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Believe51 11-12-2007 01:00 PM

~Daily Inspirational Quotes.....
I thought I would start a thread that includes daily quotes for inspirational purposes. Ed is a trivia freak and I am a person who quotes alot. You may have gathered that information on your own reading the "quotes" in all my posts. I hope that I could get some feedback with quotes to inspire us, to make us ponder, to give us a new outlook on everyday things and feelings. Sometimes I will find myself revising quotes from someone famous or at times things you girls have mentioned. I really hope that I can get this thread going with the help of my friends but if not I will supply you all with some of my special ones. Hopefully they will give you a warm feeling when you read them. I will get the party started:

"The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams" By Eleanor Roosevelt


PinkGirl 11-12-2007 01:27 PM

How's this one?

Seriously Believe, I think it's a great idea. I often hear or read things and wish I had written them down. This way, we can go back and read them
whenever we want. Obviously, if I am going to be allowed to participate,
you will have to broaden the scope of the quotations you will accept!!
I never mean to offend anyone... I just have a strange sense of humour.

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-12-2007 03:03 PM

Quotes Inspire Me
Great idea, Marie!

I have learned to habitually live with a firm belief in a positive future. I could see my misfortune as enduring, but I consciously choose instead not to get bogged down in the grip of such a pessimistic view. That would cause me to feel miserable and to accomplish less than is possible. I KNOW on the deepest of levels that pessimistic prophecies are self-fulfilling!

As is positive thinking!





ee cummings

*Yes* is a mentality. It is a whole world, full of all possibilities. Where miracles are born. I chose to live in the LAND OF YES. (I know this place exists midst a sea of No. I chose to ignore this, and move forward happily anyway.) And, quite miraculously, HERE AM I! Still...

I could live with the constant drone of uncertainty, stepping on a land mine and have my life explode any instant, but that is a very sad place to be.

Instead of living overwrought with worst case scenarios, I revel that I have awakened each morning not surrounded by a velvet coated box. I AM ALIVE! I am humbly grateful, full of LOVE and AWE. I live with an open heart and feel deluged with Universal Love (that's the only way I can describe this experience, this new way of *being* that blessed me after bc)!

I live each day as if what I want ALREADY EXISTS. Not in denial, but with my Spirit wrapped around the joy and sublime serenity of BEING. I release all anger, remorse, fear, anxiety, hurt feelings daily, INTENTIONALLY. I experience my emotions and then I push them off a cliff. I expel them slowly, as I exhale. I take in new life-affirming air deep in to my body. I hold on to it, to The Now of it. And then, I release it through my pursed lips, letting the breath and all that is unwanted escape from me, leaving me in harmony. I have learned to stop struggling, through my resisting of what is. Allowing me to live in the LAND OF YES.

Sorry for going on, but this is the crux of my new improved philosophy of Life, that came w/the traumas of breast cancer. It is an insidious disease, not a beast, not a monster. I refuse to give it that power. It is a mindless dysfunction of the body that can be dealt with. I plan on living to be 100 and dying of something entirely different.

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-12-2007 03:25 PM

I'm Just Saying... Thinking Out Loud...
Forgive me for being honest but -- I fail to see how INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES are considered among THINGS TO KEEP YOUR MIND OFF BC...

Seems to me we need surgery, chemo, radiation, counseling, pre meds, anti nausea meds, anti d's, anti anxiety drugs, sleeping aids and all the inspiration we can find!

Discussing our failing self-esteem due to baldness and the loss of a breast is ON TOPIC, though... So very important to our morale!

Discussing relationship issues that arise, where husbands become depressed and temporarily out of reach, where relatives and/or friends view us as a lost cause and write us off in a myriad of ways -- these are all ON TOPIC, yet... In need of being addressed realistically! Advice is understandably sought and many of us have similar experience and valuable input.

So why did I have so much trouble locating this ESSENTIAL thread? Only to find it having slipped in amongst Tiptoe's adventures, which you all know touch my heart and gladden my heart, as well as many others!

hutchibk 11-12-2007 05:57 PM

"Beware what you read in medical books, you might die of a misprint..."

