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SusanN 05-29-2013 09:35 AM

3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Hello all...
The good part is that I'm half way through...

I had my last treatment the 20th...my son graduated from HS the 25th, thankfully I was able to go to that before I went down...

I haven't felt like this for a LONG time...I was soooo tired, sooooo weak, didn't want to eat...didn't know what I wanted...even had a hard time walking up & down the steps...SHEESHHH, this is NOT me!!!

My wonderful hubby has been more than awesome...my "nurse" daughter thinks I need to be more positive...I told her I'm having a down day...I'll pop up...

Any idea's...I know this is accumulitive...I sure can't wait until it is behing me though!!

I'm drinking Boost trying to keep my weight on and eating when I can...

Thanks gals...I WILL DO THIS...just struggling a bit right now!!

DianaMK 05-29-2013 10:34 AM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
I remember TCH being very, very hard. Same symptoms as you. I wanted to give up after every treatment but I made it and so will you. I've been stable for a few years so it was worth it. Hang in there and rest as much as you can. It will get better and you'll feel like your old self again.

LeahM 05-29-2013 12:18 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Susan, each time I received chemo the side effects were worse and the length of time it bothered me was longer. Report everything to your onc and hang in there....you are half way done.

Cath 05-29-2013 01:32 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Susan, I felt exactly as you do when I received TCH. It was horrible! But I did make it through the 6 cycles and you will too. It was the first time in my life (and probably the last time) that I had a doctor tell me I had to eat. :) It's awful what we have to go through but if the treatment works then it is well worth it. I just had my 4th PET scan in not quite 2 years and it was once again okay. That makes it worth it. You hang in there. You can do this! Cathy

'lizbeth 05-29-2013 02:08 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Nine days after infusion is a delay. Perhaps you are fighting a cold? My taxane had to be reduced after a couple treatments due to harsh side effects. I think you should talk to your medical team about your fatigue and lack of appetite. One of my side effects was low potassium which was found on a blood test. I received supplements and it really helped.

Halfway through - yeah!

CoolBreeze 05-29-2013 05:35 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Having been on chemo now for 3 1/2 years, I know the feeling and more. Obviously, I am not the same as I was when I started, but I know our bodies can manage.

Keep in mind you DO have an end date, Step 1. Make a plan for doing something fun on that date, or the day after. Buy something you enjoy, make a plan to go somewhere you like. You deserve to be rewarded.

Step 2, eat as well as you can, even if your food tastes funny. Eat what you like and can get down, you can worry about healthy foods again later. Calories are calories and your body needs them to manage this assault.

Very important: Drink LOTS of water the day before and the day of chemo and the day after. You want to be very hydrated and have that stuff wash through your system.

Make sure you don't overdo your energy level. (I did at first, I was making sure this wouldn't interfere with my life) but sleeping and rest is important too. My doctor once said "you keep it up, you are going to be lying on the ground with a circle of faces looking at you." REST!

Don't ignore the emotional - you may have have been keeping it "together" for the graduation and now let it go so are feeling this more. But three treatments, hard though they may be, means you are halfway done! Yay!!! If you did these three, you can do the rest. But all that to say is if you FEEL down, allow it. Just don't let it happen too long because when you get in that down mood, it's harder to get out.

You are amazing, your body is strong, it can recover and you will be fine. It helped for me to think of this (early on) as a psychological experiment, interesting, one experience that most don't get. I enjoyed seeing how people reacted to me and what my body could do. It's a neat way to change your thought process at a time when we are all tempted to go "woe is me."

Your last treatment, when your blood is really affected, is the hardest. I remember that with my first round, I walked up the stairs to the doctors appointment every single time and vowed I'd do that to the end. By the 6th and last treatment, I had to pause on the landings but I was proud to have done it. I made my goal.

Now I take the elevator. :) LOL.

Good luck to you, and BIG HUGS. You can do this, you WILL do this and you are going to be one of the WINNERS! I have faith!!!!

