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Pam P 12-16-2010 05:04 PM

new development surgery on Saturday
I've been having pain in my upper right thigh for a few weeks. Had an MRI. The onc. sent me to ortho surgeon. Lots of tumor in my femur; small stress fracture starting too. I'm to not put weight on it & get surgery asap. So it's scheduled for Saturday at 10 a.m. They will put a rod in the bone to stabilize it. I will be in the hospital 3-4 days they think, then may come home to to rehab depending on how I do.

I'm scared and mad. I don't know what to expect with pain, but I'm sure it's awful. And I don't know what to expect with recovery either.

I'm thinking of you, Chelee, as you've been through this - please give me any info you can on what to expect. Are there others who had had this surgery too?

tricia keegan 12-16-2010 05:31 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday

I'm so sorry, my friend faced the same thing and delayed it and literally felt her bone snap while on the phone, she had the surgery but took a while to heal and was in a wheelchair for a week or so.

She would'nt have had this happen had she gone in when told!!!
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for a quick recovery ((((hugs)))0

Chelee 12-16-2010 07:50 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
I'm so sorry to hear about your femur. I can relate to you being scared and mad. In cancerland it never stops it seems! If possible make sure you have an Orthopedic Onc doing the surgery that has experience in this. Might be good to have it biopsied too.

I was told 3 or 4 days in the hospital too but it ended up being 6 days total. My surgery turned out to be much more involved because the mass was so big. My surgery went well but I had more blood loss then they planned on. But my Ortho said they have to do alot of digging and scrapping in there. You will probably have a rod from top of femur to knee placed like mine it sounds like? I will be honest with you...it is pretty painful post-op. But while your in the hospital they "will" take care of your pain rather well. :) It's when you go home you want to make "sure" you have something more then vicodin. I had more pain then I expected once I was home moving around on my walker. I have steps all over in my house which didn't help.

But like alot of things...you may do just great and have very little pain unlike me? Look at some of us that are incapacitated during chemo, and then those that are going to work and feel ok. Everyone is so different. I think the worse for me was the post-op pain and the down time of being stuck to the walker. I was back down starting chemo in 15 days post-op. It's really good you had it checked out and caught it before it broke. That's a good thing in your favor even if it doesn't feel like it now. If you have any questions I can help you with just ask. But hang in there Pam...your a real trooper...you will get thur this.


ElaineM 12-16-2010 09:02 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Oh gee !! I am so sorry Pam. It sounds like it is better to take care of the problem now rather than later.
Don't let this get you down. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for your speedy recovery. I hope 2011 will be a healthier year for you. Take good care of yourself.

Catherine 12-16-2010 11:19 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Dear Pam,

I am growling out loud for you. I hate this crummie news, but from what I have read in the posts above, there is the good part...nothing broken. I just reread your signature details. It seem like you have had more than your share of obstacles. Please hang in there and we will all hope and pray that the doctors make this as pain-free as possible. Thank goodness for the advice from Chelee and others. All the very best on Saturday. Big hugs and love and support coming your way.


michka 12-17-2010 01:26 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Pam; my heart is sinking reading this news You have to have this operation but there is no reason you should suffer. Be very clear with the surgeons and doctors about that: during the hospital stay and once back at home. Have them tell you now what they intend to do about that precisely about pain.
I don'y care anymore of what the surgeons think of me: a coward, a pain in the neck, a nut: I just say I DO NOT WANT TO SUFFER. I am sending you hugs and love. Michka

Chelee 12-17-2010 03:28 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
I looked thru my notes and see it took 31 days post-op before I was taking my 1st baby steps without my walker. I used crutches instead of my walker at times too...I could get around much faster that way. Especially to my appts. I know you have to deal with lymphedema so I'm not sure that's an option for you? Then I graduated to a cane and that was great getting away from the crutches and walker.

I recieved no PT for some reason? I might have been off the walker a little sooner had I had PT...who knows? So I can tell you it was a month I had to use my walker--and continued using my cane for another month. Total two months before I was walking on my own with little to no hip pain by that time. :)

Like I told you in my PM...same thing michka is saying. Don't be shy about the pain medication. When you leave the hospital you will think the pain isn't too bad...but that's because the morphine is still working. It's once you get home and the morphine wears off you want to be prepared and have some good pain meds handy. The trick is to stay ahead of your pain...don't wait till it starts getting bad. So be very pro-active and adamant that you want a script for some strong pain meds before you leave! (Your going to need them, I found out the hard way.) I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Becky 12-17-2010 05:24 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
I want to chime in - first, I am so sorry this is happening to you but it is probably better than it shattering.

