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jml 05-30-2013 09:59 AM

Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Hi Friends~
With all the sadness that we are all feeling with Christine's passing & the heartbreak her sweet daughters are enduring, I can't even bring myself to post the full details of my circumstances.
Suffice it to say that my scans last Thursday were not good. My NP called me on Friday morning & suggested we meet face to face - on her day off - to discuss the results.
Not good. Substantial progression in lungs from nodules to what looked like "a shot gun blast of disease" on both sides. So the SOB & rapid progression of symptoms - cough, constant need to clear throat - was due to the lung disease, not anemia as I thought/hoped.
They started me on an urgent dose of Doxil on Friday. I responded quickly & completely to Adria via chemoembo to my liver back in June 2010, so we are hoping with all hope that I will respond similarly to this sister drug.
I feel like I did have improved symptoms in the initial days, but now it's difficult to assess from day to day.
Since my symptoms progressed so quickly in the days right before scans, we'll know if I'm responding based on if my symptoms improve, or at the very least don't worsen. I'm holding on the great hope that the first dose has knocked back the disease and will hold until I'm able to get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. But honestly, right now I just hope to get through these next 21 days.
It's a scary time. And I am scared.
My mom is here with me and we are all waiting - with hope and with fear.
Suddenly a miraculous 11 year survival with MBC has accelerated into a matter or days/weeks.
I'm still at a loss trying to understand what is happening.

Trying trying trying to Keep the Faith~


lkc Gumby 05-30-2013 10:21 AM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Hi Jessica, I am not on these boards very often, but I am always checking to see how you are doing. I am sorry to hear about the recent progression, but it certainly appears you are a fast responder, which is good. Please stay strong and keep the faith. I am praying that you will start feeling better and that these lung lesions are shrinking away.

NEDenise 05-30-2013 11:59 AM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Sending all the prayers, love and healing energy my soul can come up with. Please post news...good or bad...when you can.
Hope you can feel the love and support flowing out to you!

Mary Anne in TX 05-30-2013 01:03 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Jessica, please ask your mom to give you some extra hugs from all of us. I'm believing for fast powerful results that get you on the mend. Lots of love, ma

StephN 05-30-2013 01:08 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Jessica -
Sending gentle hugs and good thoughts for all the strength you need to continue on the Doxil as it reduces your tumors.

I am very glad we were able to meet in San Antonio a while back. It was great to finally meet your wonderful self in the flesh after all these years being sort of pen pals via this web site. We have been through a lot together.

CoolBreeze 05-30-2013 01:34 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
A friend of mine is on Doxil and it has done very well by her. She's had some skin trouble from it though, like chemical burns. But it knocked her tumors right flat and I hope it does the same for you.


Barbara H. 05-30-2013 02:23 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
My thoughts are with you. I hope the Doxil works for you and gives you more time. Enjoy each day as best as you can. I am glad your mom is with you for support.
Please continue to write when you can. You will be in my daily thoughts.
Barbara H.

KsGal 05-30-2013 03:05 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Im so sorry you are scared, and Im glad that your mother is able to be there with you and you can spend time with each other. Your story is going to continue to be miraculous. Your body and your mind and your faith have held this disease at bay for 11 years, and its not going to stop now. Your strength and courage are an inspiration to us all. Please keep us updated. Prayers and positive energy....

Cat 05-30-2013 03:19 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Jessica, I'm not a regular here but I'm sending thoughts and prayers that the doxil works. This disease sucks!
Hugs to you. Cathy

ElaineM 05-30-2013 04:26 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
I have my fingers crossed for you. Hang in there and keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter what happens.

MaineRottweilers 05-30-2013 04:28 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
I am new here but I want you to know that I will be thinking of you and watching for you to let us know how you are doing. I am sorry that you are afraid but I am glad that you do not have to be alone and afraid. Hold tight to your family and keep your faith. You've won before, you can win again.

Laurel 05-30-2013 05:52 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence

Thank you for your honest and painfully candid post. I do not blame you one bit for feeling blindsided, rushed, and scared. The good news is Doxil is a mean-cancer-killing drug--hard on the recipient, but a formidable foe against cancer. I will pray it knocks the #*^% of those shotgun blast lung mets blasting them straight back to hell where they came from! Stay brave. We are praying.

sassy 05-30-2013 06:31 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Mega thoughts and prayers for you Jessica. Glad your mom is there with you to face the fear with your indomitable courage and strength.

karen z 05-30-2013 06:47 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Hi Jess,
So glad also that your mom is with you. It sounds like you are getting some powerful stuff and I am hoping that this will get you back on the right track soon. Take one day at a time and stay strong. If anyone can get through this and hang tough it is you gal.

Paty 05-30-2013 07:20 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Dear Jesica, I feel so bad for all the bad things you have to endure with this terrible illness. I am sending hugs to you hoping you respond to the drugs quickly. I am praying for you and for all the sisters here that are going through terrible moments. Hold God's hand and do not let it go. We love you very much.

IrvineFriend 05-30-2013 09:11 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Hi Jessica,

I'm sorry you're scared and it's great your Mom is there. I'm fairly new on here, and have loved your posts. The great thing is you respond to chemo. And your medical team seem very invested in you and are going to do everything they can.

This is all fairly new to me and I love your spirit and tenacity. I now do that "self talk" that Denise does. I don't know if you have done that, but it wouldn't hurt?

Thinking of you,


SusanN 05-30-2013 09:17 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Dearest Jessica...I am in agreement with all these wonderful, encouraging, supportive and loving friends!!
I will be lifting you up in prayer for peace, strength and wisdom!!

Bunty 05-30-2013 10:27 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Jessica, you are a survivor and you are much loved. These two factors will help you through this stage, plus all the love and prayers coming your way from all of us here and I'm sure a lot of other people who love you.
Please keep us posted.
Hugs, hugs, hugs

Pamelamary 05-30-2013 11:37 PM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Dear Jessica,
Positive thoughts coming your way from afar. You have withstood so much up till now, so I hope Doxil and your own strength prevail again.
Love.... Pam

NEDenise 05-31-2013 04:13 AM

Re: Doxil...q28 days -time is of the essence
Just renewing my promise of prayers and love heading your way.
I know you're scared - who wouldn't be!?

But try to let your faith keep you strong!
Doxil sounds like a real ball-breaker!
So... Lean on God, your amazing Mom, your family, friends, medical team...and know that your HER2 sisters are here for you too!

Sending love and light to you, my friend...

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