SusanN 05-29-2013 06:41 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
CoolBreeze...tears came as I read words of much wisdom you've traveled...your encouragement and love!!!

Huge thanks to all of you...I WILL DO THIS!!!

After all I've read lately...mine really didn't seem to bad in comparison...I really didn't know if I was going to post...just needed a bit of encouragement and wondered if anyone takes the chemo tougher as it goes with each cycle as I know we are all different.

Guess I'm finding out!! Huge thanks again and know that I always am so encouraged by you all!!! :)

jaykay 05-29-2013 08:20 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Hey there - my 3rd and 4th TCH were the absolute pits! Baby yourself and, as everyone says, eat whatever tastes good. For me it was chocolate danish and chocolate chip cookies (do we sense a pattern here?).

Make sure your oncologist knows. My dosage was reduced due to extremely bad GI effects and it did help

You will get through this - halfway there!



suzan w 05-29-2013 09:06 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Yes, chemo is cumulative...as it eradicates all the pesky cancer cells! Keep this in mind as you feel crummy...it's cancer cells dying OUCH!

NEDenise 05-30-2013 03:51 AM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Never doubt whether what you're feeling and going through is worth posting about!
YES! it is!

Big stuff, small stuff, joys, concerns...all of it!

Each of us is unique, and we need each other!
I hope things are improving for you by the hour...
And, congratulations on that graduation!! Good stuff!
Sending love and prayers...

KsGal 05-30-2013 03:16 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
That TCH definitely is a drag. :( I had to work while I was taking mine, but that last treatment I had to take two weeks off. Just keep the finish line in view. You are going to finish these treatments, and you ARE going to feel better. Im stage IV, so my story is different than yours, but after TCH I had a whole year of feeling "normal", and you are going to feel like your normal self before you know it. Food is going to taste normal again! You ARE going to be able to get up and down the stairs, and clean your house, and eat without feeling nauseated, and go out in the sun and enjoy all the beautiful, wonderful things there are to see and do. So hang in there! And remember to take help from family and friends when you need it. They want to help you, so let them. I was really hung up on trying to be the strong one for my kids...I'd say, Im fine, Im fine. I can carry these groceries in, I can cook dinner for everyone..whatever. But you know, your body is trying to recover from a major assault, so take it easy and let others help. And we all have down days, and I think they are important. I used to sit in the bathtub in the mornings and cry and cry. You cant keep it all bottled up inside and let it eat at you. So be mad, and be sad, and then like you said, you will bounce back in a day or two. Big hugs to you. Im so glad you posted. :) Lots of prayers and positive energy headed your way. I know God is watching over you.

SDCpepper 05-30-2013 07:32 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Just finished my 9th 3-week cycle of TCH! Took care of 8 lung tumors ranging from 1 to 5 cms from a metastasic salivary duct carcinoma (very similar in behavior to a invasive ductal breast carcinoma).
My tricks were during the Taxotere infusion, fingers in ice bucket and sucking on small ice cubes (it will help protect your taste buds and mouth sores). Drink lots of liquids 2.5 liters including a minimum of 1 liter of water for the following weeks.
Try to eat as much protein as you can, Salmon is high in protein and omega 3'S ... one or two red meat meals per week will help too. Eat your veggies!
Stay away from sugar (empty calories) and salt (will increase water retention).
On the 6 or 7th day after infusion, if you have diarrhea, white bread, banana, rice, apple sauce (stay away from apples and apple juice).
For mouth sores, I used a presciption called Magistral or Magic mouthwash, ask your doctor for a prescription ... at first 4 times a day, after, only at night, helps me sleep.
And very important, walk, jogg, bike, move as much as you can, at least every two days ... it will help you with fatigue. You'll be ppoped at first but feeling much more energized after.
Good luck with the remaining treatments ... only 3 to go! You'll be fine!