If your doctors are hesitant on strong pain meds - tell them you will take the weaker stuff first but want something better on hand "just in case" because you will be going home during the holidays when no one is around and the emergency rooms are a nightmare during this time of year and you don't want to hobble in while quite incapacitated yourself. Get help. I don't know your family situation for when you return home. If there is no one (and friends are hard too because of holiday plans) - get a visiting nurse or something like that set up now. You just might need this and if you only need it a day or two, you can just cancel them. Although I think you will sail through just fine, anticipate the worst and set up you assistance plan in advance. Everything can be cancelled a week or two from now but again, during the holidays, it may be hard to set up if it is needed.

My arms are around you and sending all my love and support.

Sheila 12-17-2010 05:30 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Pam...this news is breaking my heart...I know you were wondering, but hoping it was just a phantom pain....I agree with becky, get help set up now before the surgery, unless you have family close by....I had Phentynl IV for pain after my chest surgery, and came home on Tramadol, which worked very well....please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers...hoping this will be easy on you and you will be back in tip top shape in no time.....take your computer with you to keep in touch with us if you can!

Pam P 12-17-2010 05:38 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
The doctor said when I leave the hospital ( he said it's usually 3-4 days, Chelee was there 6) I can only go home if I have someone with me all the time ( he didn't say for how long - a few days, a week, ...?) otherwise I need to go to rehab.

I have my son and his wife and their 2 children ages 2 & 3 living with me. So there's lots of people around, but it's busy and hardly peaceful. My son works during the day, and my dil is busy with the kids, works part time too. My other son is a teacher and will be on vacation from 12/23 - 1/2 so I think he can help a lot of that time. You are right now over the holidays friends are busy with their own family plans. After new years I think I could arrange for some friends to come and help me if needed. I dont like the idea of going to rehab but if I'm in a lot of pain and can't get around maybe it would be better for a few days at least. It's all so unknown I can't anticipate how much help I'll need how much or little I'll be able to do and what I'll be able to tolerate.

Mary L 12-17-2010 08:28 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Pam, I am so sorry to hear this news. I was really thinking about you and praying that it was not cancer. I know you are very strong and will work your way through this. You have had much more than your share. I will be praying for you. I agree, make sure you have all the pain meds you need. Best wishes. Mary L

ammebarb 12-17-2010 08:40 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Hi Pam. I'm so sorry you are having to do this. I can't offer any practical advice----you've already received some great input. I just wanted to send my wishes for a totally successful surgery, with minimum pain and a good recuperation. Sending hugs too. If you don't mind, I'll keep you in my prayers.

Barb A.

Pam P 12-17-2010 11:45 AM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Barb and anyone -- YES! any and all prayers appreciated. thank you all for all your well wishes and support.

BonnieR 12-17-2010 12:54 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Understanding the scared and mad. You are entitled.
I agree with the others about being sure to have ample pain meds at hand and to take them regularly in order to stay ahead of the pain.
Rehab might not be a bad idea if you are covered for it. Might be more restful than home during these hectic times and you would get a head start on physical therapy there perhaps. And pain management. Could be worth exploring as an option. Most of all, keep the faith.

caya 12-17-2010 03:32 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Good luck Pam - I hope your surgery and recuperation go well.

all the best

Chelee 12-17-2010 04:20 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
My heart really goes out to you...I know how scary this all is for you. But you are going to need help doing everything for a while. Your doctor is right when he said you need someone with you all the time. (Very good advice.) Your not going to be up to doing much of anything by yourself--I can almost guarantee that. I was pretty much incapacitated for a good two wks.

If you will feel more at ease going to a rehab for a wk or so then do that. (Actually it might be a good idea.) That way you will get some good pain relief and around the clock care till your feeling better. You will get more rest that way too.

To be honest I didn't want to come home when I was released...but they booted me out anyway. Talk this over with your family and figure out what is best for you. I'm just so sorry you have to go thru this...you have had more then your share. Becky made a good point about the Holidays--and wanting a script for a stronger pain med "just in case". Very good idea. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, you can count on that.


Rich66 12-17-2010 04:36 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
You might want to mention you are prone to constipation and have heard Relistor can block the constipation that opioids can bring. Of course, you will secretly be taking it for other reasons that will not be appreciated:

Opiates/Opioids (accelerates cancer?, alternatives)

vlcarr 12-18-2010 10:00 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Chelee 12-18-2010 10:22 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
If you are able to access a computer and see this...just know I've had you in my thoughts and prayers all day--and I will continue them. Since I went through that same type of surgery I have had you on my mind all day. I hope this finds you doing as well as expected and comfortable. (While your in there...any time they ask you what your pain level is...tell them a 10.) lol :) (While your in there you might as well enjoy it...right.)


Trish 12-18-2010 10:59 PM

Re: new development surgery on Saturday
Pam, sorry to hear about your need for surgery. My sister just had a (non cancer related) hip replacement and the week or so of rehab was really important for the intensity of physio and for her to get her head around not over doing things and giving surgery best chance of success-she can be a full on can-do person at the expense of her health. Take it easy and give yourself time for good recovery and surgical reslu. All the best,

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