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NEDenise 08-26-2013 05:03 PM

Good News / "Bad" News
So I think I'll file this one under "can't I catch a break...ever?"

The other day when I went for my Avastin infusion,
I had what I thought was prickly heat under my "good" arm...
seemed logical...
we heavy-set people tend toward that. :)
When I showed my onc, she became slightly alarmed and told me that no,
it was in fact folliculitis and would require a 7 day course of antibiotics.

Okay, no sweat...
we were going away for a few days,
but I could enjoy my holiday while remembering to take my antibiotics.
Or so I thought.
I took the first dose Thursday night.
Took the next 2 doses while at the amusement park on Friday.
By Friday night my friends, I was feeling mighty low...
headache, achiness, fatigue, nausea,
and everyone's best friend while stuck in a public place... diarrhea!

Saturday, I felt so lousy, I slept almost all day.
But... that led to the good news.
I slept through my evening steroid dose...
and am now weaned to only 1mg/day!!
And since I also stopped the antibiotic too, I feel pretty good.

Now we just have to make sure the folliculitis doesn't come back!
And I'll need to be careful not to fall down while my body gets used to a lower steroid dose. :)

Never a dull moment!
Love to all of you!

Bunty 08-26-2013 05:21 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Never a dull moment indeed Denise! Glad you are feeling better now, and I hope you don't have to go through all that again.

I'm impressed you were at an amusement park - I went to one recently and ended up with a cracked rib after a particularly severe knock from another dodgem car!

Cheers Marie

KDR 08-26-2013 05:46 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Oh, Denise,
Glad to hear you're on the mend, but that just is crazy...
Have been thinking of you,

LoisLane 08-26-2013 06:06 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Hi Denise I have been thinking about you and wondering how things have been going for you. What a pain you had to go through that. All I can say is I have this vision of you Denise, running down the track flying over hurdles. I always am astounded watching those athletes doing this. They just seem to fly over them and keep on going. You are so strong and you keep that wonderful sense of humour no matter what is happening. Stay strong.xo p.s. I always try to put a happy face at the end of my comment but always ends up at the top. Dont know what I am doing wrong

caya 08-26-2013 06:25 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Hi Denise,

Glad you are feeling better, sorry you had to go through all this bull...

Keep up your amazing sense of humour sweetie.

all the best

NEDenise 08-26-2013 06:36 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Thanks, friends!
I know I can always count on you guys to wish me well!

Marie... in the spirit of full disclosure... I didn't actually go on any rides... I just watched. I'm dizzy enough in my natural state, I don't need rides to make it worse! :)

Lois - to get the smiley to show up... right in the text, type a : for the eyes and a ) for the mouth. The site changes it to a :) for you when you post it.

suzan w 08-26-2013 07:08 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Well, Denise, you sure do know how to have a good time!! Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the :-) lesson!! :)

Vicky 08-27-2013 01:23 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News

I always know I am in for a "roller coaster" of events when I read your posts- the one thing that never goes up or down is your wonderful humor and gift of positive perspective! Prayers that the folliculitis stays the heck away and soon you'll be all the way weaned :)

Coux92 08-27-2013 04:16 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Sorry to hear about your foliculitis, just had that too (well doc's not positive) I was surprised what a downer it was but , got the prize of pre chemo steroids cut in half one dose early.... Yeah for your 1 mg!!!! In my short time on this site I have learned so much from your always positive spin on things and had some great laughs from some of your posts! Be well, my friend :)

NEDenise 08-27-2013 05:19 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Coux92 - aka Kutaki

Thank you so much for your kind words!
I'm glad I could lift your spirits a little - makes me feel like I'm contributing around here! :)

Sorry about your folliculitis. Did you have to take antibiotics to get rid of it?
They stopped my antibiotics because I felt so badly...
but my doc is on vacation and the one covering didn't prescribe anything in its place.
She said I should wait till I go for infusion on Thursday to be "re-evaluated".
I told the nurse, "there's really no need to 're' evaluate.
The infection is the same as when I saw my doc 3 days ago and she was alarmed by it.
They insisted Thursday was soon enough.
If this turns into cellulitis... heads will roll!

The trial transcript will read something like this:

Judge: Miss Denise... tell us in your own words why you assaulted Dr. (?x?)

Me: Well your honor... it's like this... I had a small infection.
Dr. (?x?), who it now seems clear to me has ^%#$ for brains,
did not take it seriously, even though I had been on steroids for over 8 months at that point,
and was slightly immune suppressed.

Judge: Hmmm... 8 months you say?

