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Britbee 02-05-2012 06:01 AM

4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
Having been through three chemo cocktails and made it I am now on the second part of my treatment. I am having trouble with a barrage of side effects from this particular one. Mentally.
I was told I would probably experience joint pain. That as long as my temperature was stable I could go ahead and use Tylenol to help with it. Ok so what if your temp is up? Mine was never high enough this week to warrant a hospital visit but it was high enough I did not want to mask it by taking pain killers. So. I suffered. Could not sleep because my legs and back were aching.
Had a lot of trouble with my mouth the last chemo session so they gave me a mouth wash to take care of that.
I have huge random bruises which they also said would appear. My nose is dripping like a tap but ZI do not have a cold.
Now this is starting to sound like a big whine but honestly I am usually a pretty tough old gal. Don't know why this time has just done me in. Yesterday I sat down and just cried and cried, couldn't stop.
The mere thought of having to go through all this again in just two weeks is almost more than I can bear.
I know a lot of you ladies have already go through this. Please help me.

sarah 02-05-2012 07:30 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
sorry you're having so much trouble. I had terrible skin sores on it. My oncologist put me on a lower dose 1 day every week for 6 months, he said I would tolerate better that way. He may have had a good idea there rather than a more powerful dose every 3 weeks. Maybe talk to your doctor to see if that would help. I don't know anything about the temperature issue.
take care
health and happiness
love sarah

NEDenise 02-05-2012 08:40 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. I was almost exactly where you are...about 6 months ago...the joint and bone pain from the Taxol (similar to Taxotere) was agonizing. I sat and cried too. I was terrified to go back after only two weeks too. I was taking a prescription painkiller (oxy-something) and was still in the type of pain you are describing.

It wasn't until I told the oncologist that I was considering not getting the next infusion, for fear of the pain, that she advised me to take Advil...600 mg every 6 hours...that I agreed to continue. She too had been concerned about masking a fever, but weighed the alternative and conceded.

It did not relieve the pain entirely, but it took it down to a dull ache. I could sleep...I didn't feel like crying all the time...it allowed me to get the rest of my infusions.

So...I guess I want to tell you two things...YOU ARE NOT A WHINER!!!...this pain is real, and worse than any pain I've ever had (including migraine and childbirth!) And second...please tell your doctor ASAP so you can get some relief. This kind of pain is not good for you, your heart, or your emotional health. Many people have no pain at all from these drugs, so your doctor may not even realize you are suffering so much if you don't speak up. Don't be "brave"...I can tell you tend toward that...get the relief you deserve.

I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this. Please let us all know how you make out.

PS- Love your avatar picture! What a great smile!

Becky 02-05-2012 09:48 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
I think that Herceptin itself causes fever in a few women. It is immuno therapy and can do this - especially the first dose which is what this is. Taxotere or any taxane causes the nerves to fray which is why you are experiencing the joint pain and your legs probably feel like rubber bands. At this point, you can probably use OTC pain killers. Take some and then take a nice soak in the bathtub. Just totally visualize a really nice place and close your eyes and let the discomfort soak away. If you are only allowed to take Tylenol and it ends up not working well for you, ask your doctor (even today - call and ask) if you can take Advil or Motrin instead. Take your temperature before doing anything to make sure its not up. In general, taxotere is not as bad on the counts as FEC, AC or if you had the taxotere with Carboplatin (Carbo is bad on the counts - counts meaning white blood cells).

If you call the doctor service - do it now since it is Super Bowl today (just to be nice). But call!!!! You are paying them to care for you.

karen z 02-05-2012 09:51 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
I have been where you are. I am guessing most of us have. I know how hard this is and how tough you are. Talk to not only your oncologist but the chemo nurses as they often can give you more time and more advice. Do anything you can to treat the "symptoms" as they appear (I was addicted to sucking on hard candies due to mouth dryness and a horrible taste in my mouth). Try to read highly enjoyable books (sounds ridiculous but I am not kidding), try to watch comedies (this is not the time to NOT have a lot of cable options), get yourself a rocking chair and sit outside when you can or be outside when you can (I know you are in Canada but try as long as you can). Try to distract yourself and realize that each cycle brings you closer to the end of the cycles. I was like a prisoner counting off the days (literally). I am not saying I was miserable (I was) but I wish I had tried to distract myself more- that is, when I had the energy too. Get a message, get a foot massage, indulge yourself when you can. Make the clock move ! Try to do something you have not done before (draw/paint/make easy jewelry). You've got to make the clock move.

mmoons 02-05-2012 09:53 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble

I can just feel your pain in your words. This is such a tough road...and I am so sorry for your troubles. It never helped me much to hear "it will get better" when I was in the thick of it. Please hang in there and stay the strong, resiliant fighter that you are. Let those tear flow and wash away some of the misery. I am a believer in the power of a good cry.

I am sending you healing thoughts and prayers.


Livefor mykids 02-05-2012 11:11 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
You sound exactly like me on my 3th round! That was my worst one and it was right before the holidays. Was so terrible and emotional! You will get through it! I am just starting to get over the effects of my 5th!! WOO HOO infusion! and I am now happy to say in 2 weeks is my last Chemo Infusion! It is amazing how strong and resiliant we can be. Youwill get through it! You will be Strong! You will look back and think HOW the Hell did Ido that! If you ever need to vent please inbox me. I have and still do feel the same emotions! The closer to the finishe line you get it does get better! Sending hugs your way!

