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Sherryg683 04-27-2007 07:03 PM

Best time to take tykerb
For those of you that are on it, what have you found is the best time to take the Tykerb to minimize side effects. I was thinking of taking it before bed. Didn't realize you had to take 5 pills. I have my supply sitting here but I'm sort of afraid to start taking the things...sherryg683

hutchibk 04-27-2007 07:27 PM

I haven't started yet, but my doc told me today that when it arrives and I start it, it is fine to take it at night before bed... don't know if that helps you at all, but I don't know anything about side effects yet. Just that the doc said it's OK to take at night.

Esther 04-27-2007 08:08 PM

When I first got the pills, I took them in the morning, then switched to night. I think the side effects are less when I take them at night.

Sherryg683 04-27-2007 08:59 PM

Tks..I bit the bullet and took the pills tonight. I figured by the time I knock myself out with my ambien, if I were to get nauseated..i'd sleep right through it..lol..sherry

ron 04-28-2007 08:24 PM

Mom's tired.

my 69 year old mother switched from Herceptin to Tykerb 3 week ago. She did great on Herceptin. Now with Tykerb/Xeloda cocktail she has irritated eyes, diarrehea, little nausea, and is just plain ol' tired. She switched to bed time on her doctors advice which helps a little, but she is getting tired of being tired...

any other thoughts out there for dealing with that?


Esther 04-28-2007 09:50 PM


Have your mom talk to her onc., I have heard of others being put on drugs such as Ritalin to combat fatigue and having it be succesful.

Her onc will have an idea of possible things to try, and if they would be appropriate for her at this time.

Adriana Mangus 04-29-2007 03:04 PM

Hi Sherry: Are you still receiving Herceptin? Good luck with Tykerb, am sure it will do wonders for you.

Lala 04-29-2007 08:58 PM


I take my dose at night. I found this the best time; less side effects and it is easier as you have to wait 2 hours after a meal.
Best of Luck to you.

Lala 04-29-2007 09:20 PM

The Xeloda can cause side effects if the dose is too high. Perhaps the oncologist can lower her dose.
Fatigue is a side effect of all chemotherapy. The diarrhea is more of a concern, you need to watch out for dehydration.
There are several ways to combat the diarrhea, one is diet and the other is medication such as Lomotil which needs a prescription. Many take imodium, however lomotil is a little stronger. If diarrhea is more than a few times a day you should call the oncologist.
Best of luck to your Mother.

Shell 04-30-2007 07:09 AM


This time around, I am taking the tykerb at night before bed - I just started with it, so we'll see how it goes.


Margerie 04-30-2007 08:50 AM

I want to wish you luck Sherry! Hope you don't have too many side effects. Let us know how you are doing.

Sherryg683 04-30-2007 10:44 AM

I have take it 3 times so far , at night and have no problems with it yet. I am still on herceptin...sherry

bailey 05-01-2007 04:27 PM

I will be starting the tykerb/xeloda combo early next week. I was told I will be taking 5 pills/day of tykerb at 250mg. each and with the xeloda I'll be taking 3 pills, 2 times/day at 500mg. each. I was told to take the tykerb in the a.m. with water an hour prior to food and the xeloda with food 3 in the a.m. and 3 with dinner - 14 days on with xeloda and 7 days off.
How does this sound to you ladies who are taking these 2 drugs and do you have any recommendations for me?
would appreciate all the info. I can get.

SoCalGal 05-02-2007 08:45 AM

I think Tykerb "cares" is an oxymoron.
Hi Bailey,
I am on day 27 of the ty/xeloda deal. I was taking (5) tykerb in the AM then wait one hour, and eat breakfast then take 2 xeloda. Then after dinner anothr 2 xeloda. I think the recommendation from the trial is 2000 mg a day of xeloda (total 4 pills). For the past 3 nights, I tried tykerb right before bedtime, at like 11:00. I think it was waking me up with the runs, so today I'm switching back to the morning routine...infact, I just took them now.
Someone told me (pharmacy or Tykerb "cares") that you need to wait 2 hours after a meal but now I've read the fine print which states 1 hour prior or 1 hour following.

