something was wrong and couldn't put my finger on it. In the months prior to diagnosis, I quit a high stress job in the restaurant business for a work from home job in the wine industry. I also sold my townhouse, moved in with my boyfriend, and had oral surgery. I have met many women who were dx shortly after a stressful period in life. I now walk religiously, eat better, gave up caffeine, and have learned to relax.

Tami 01-03-2006 08:21 PM

After my DX 4/04 I remember thinking that there had been several times in my life when I remembered having thoughts that went something like this - "when I have breast cancer..." It wasn't until I was diagnosed that I thought about how odd these thoughts were - no family history, I was young - 44 and healthy. When I look back at when I had these thoughts however I get no feeling ever that I thought this would kill me. Bizarre huh?

Nonetheless, I hang onto the feeling that this will not kill me!!!!


michele u 01-03-2006 08:23 PM

Cathy, so glad you started this link.If you want to go back in Profiles in Courage and see my post, you will know that God is working in all of our lifes. He really sends us messages that something is wrong, and if we listen, they are there. I too had preminitions and did actually see my "guardian angel" 4 times before getting dx. I look for my angel to come back all the time when i'm getting ready to go to bed. I haven't seen him since. I think if i ever have a recurrence, he will come again. God is guiding all of us!!

Shell 01-04-2006 06:19 AM


I work full time and rarely am able to volunteer for lunch duty at my childrens' school. Many moms there are stay at home moms, and I am sometimes out of the loop on things. I was traveling out of town in the afternoon a few years ago, and left work early that day to do lunch duty since I would be gone for several days.

While there, some moms said they were just at a prayer service for a mom, and when I asked why, they told me she had breast cancer. I got into my hotel room, was putting my clothes away, and I just felt the lump. And thus the saga began.

LisaJ 01-04-2006 06:59 AM

This is such a great post. I too believe God works in mysterious ways. 2005 was not a banner year for me. My mom has metastic lung cancer and has been in and out of the hospital all year and my husband and I separated. I had sole care of my daughter and a new house. I was so stressed out and cried on a daily basis. I remember right before I was diagnosed I kept saying I need to slow down and get a hold of the drama in my life :) Although this diagnosis has been complete devastation, it really has helped me slow down and celebrate life with my family. I thank God for this.

margaret 01-04-2006 02:58 PM

I was just remembering, about 2 weeks before I was dx'd in 2001, there was a breast cancer walk/run going on locally. I remember jogging down the beach and I had the distinct thought that some day I'll be doing my own 'run' against breast cancer. I laughed at myself at the time but I remember it was a very serious feeling. Sure enough, a couple weeks later I began my own personal 'race against cancer'. Thank God, I'm 'winning the race' so far. I intend to keep winning and living each moment of each day to the best of my ability. Thanks for the thread.

lu ann 01-04-2006 11:07 PM

I believe It is the Holy spirit living inside of each and everyone of us that leads us to do the things God wants us to do. Jesus told His Desciples that He would have to leave them, but He would send a Comforter to be with them eternally. I have felt His presence so many times. It is awesome. Blessings, Lu Ann.

StephN 01-05-2006 03:28 PM

Yes, premonitions and odd happenings ...
I LOVE hearing these experiences, as not everyone who had some kind of foresight or warning wants to voice that!

One thing. When I was going to a new hairdresser about 6 weeks prior to finding my lump I said I wondered what I would look like with very short hair. She thought I may be considering having my hair cut shorter for a different look, so braided my shoulder length hair and pinned it flat then put a short wig on me! I looked at myself and wondered, "why am I doing this and taking the time to stare at myself this way??" My answer came a few short weeks into the future!!

Second thing. Not long after the "hair" incident (in late August or so) I was standing in my kitchen where I have large windows looking out to a rather natural garden and grass area. I stared out at my raspberry bushes and was not thinking anything in particular when I distinctly HEARD the word "cancer" as if someone were speaking to me in a low, slow voice. Being totally startled, I was wondering if someone were around either inside or out. NO one about, no TV on, no radio - complete silence. Only my cats, who were sleeping.

Tell me these things are not eerie warnings from whatever source! I do believe that I have angels as this is not the only instance of their appearance to me over the years.

sassy 01-05-2006 06:10 PM

guiding me to treatment
I had my mast surgery at a small local hospital, and being new to the cancer scene planned to have treatment in the same small town. After surgery, I continued to have fluid that was being drawn daily for several weeks from the surgical site, and my surgeon would not release me to begin Chemo.

During this waiting time, I had the opportunity to visit and talk with the oncologist office staff and got the distinct feeling that it was not the place for me to be.

On a Thursday, my surgeon drew 50 cc's of fluid and I told him I would like to switch my treatment to Wake Forrest Univeristy. He said that would be fine and was able to get an appointment for the following Wednesday for consult (very unusual to get one so quickly.) Not yet ready to release me for treatment because of fluid. On Monday, I went back to once again have fluid drawn and the fluid had stopped! My surgeon released me for treatment, had consult on Wednesday and Wake Forrest moved me directly into treatment the following Monday.

After finishing A/C, WF realized that my local hospital had not tested for her2, they tested, I was positive, put me on hera protocol that had just been released that week!

Now was I in the right place at the right time or what. And how mysterious that the fluid stopped upon my decision to move treatment to another facility. Had I stayed where I was originally, I would not have been tested for her2, and would not have received herceptin.

God has been and continues to be with me every step of the way.

Keep the Faith,

Prilosec attorney

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