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DianneS 01-22-2012 01:32 AM

Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Fascinating reading about the miracles of aloe vera. I am drinking it to help with tummy troubles and acid reflux(from chemo) and it's actually helping. If it can help you then I'm glad!

Read about all the things aloe cures and heals, free site. There are many other subjects you can download for free as well:


I'm sorry to have to say it, but oncs are not instructed in medical school about nutrition so they are clueless. They are taught to treat everything with drugs. The drug companies give docs lots of perks to push the drugs onto the patients, it is all about money.

Sloan Kettering is even doing studies on red reishi mushrooms and finding that it is doing amazing things with cancer patients. Do a google to see what these mushrooms can do for you. These natural immune boosters are not toxic, and boosting the immune system is so important for us. These products will boost your T cells and also the NK cells.


Ellie F 01-22-2012 10:39 AM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Hi Dianne
I was only thinking of aloe today after being in hospital and having 10 different antibiotics over 2 weeks and very poor hospital food loaded with sugar! I feel they have really compromised my nutritional state and left me feeling tired and energyless. I have reverted to my 'good' eating habits so will probably add this to help my gut recover.
Many thanks

ElaineM 01-22-2012 11:19 AM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Aloe Vera is used for alot of things in Hawaii including kitchen burns and tummy troubles. Almost everyone has an aloe plant in their home in Hawaii and it grows wild in some areas in Hawaii.
Someone told me that if a person puts aloe vera in the refrigerator and then applies it to the skin it is a very soothing remedy for radiation burns.
I take various mushrooms in both liquid form and capsule form everyday, including reishi, maitake and turkey tail. I also cook with various mushrooms several times a week including shitake, oyster and others.
I think there is also a reishi tea, but I have never tried it.

DianneS 01-22-2012 01:59 PM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Hi Ellie,

You're so right about hosp. food! I think they must be conspiring with the drug companies to keep people sick...you'd think they would know about feeding people sugar and low quality food when they are trying to recover!

I took aloe for awhile when doing chemo. It helped a lot but tasted awful. Yesterday I found out there is a brand "Lily of the Desert" without preservatives. It's the stuff they put in to preserve it that tastes yucky.

I had a colonoscopy a few weeks ago and they said I have lymphocytic colitis which isn't life threatening, just annoying. I also have Barnetts esophagus and a small hiatal hernia which all cause tummy problems and heartburn. I am sure this was all caused by the chemo. The aloe is great at healing the insides after the damage from chemo. I refuse to take any drugs. All drugs do is hide the symptoms, they don't cure anything.

Elaine, you're wise to be on your mushroom regimen! I have been taking all forms of mushrooms since I was dx. I started taking Bell Super Immune Booster which has 'turkey tail' mushrooms and I do notice a difference. Red reishi in the extracted form is also excellent in reducing tumor size. What is interesting is that most of the hospitals in Japan use AHCC for their cancer patients, which is a type of mushroom. Why don't the Big Phama's do this? Because they can make more money pushing their drugs. They have no interest in doing studies on a natural product that they can't patent.

I just get so angry when I hear about so many women who are so sick from chemo or cancer related illness and their oncs don't know any alternatives. There are many and tho none claim to 'cure' cancer they can certainly help you feel better longer. And in some cases, the cancer does disappear. Many natural products can actually help the chemo to work better and leave few if any side effects....aloe vera is supposed to help with neuropathy as well.

Please don't put all your trust in an oncologist. Doctors only get one semester of training in nutrition so they know nothing about how foods or supplements can work with the body. Find a good naturopath, read all you can about beating cancer with nutrition.

Blessing to you all,

Rich66 01-24-2012 12:10 AM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Some info on Aloe here: http://her2support.org/vbulletin/sho...highlight=Aloe

Note it may have estrogenic properties.

Regarding mushrooms, some varieties may have estrogenic properties..and there is some concern that across the board immune system boosting may not be a good idea for cancer patients.

DianneS 01-24-2012 12:44 AM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Hi Rich,

What is the thinking behind not supporting the immune system in a cancer patient? Seems to me it's the first line of defense.

Which mushrooms are they saying are estrogenic?

I'd be interested in seeing if the studies are done by big pharma.

Aloe is estrogenic too? Have any studies that support that??


Ellie F 01-24-2012 05:02 AM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Do we know about turkey tail mushrooms and oestrogen? The last research seemed to indicate these maybe helpful in countering resistence to herceptin? Wonder if small amounts of mushrooms with breaks in between may resolve some of the worries?Shame the Japanese haven't done more research since they have been using mushrooms for a very long time.

schoolteacher 01-24-2012 10:36 AM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing

Does that mean that we should not be taking Vitamin D if we are taking chemo?


DianneS 01-24-2012 12:16 PM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Hi Ellie,

Have you looked online? There is a lot of research about mushrooms/studies that Japan has done. Japanese use AHCC for their cancer patients (mushrooms) in most of their hospitals.

Turkey tail is also known as coriolus versicolor. It has been used for centuries and has recently been studied at Sloan and Mayo for cancer benefits. As well, it helps the T and NK fighter cells.

It's kinda pathetic that the US doesn't look into alternatives to drugs...but then the drug industry, I heard on TV, makes over 1 BILLION dollars off of chemo drugs. So why would they bother to support a method such as AHCC that won't make profits for them?

Doctors take one semester course in nutrition, as I've said before. They don't know one thing about nutrition and cancer or supplements and cancer. If you want to stay healthy stay away from Big Pharma!

Check out Natural News...sorry don't have website handy but google it!