BTW I think Tykerb "cares" is an oxymoron. Today I am going to try and stay on a low dose of ativan and see if that doesn't help calm my side effects with the nausea.

Hope you have an easy day, Flori

koolmom 05-02-2007 04:48 PM

I'm right here with you guys. Start Xeloda 9 days ago. Just got my Tykerb today. I came on here to see if I was supposed to take the 5 pills at the same time. I assume I am. Still debating the night vs. morning dosage. I guess I will try it tonight. I'm glad I have found this support board. I feel like everyone has there arms around me...even though I have only posted once, just reading the posts, we are all in the same boat.....sometimes we feel like the boat is sinking, but we just start bailing harder. LOL.

bailey 05-02-2007 05:08 PM

I will be starting next Wed. There are a few different ways I've read to take all these meds - some swear by Tykerb at night but someone said they woke up a few times with the runs others take it in the morning. The xeloda is am and pm. With the tykerb you take the 5 pills all at once - that much I do know. How many xeloda are you taking a.m. and p.m. - I will be taking 3 a.m. and 3 p.m. - seems a bit high from what I've read so we'll see how it goes. Just thankful that there is a new drug out there like this and the side effects can be adjusted with your onc accordingly. I think I'll keep daily notes on how I feel at least for awhile to go over with the onc.
Otherwise we are all good to go and yes in it together. I too am thankful for these posts and someone to talk to about it.
How have you been on the xeloda so far?

hutchibk 05-02-2007 09:58 PM

I start Xeloda tomorrow morning and Tykerb on Friday or Monday, depending on when it arrives in the mail.

Lets see, here's what I learned today...

Xeloda I will take 3pills AM (1500 mg) and 4pills PM (2000 mg) = 3500mg(!) for 14 days and then 7 days off.

Tykerb needs to be taken on empty stomach, so I will take the 5pills either {1 hour before breakfast/Xeloda, or 2 hours after breakfast/Xeloda} or {2 hours after dinner/Xeloda, before bed}, every day.

I asked about when to take my B complex and the pharmacist at my clinic said wait 2 hours after each Xeloda... 50mg twice a day. (increasing to 100mg twice a day if needed).

I guess I will need to take my once a week Fosamax 1/2 hour before Tykerb one day every week...might be time to switch to Boniva so I can take it once a month on my Xeloda OFF week.

I have my Zofran and immodium ready if I need them and gingerale on ice.

Yikes, here we go! Like Taffy said last week, I am a bit apprehensive about what tomorrow might bring...

koolmom 05-03-2007 07:30 AM

Okay, took my first Tykerb last night around 11:30. I had supper late and wanted to be sure I waited two hours. I didn't really feel bad. I did have 3-4 episodes of diarrhea through the night, but it was nausea and diarrhea, just diarrhea.

The Xeloda seems to be going okay. I'm on 3 in the am and 3 in the pm. I see my oncologist next week and think I will be moved to 4 in the morning and 4 pm. I'm on day #10. My 4-6 days I had diarrhea, but it seems to have subsided, until I added the Tykerb. I have felt good on the Xeloda (last night I was very tired). I also took at Ativan with it - just incase. I was a little nervous about the side effects. I keep forgetting to take the B6 Vitamin. So - so far, so good. Keep me posted on your experiences! Thank you guys!

bailey 05-03-2007 07:44 AM

I'm curious to know what they think the B6 is suppose to do for you? Also, have any of you heard of any hair loss. When I received my pills yesterday and the Onc. mentioned it they state some hair loss although when I talked to the care division they said non was reported so I'm curious to know. Also, any reddening of the hands and feet yet?

hutchibk 05-03-2007 09:42 AM

the B6 or Bcomplex is supposed to help mitigate the chances of hand/foot syndrome... I am willing to give it a shot!

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