Oh, you said inspirational. Sorry. I'll get back to you.

chrisy 11-12-2007 09:55 PM

Brenda you are cracking me up! I'm going to start quoting YOU!

Believe51 11-13-2007 06:54 AM

Morning Loves
Hello My Dear Friends I woke up this morning to find me loving you even more than yesterday, nothing strange though because I find this has happened every day since I have known you. In all of the many words I communicate none are sufficient enough to describe my feelings for you all. Hopefully this thread can begin to give back a small part of the inspiration, strength and love you all provide to me today and every day!!!

"I Have Always Believed, And I Still Believe, That Whatever Good Or Bad Fortune May Come Our Way We Can Always Give It Meaning And Transform It Into Something Of Value." By Hermann Hesse

Loving You All A Lifetime>>Believe51

Believe51 11-13-2007 08:23 AM

Girls, Girls, Girls....ROTFL!!!
Gasp. LOL. Your warped sense of humor has made me laugh just thinking of you sometimes. Ed and I have an extremely warped sense of humor, sometimes dark to the average JoeBlow. So PinkGirl, all avenues are open. Brenda, maybe we can bend the rules for you too, forget inspirational....for you I will say your job is to make us laugh by being Brenda. And Chrissy, revising her quotes will be a full time job that I hope you are up to!! LOL.>>Love and giggles>>Believe51

Believe51 11-13-2007 11:41 AM

Oh, just popped into this lil pea-brain....
Good One for 'ya all:

"The Future Is Not A Gift-It Is An Achievement" By Harry Lauder


PinkGirl 11-13-2007 12:07 PM

Cancer is a word, not a sentence
...........some guy in Britain

lilyecuadorian 11-13-2007 12:52 PM

who need a phicologist here with all this support GENIUS you all just the right quote one better then other or vice versa

Believe51 11-13-2007 12:58 PM

Busy mind today
"Cancer Is So Limited, It Cannot Corrode Faith, It Cannot Shatter Hope, It Cannot Kill Friendships, It Cannot Cripple Love, It Cannot Destroy Peace, It Cannot Silence Courage, It Cannot Suppress Memories, It Cannot Conquer The Spirit" By Unknown Author


Andrea Barnett Budin 11-13-2007 01:55 PM

Brenda, Surely you jivest...
WHAT WOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO DO IF YOU *KNEW* YOU COULD NOT FAIL? I believe that once your Spirit KNOWS a thing, it becomes a reality. May you BELIEVE in your dream to the point of KNOWING you are calling it to you... Beyond all doubt or indications to the contrary!


To all who are continuing on in their quest to find the perfect recipe just for you -- the Magic Bullet with YOUR name on it -- I want you to know I am standing, my hands in the air, applauding you and absolutely admiring you and your herculean efforts! You are my heroes and sheroes!!
With love, Andi

Believe51 11-14-2007 09:12 AM

It's Me Again
Wanted to write this because it has been in my head all day. Mighty Oak this one is for you:

"Believe That Life Is Worth Living, And Your Belief Will Help Create The Fact" By William James


Believe51 11-14-2007 02:44 PM

Alright. One more before I make supper...
"In Order To Be A Realist You Must Believe In Miracles" By Henry Christopher Bailey

Enough playing Marie, time to make din din!!>>Believe51

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-14-2007 05:31 PM

Okay. I'm Totally Addicted To This Thread...

Dont' take every thing personally.
Your Sister -- Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06 ABB @ BFl

fauxgypsy 11-15-2007 09:14 AM

There are so many things to see, unwrapped gifts and free surprises. The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside by a generous hand. But- and this is the point-who gets excited by a mere penny? If you follow one arrow, if you crouch motionless on a bank to watch a tremulous ripple thrill on the water and are rewarded by the sight of a muskrat paddling from its den, will you count that sight a chip of copper only, and go on your rueful way? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted in pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get.

Annie Dillard
from "Pilgrim at Tinker creek"

chrisy 11-15-2007 11:24 AM

ANDI I Love that quote! That should be the title of the "people say the darndest things" thread!