BonnieR 02-05-2012 12:57 PM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
There is a saying "when you are going through Hell, keep going"
I remember feeling just as you do right now. I think part of what helps in these situations is remembering that they won't last forever. They are temporary.
I feel a bit hypocritical because I DID stop the chemo after 4 rounds but my onc made the call due to increased neuropathy. I was expecting to ride it out...
Keep the faith

chekmark 02-05-2012 01:34 PM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
I did not experience the joint pain until later with the herceptin but it was so uncomfortable, but I remember wanting to quit chemo after the third as well due to just feeling so stinking crappy and miserable. I never got sick but felt well I cannot actually explain how I felt but it was horrible.You all know. Then I had #4 and then 5 and then 6 and then it was over and a huge sigh of relief. I found for me it was alot of mind over matter, as I neared the end I found it alot easier, maybe cuz I knew is was nearing the end. I hope it gets easier for you. I would hesitate on telling my oncologist or staff stuff cuz I didn't want any set backs or trips to the hospital, when I did tell them they would always tell me that is normal and what to do. It helped. You need to be comfortable. Cancer treatment does so much to us and I am still discovering things everyday. It sucks. I recently had a cold and it took 2 weeks to shake it, minor compared to what others have gone thru but I used to shake a cold in 3 or 4 days tops. Bonnie said once that she thinks we should be exempt, I agree. Hope you are feeling better soon. Darlene

CoolBreeze 02-05-2012 02:44 PM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
I am having extremely bad joint pain, and due to an infection I've been off chemo for a few months and the pain has gotten much much worse! I am still doing herceptin though. My doctor said the joint pain is probably "estrogen addiction." Some women (maybe those suseptable to breast cancer?) really require a lot of estrogen to function and take that away, and you get the pain.

My joint and muscle pain is so bad that I can't put weight on my ankles, knees, hips in the morning easily and I can barely move until the pain medicine kicks in. I walk around hanging on to stuff like a 90 year old. I get oxycontin and I think it's time for you to ask your doctor for something stronger. I do not find the oxy makes me dopey or high or anything and it mystifies me why any junkie would want it so don't be scared. He may start you on something milder though.

You have cancer, you need to have your pain treated.

NEDenise 02-09-2012 07:31 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
How are you?

Mary Anne in TX 02-09-2012 08:51 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
Asking for help is so wise. Keep asking. I took taxotere and adriamycin as my first combo. Thought I'd die for sure. When it got so bad I couldn't stand it, I'd go out by the water (lived near the Gulf then) and just cry and cry for a bit. Then I'd come in, rinse my mouth with warm salt water, take a couple of aspirin and get mad and determined not to be defeated. Do what you have to do to unload the pain and awful feeling...hollar if you need to. You can do this. But everyone is right, ask for help from the doctor or nurse and pamper yourself however it best serves you. Best wishes. It will be the last one soon. ma

Britbee 02-16-2012 01:39 PM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
Thank you all for your comforting words and helpful replies. I went to see my oncologist today and he has taken down the dosage of the Taxotere to 70% as he said the numbness in my fingertips told him he gave me too much. That was just one thing I had wrong with me, I think I went down the whole list of side effects. However I am much happier now as he also gave me some meds to combat the aches and pains so this time should not be as harsh. The last three weeks were really terrible here is hoping for a better three weeks ahead then only one more dose before straight Herceptin. Yeah!

Paty 02-16-2012 06:42 PM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
Dear Britbee,

Some of the side effects you have, I also had during my treatment, I also cried because I felt miserable. Things will pass and pain will go away, This side effects are normal because of the medecines. During herceptin I always had a running nose and joint pain. Things will pass, let them flow and if you want to cry, cry and relax. Things will be better soon.

chemteach 02-16-2012 08:16 PM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
Maybe this is why my feet and legs are achey and not the way they should be. Or maybe I'm still recovering from the bunion surgery I had just before my diagnosis. I thought I was being a big baby about the aches, but it seems very common. Thank you for posting. Britbee, stay strong, take those meds, and it will be behind you soon. We're all in this with you.

KsGal 02-19-2012 02:29 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
I've only had two treatments, but I have a lot of the same side effects as you have. I've threatened to quit chemo, threatened to quit my job...all kinds of things. This round I got sores in the corners of my mouth, and an infection in my jaw...just to add to the others. I certainly feel your pain. Even though I know, being stage IV, I probably have more chemo to come, I sure am looking forward to this being over with. Big hugs to you..make sure to keep your doctor and nurses updated on all your symptoms, and take whatever help you can get from wherever you can get it.

Vicki revised 03-13-2012 01:09 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
4th was worse than the previous 3 and the 5th was worse than the 4th. I had every side effect and complication possible. By that point chemo has built up to a hign level in your system.

Hang in there

Cheryl D 03-13-2012 04:55 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
I feel for you, I too did taxotere and thought it would kill me and if it didn't I wanted to do it myself, lol.

Drugs and rest are your best friends at the moment, with the drugs use them as much as can be safe and always keep topped up.

I actually asked one of my oncs. why they don't put us in induced comas for 6 months so we don't feel any of this stuff.

Pray 03-13-2012 04:57 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
God bless you Britbee keep your hopes high I'm thinking of you and praying the rest will go well.

Emelie B 03-13-2012 08:35 AM

Re: 4th chemo Taxotere/Herceptin having trouble
Good morning,
I remember being right where you were. So glad you talked to your doctor and they gave you something for the pain. You are so close to the end of the heavy duty stuff, so take hot baths, keep on top of the pain, and be kind to yourself.
I listen to my Ipod and it always puts me in a better space.
Best regards,

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