I don't see why one should not take Vitamin D with the chemo. A study found that women who got breast cancer had low levels of Vit D. Do everything you can to support your immune system!

All the best,

Rich66 01-24-2012 10:09 PM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
There seems to be alot more to vitamin D than simply broad immune support..and there is a lot more study supporting using it. In other words, I haven't come across a confounding study where it appeared to increase cancer growth.

I forwared the study below to another researcher that showed inhibitory effects on ER+ cells and what I got back was perhaps the two ganoderma lucidum sources were smehow grown under different conditions. Made me think it's pretty tricky if even the same variety of mushroom might have different effects if cultivated differently. haven't given up on the shroom..just not onboard until I can shake off the following:

<table class="ecxMPReader_Profiles_SpringerLink_Content_P rimitiveHeadingControl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td> Estrogen-like activity of ethanol extract of Ganoderma lucidum

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">Journal</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">Journal of Wood Science</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">Publisher</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">Springer Japan</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">ISSN</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">1435-0211 (Print) 1611-4663 (Online)</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">Issue</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">Volume 55, Number 1 / February, 2009</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">Category</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">Original Article</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">DOI</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">10.1007/s10086-008-0992-2</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">Pages</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">53-59</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">Subject Collection</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">Biomedical and Life Sciences</td> </tr><tr> <td class="ecxlabelName">SpringerLink Date</td><td class="ecxlabelValue">Thursday, October 23, 2008</td> </tr> </tbody></table></td><td rowspan="2" class="ecxMPReader_Profiles_SpringerLink_Content_P rimitiveHeadingControlSecondaryLinks" valign="top"> Add to marked items
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Original Article

Estrogen-like activity of ethanol extract of Ganoderma lucidum
Kuniyoshi Shimizu<sup>1</sup>, Ichiko Miyamoto<sup>1</sup>, Jie Liu<sup>1</sup>, Fumiko Konishi<sup>2</sup>, Shoichiro Kumamoto<sup>2</sup> and Ryuichiro Kondo<sup>1 http://www.springerlink.com/images/contact.gif</sup>
<table> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td>(1) </td> <td>Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td>(2) </td> <td>Chlorella Industry Co. Ltd., Fukuoka 833-0056, Japan</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Received: 21 January 2008 Accepted: 9 July 2008 Published online: 22 October 2008
Abstract The ethanol extract from the fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum was tested for its estrogen-like activity by using the cell proliferation assay (MCF-7 cells, human breast cancer cells), as well as the estrogen receptor binding assay, and pS2 mRNA expression assay in MCF-7 cells in vitro and uterotrophic assay in vivo. The ethanol extract of G. lucidum showed significant positive effects on the proliferation of MCF-7 cells. This proliferation effect is related to the estrogenic activity of G. lucidum, because this proliferation activity was inhibited by the addition of the antiestrogenic compound ICI 182,780. The ability to bind to human estrogen receptors (hERs) α and β of the ethanol extract of G. lucidum was confirmed by using the coactivator-bacterial alkaline phosphatase system. ER-dependent cell responsibilities were investigated by examining the regulation of gene transcription for pS2 in MCF-7 cells. Our results demonstrated that the pS2 mRNA levels are significantly increased by the ethanol extract of G. lucidum via an estrogen-like manner. Additionally, young rats that received the ethanol extract of G. lucidum (200 mg/kg per day) for 3 days showed a signifi cant increase (growth approximately twofold compared with the control group) in uterine weight after each treatment, which supports the estrogen-like activity of the ethanol extract of G. lucidum in vivo. It was concluded that the ethanol extract of G. lucidum showed estrogen-like activity, which may be useful in regulating hormone levels to treat related diseases such as osteoporosis if safety is fully guaranteed.
Key words Ganoderma lucidum - Estrogenic activity - Menopausal syndrome

Regarding Aloe and estrogen:

i'm still trying to locate the article but I remember reading Dr. Larry Norton's concerns about non-selective immuno boosting in cancer patients. I know the use of G-CSF is plenty controversial and in a number of vaccine/immuno therapies, Cytoxan is thought to be helpful because it suppresses the undesirable components of teh immune system.

DianneS 01-24-2012 10:40 PM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
This article is about the inhibitory properties of the particular mushroom in question:

As for growing conditions, red reishi is grown two different ways. The methods explained to me were these:
The old way of growing red reishi is on logs that are 30-40 years old. Holes are drilled into the log and the fungus is put in and allowed to grow. This takes quite awhile but the product has much more potency than the other way of growing red reishi. The faster cheaper way is to put the fungus into glass jars and culture it that way. However, when the fungus is pulverized it has no medicial value. To be of value, the fungus must be grown in a log and then the medicial qualities are boiled and then extracted for maximum potency. Real red reishi is a down regulator for estrogen (which is a good thing) if one is ER+. There is black reishi as well but it is thought to be not as useful.

A quality bottle of red reishi will have the extraction ratio and mg's printed on the bottle - it will be standardized.

There are a lot of alternatives to chemical drugs, but the drug companies control the doctors. Until that changes, cancer won't be cured....


Rich66 01-24-2012 10:55 PM

Re: Must read: Aloe vera and natural cures/healing
Yes..one of those is the researcher I contacted. The researcher supposed growing conditions might account for the difference in results..but they had no confirmation...and did not seem interested in contacting teh other researcher. It just so happens that the researcher in the study you mentioned went on to produce a mushroom etc supplement for breast cancer. So..maybe not BIG pharma..but alterna pharma..

Are you saying available mushroom supplements specify how they are grown?

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