Me: Yes, your honor, since Christmas time.

Judge: And do you have actual evidence of fecal matter being present in Dr. (?x?)'s cranial cavity?

Me: The test results are still pending your honor.

Judge: I see. Please continue.

Me: Well your honor... even knowing that I was immune suppressed, Dr. (?X?) refused to prescribe an antibiotic for 5 whole days while the infection raged on.

Judge: Sounds unpleasant.

(HER2 friends in the courtroom all murmur their agreement)

Judge: Order, please.

Me: As a result of her negligence, I developed cellulitis, your honor. In case you're not familiar with that condition... I Googled it and brought you some pictures.

Judge: (makes a "what's that terrible odor" face while viewing photos, gags a little, then looks up)

Me: And, your honor, it feels worse than it looks!

Judge: Yikes! That's hard to believe.

Me: So you see your honor... she got what she deserved.

Judge: Clearly.

(HER2 friends in the courtroom cheer!)

Judge: Case dismissed.

Not Perry Mason, but I think I'll get off. I hope her own patients get better care from her than I did!

:) Denise

Andrea Barnett Budin 08-27-2013 05:37 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Oh Denise. The bad news sucks (meaning the "itis" thing). The antibiotic reaction I am all too familiar with and so doubly sorry to hear you experienced it all, midst public restrooms! (I now know -- though my docs insist I am not "allergic", they admit I have severe adverse reactions) to Augmentin and Plagyl!!! I have this marked in red and underlined on all my meds info sheets (which are reams long as you can imagine).

What did they give you???

The good news, re steroids, I cheer.

The vignette you presented is of course delightful to read, but still I pray doesn't become necessary.

An infection that required antibiotic and is unchanged should not be ignored! *#$! for brains doc is clearly afraid to do anything and has chosen to therefore do nothing. (I will be in the courtroom cheering you on if need be, I promise!)

Thank you as always for your entertainment and I must say ever inspiring posts! YOU ARE THE GREATEST SHERO EVER, DENISE! Talk about tude, you have it, sweet lady!

I love you,

Redwolf8812 08-27-2013 06:31 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Always enjoy hearing from you, Denise. Thanks for the update. Glad you're feeling better.


NEDenise 08-27-2013 06:34 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
I actually had a vision of you and Flori standing on the courtroom benches cheering!

They gave me Keflex... which I had never had before, and won't be having again.
Interestingly, my oldest son has a very bad reaction to Augmentin too... good people sharing a bad thing!

Be well! And enjoy your good news!

NEDenise 08-27-2013 06:36 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Great to see your name pop up!
I hope things are well with you!
Any news to report, my friend?

Prayers and love headed your way!

BonnieR 08-27-2013 06:40 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Well, as we always say around here "crap on a crapstick"!
I can't think of many people who deserve a break more than you but I guess God thinks you can take it since you keep bouncing back. Like those clown balloon things we used to punch when kids. Remember those?

dawny 08-27-2013 06:59 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Oh, Denise, I would be alongside you in that courtroom! That Dr. @#$# for brains would have no chance with all of us beside you!

Dawn xxx

SoCalGal 08-27-2013 07:11 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
This is so weird - I just logged in to send you a PM - which gave me an error message to try again in 19 seconds (wtf?). Apparently I don't even have 19 seconds of patience left today, so I jumped to the boards and see THIS thread! Which is hilarious - but NOT. Dr. Poophead is an IDIOT. AND, also, for the record, your honor, there are too many Dr. Poopheads who poop through life, unaccountable for the harm they wreck. (Is that even English?). Well, Denise dear, you do set a high bar for good attitude. Which I appreciate, because it makes it easier for me to walk UNDER that bar, with my poopy attitude, shoulder chips, and jumbo CANCER CARD, that I am playing like the lotto!! Hope you get what you need on Thursday. I'm getting infused Thursday, too. Will send you good thoughts!!

starwishn2 08-27-2013 08:24 PM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
Seriously - you DO deserve a break!! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Getting off those steroids is another BONUS!

Coux92 08-28-2013 03:25 AM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
I would be happy to cheer you on in that courtroom! I did have 10 days of doxycycline and was shocked that I tolerated it quite well, yogurt with live cultures religiously may have helped. My onc had sent me to a dermatologist , she even popsed some pustules to culture... They didn't grow , most likely since I had been on topical abt ointment..praying for no cellulitis! Hope that one mg is being kind to you

karen z 08-28-2013 05:03 AM

Re: Good News / "Bad" News
You are funny. A good example of mixed news.

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