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Believe51 10-18-2007 01:19 PM

After I read Andi's post that Tiptoe was at the West Warwick Post Office, I fled work to beat the Postman to the punch....it was 12 minutes after she posted!!! There was no need waiting until she was delivered in my mailbox at 1:30 pm. She was not there and I wanted to panic but did not. Instead I went home about 10:30 to double check, maybe she was being sent from some other agency per the Post Office. Well I left work again to find her, I could not see her having to wait in the dark until I came home, and I ran (or may I say a light jog, I hurt myself last night when I fell on my shins, maybe chipped the bone..Ouchhhh!). I opened the mailbox and my heart sunk when all I seen was mail, and all bills at that!! Ughhhh!

Like a little girl who just lost her cat I sulked as I went inside the house. As I opened the door to the house, I gasped in amazement when I realized that my wonderful Post Man took the package to the back door and gingerly and with care wedged it in so she would not fall when I opened the door. I cried as I climbed the stairs to my home, I hobbled to the kitchen table and Ed came to help me reveal our Dearest Tiptoe. Andi left a card for Ed & I that finished drying up whatever tears I had left.

Tippy was just as happy as we were to greet her. Good job with the whisker-taming Andi!! Thanks for the little container of peanuts for her too, she said her travels were long and they came in handy with the snifters of alcohol the airline supplied her with. They too fed her some nuts to hold her over on her flight, she said they thanked her for the company she kept. See Pink, even the stewardess' loved the Tipster. Well, I gave her a huge hug & kiss and let her know we had to go back to work, but that it was a great place to be. I introduced her to all my terrific support group and team players. She sat at my L-shaped desk overlooking my work ethics and was amazed at how hard I work (nice job plugging yourself, Marie..Tehehe!!).

We discussed meeting Chester, checking on my falcons, my bald eagle nest and my hawks. Do not worry Pink, she is well protected. My friends are well fed and do not wish to eat small game like Tippy!! I know she is not camera shy and said she will be patient when I use the new camera. Now I need to finish work so our visit may start, she rather stay with me at work because Ed did mention he would be napping and she napped enough during her travels. She is very happy to be here in Little Rhody.

TT will be coming to the Oncologists office to discuss the 'Pet'scan results, but most importantly....MY 12TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!! I thank you Pink for the generous gift you are sharing with us all, her visit is at a time that I most need it. Things are rough here at the moment. Only Tiptoe can help me through the results. As you all know my marriage is sacred to me, she will be joining us for another wonderful milestone!! BOTH PRICELESS!!

We really need to think of the holiday schedule. With these holidays around the corner my concern is Tipster will get lost or held up with all the packages being sent. Just a thought.

We are off to start our vacation, hope I can keep up with Andi!!>>Believe51

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-18-2007 05:51 PM

Hi Tiptoe! Remember me?
Marie and Ed,

I am thrilled our little Tipper is in your hands. May she bless your home with healing energy and much LOVE...

Looking forward to your updates!




Believe51 10-22-2007 09:39 AM

Tiptoe-ing Through The Tulips....
What a busy weekend, so happy Tip was here to see me through. As you know Sunday was our anniversary. Tiptoe brought me a dozen long stemmed red roses for a gift. She prepared herself for the celebration and that is all I will leave for a hint. I do not want to give too many details away and I promise to figure out the picture posting adventure. Right now I am just concerned with taking the pictures and keeping the journal up to date. Lots of work girls but well worth it, she has a special power.

Tiptoe learned how to play guitar with Ed. He has several guitars and while in New Hampshire I bought him a 'mini' replica of one of the guitars that he owns. Wait until you see the picture, it is so 'Tiptoe-ish'!! Have I mentioned that she is so cute?? She was there playing the guitar just like she owned it. Later we will be going for cider and possibly apple picking depending on how Ed feels.

Mom came over to bring the flannel 'Breast Cancer Ribbon' blanket to Tiptoe. It is gorgeous; white background with pink bows and phrases on it like 'hope', 'faith', 'care', 'love', 'life'. Her hands were a bit unsteady for this lifelong seamtress (she made all my clothes when I was little) but you and I would never notice (well maybe now because I said so). I took out my beanie heat/cold packs she made and warmed one up, the print on that is a pink backgroung w/pink ribbons. Tiptoe quickly settled on the heated pack as I covered her with her new blankie.

She will be going to see Chester today or tomorrow. She is a chatty little rodent and has empowered me more than I could ever imagine. Gotta go, she is summoning me again.>>Believe51

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