IrvineFriend 05-30-2013 08:40 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Hi Susan,

I just finished my last round of TCH and it's cumulative. I think it hit you a little later because of the graduation. I had the same experience after #3. I had a big business thing and I couldn't feel bad that week but I crashed the week after.

That said, don't let it scare you. Because I kept hearing it's cumulative and I heard the stories from my sister and friends I was really worried and took a couple days off in advance. I ended up taking 4-days off work but it was mainly because I really thought I deserved to rest and not push it. I asked for help in advance and didn't have any plans to be wonder woman. Yeah I felt crappy, but I had help and didn't have to worry about
anything but resting and feeling better.

I think as women and mother's we're so used to caring for everyone and being strong. I personally got through it in the end by admitting I needed some caretaking and accepting the help.

Hope you're feeling better soon and you will get through this as everyone has already said. And you will feel like a stronger woman because of it! You're doing it!!!

SusanN 05-30-2013 08:52 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Thank you ALL...:)...feeling better all ready!!
@ KsGal, I'm glad you shared the your "bathtub mournings" so to speak...ha...I think I may really need to use these from time to time, just to release...and then I'LL BE OUT OF THE WATER SWIMMING AGAIN!!

SDCpepper, WAY TO GO ON YOUR FINISH!!!! And, welcome, as I see this is your first post!! Thank you for your insight as well!!

SusanN 05-30-2013 09:05 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Thanks Julie! :)
You are so very right...my mom told me she thought I had hung on and then may have just crashed after my son's graduation.

I'm one who does not expect help very well...but loves to help others!!

This is turning into a learning lesson for me...I am so humbled by the warriors here...I thank God I stumbled upon this online support group!!

Huge congrats on being done!! :)

carlatte7 06-11-2013 04:50 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Ugh....i knew the TCH had won round #4 when i had to stop and rest on my way to the kitchen to get a drink, and was too weak to reach up to get the glass. do whatever it is that works at that moment. Chocolate shake for breakfast- go for it. Don't wanna shower until 3am- who cares? It WILL get better. Call on your friends and family, they want to help. Its hard to do when you are a helper! Please be kind to yourself!

SusanN 06-11-2013 05:59 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Thanks carlatte! Just finished treatment 4 yesterday...am sure I'll feel the "delayed reactions" in a couple of days!!
I saw your signature...as you can see mine, we are quite the same.
I spoke with my Oncologist as to if I will receive radiation yesterday and he said no, as it will not benefit but perhaps 1%, not enough to pursue it in my treatment.
I noticed you had radiation, that is why I mentioned this...

Anyhow, prayfully, this 4th treatment won't be as bad as #3...UGGHH...thank God I can see the light now!!! :)

LeahM 06-12-2013 05:59 AM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
The reason Carla had rads after chemo was because she had a lumpectomy. Rads is standard if you have a lumpectomy.

When I had my BMX they removed 2 nodes and at quick glance those nodes were cancer free...but once they went to the lab (who looked at the two as one since they were stuck together) they found micromets...

...so there I was, stuck up the river (I know the says in creek, but I like rivers) without a paddle....

...did they miss more mets? Should I go back and have a full nodal dissection? Should I have rads? Should I just "wing it"?

I had rads BUT (and that is a huge BUT) had they removed 5 of my nodes and only saw the mets in one, I wouldn't have done rads. The cancer was out of my body, lying in a medical waste pile somewhere.

Take care of yourself this week

SusanN 06-12-2013 11:40 AM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Hope you are doing well...I truly can't believe I'm nearly done...then I'll finish up my year of Herceptin...THANK YOU...HUGE, HUGE HUGS!!!

carlatte7 06-17-2013 07:14 PM

Re: 3rd TCH treatment...delayed reaction...UGHH!!
Sorry- i have been away from here for awhile. Glad Leah cleared it up for you! Hope you are on the upswing now. Hugs.

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