I've got a quote on the shirt I'm wearing today. I don't know the original origin, but I read a version of it in Anne Lamott's book Traveling Mercies...

This may take a minute since I'm reading it off the shirt and it's upside down to me.

"When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, FAITH is knowing that one of two things shall happen:
Either you will be given something solid to stand on, or
You will be taught how to fly"


Believe51 11-15-2007 12:00 PM

It is me with that lil pea brain again...LOL
Although there has been many times of fear and doubt during this entire journey I STILL BELIEVE. Deep down these fears are lessened because I BELIEVE. There have been times when I thought that it may be denial, this 'Believing' I do. It certainly is not since I know the repercussions of what 'could' be. I am a firm believer that My Warrior Angel shall conquer, shall succeed. So to all MY WARRIORS whom I see trying to conquer, remember this:

"For They Conquer Who Believe They Can" By John Dryden

I love you all with all of my very big heart!!!>>Believe51

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-15-2007 12:52 PM

So lovely, lovely Leslie! The gems in Life are so often unseen. The bigness of the little things simply go underappreciated. Since bc I have come to witness the sublime in the ordinary. The experience has elevated me (kicking and screaming along the way...). It has all served to lift me up to previously unfathomed heights. Joseph Campbell has observed -- "IT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE ABYSS (where) COMES THE VOICE OF SALVATION. THE BLACK MOMENT IS THE MOMENT WHEN THE REAL MESSAGE OF TRANSFORMATION IS GOING TO COME. AT THE DARKEST MOMENT COMES THE LIGHT."

Campbell refers to the Polynesian saying -- You are 'STANDING ON A WHALE FISHING FOR MINNOWS'. He goes on to explain, "We are standing on a whale. The ground of being is the ground of our being, and when we simply turn outward, we see all of these little problems here and there. But, if we look inward, we see that we are the source of them all."

In searching within our psyche we discover our past and present pain. Then, we find that we have the power to *consciously choose* to LET IT GO. This act is the hero's deed. The sheroe's dance with obstacles that lead the way to triumph. We become freed, to say --HERE AM I! I am ready to move forward. In to a new normal. And I have chosen to embrace it, seeing that being alive has fresh worth, unimagined zest and so very much previously unseen *bling*...! The experience of The Thrill Of Living transcends all adversities set before us to endure. Rather than mourn the unwanted we come to feel the joy and serenity of simply being. We come to rejoice over our good fortune, shedding the weight of the Not Bargained For. We come to *know* we have the power to call desired dreams to us -- with our carefully scripted inner dialogue and our newfound ability to reject odious thinking. Thus we release horrid emotions and welcome gladness. We *own* our knowing and are filled with faith and belief and jubilation over our mastery of control. Having risen to a plane of consciousness that directly links us to divineness...

Sorry. Just got home from my Vit H treatment. A half hour infusion which took two hours in the chemo room. I musn't complain. I first began Herceptin 9 years ago, on November 11, 1998... In August of '98, diagnosed with multiple metastases throughout my liver, I thought I would surely die. The statistics I read were dire and pierced my heart. Slowly, midst Taxotere and its ravaging effects (on my body, yet including my cancer cells) I came to regain my footing. I began to KNOW that I was on a gravel-filled and winding roadway -- barefoot and stumbling -- but slowly being led to survival! I became able to reach out and OWN that knowing. To learn to control my mind, and therefore my outcome, to a far greater degree than I had ever thought possible. With intense focus and impassioned certainty I tread toward what one doctor eventually would call -- cautious remission. From December of '98 I began to reclaim my joy and serenity, *knowing* I was on the right path and precisely where I was headed.

So I am especially thoughtful at this moment. Moved by Leslie's post of beauty, remembering the radiance of her Spirit, these words are what came out of me...
I wish every one of my Sisters and Brothers REMISSION with all my heart! Much loving energy to you all...
Pinkie and Flori and Ed and Marie's Mom seem to be most in need at this moment of my prayers, but I pray for you ALL...

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