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Terri B 06-06-2008 07:38 AM

How fat will I get?
I had to post a newer picture so you guys could see the "real me". I got a short haircut in anticipation of the fallout and i'm so fat........UGH

A little history... during all this "wait and see" period, surgery, waiting for chemo to start, i was stressing pretty bad. I was eating everything in sight so i cannot blame the weight gain on anything but "indiscretion".

My problem is, i'm 6' tall and my weight is, well, i cannot say what it is because the normal population wouldn't understand. Suffice it to say that my scale at home is pegged out, and i have to rely on the dr scale to know anything! :(

Introduce the steroids! I have been dieting since i started them on Monday! Slim fast meal replacements, tons and tons of water, soups & salads. That's it for me.

Do the steroids only cause weight gain because they stimulate you to eat? Or am i DOOMED???

(and yes, i'm a Yankee fan.. no snide remarks excepted)

Sheila 06-06-2008 07:59 AM

As pretty much a steroid diva...and a Cubs fan (is there any other team?) I can say that I seem to retain LOTS of fluid from the steroids....I don't seem any hungrier, just tired, and fluid filled, to the point where I get short of breath when walking fast for a few days....but it will pack on the pounds, thats a given, and then there is the round face aka squirrel cheeks,,,like a mild cushings syndrome we get. How did the first treatment go...you sound great!

CindyE 06-06-2008 08:00 AM

Hi Terri,
I have been reading about the weight gain too as I seem to be getting thicker and flabby around the middle. I have read that treatment, stress and the steroids can cause this. It is a really good idea to eat healthy during chemo and when your body is recovering. A blogger who has a site about better living and eating sent me his book called Better Living with Whole Foods. The book is excellent and says to avoid replacement foods like slim fast, etc. I too was drinking those trying to keep my weight down. Apparently its much better for our bodies to eat whole, real foods. Check out his website at www.BetterLivingWithWholeFoods.com to learn more. He is really nice and you can even email him at axfitness@hotmail.com to ask for his help in your situation. He contacted me to help when he heard I had BC and sent me his book free.

Good luck and don't get discouraged.


Gerri 06-06-2008 08:29 AM

Hi Terri,

Nice picture, too bad about the ban on snide comments regarding your choice in "hats". Suffice it to say I am a die-hard Angels fan.

Now to the real reason for your post - the dreaded weight gain! I have always struggled with my weight and had just (on purpose) lost 16 pounds prior to my dx. When going over the side effects of chemo, my onc told me that more women gain weight than lose it whlie undergoing treatment. NOT FAIR! If I had to get cancer, could I not have at least ONE perk? I tried to be careful and eat well, but still gained 20 pounds. I have to admit that I never excercised this entire time, so that may have contributed to the weight gain. I still have that extra poundage and for the most part, really eat a healthy diet - not perfect, but better than many of my family and co-workers. I am now over a year out of treatment, have entered menopause and am taking Femara and another drug (non-cancer related) that "may cause weight gain". So, whats a girl to do? I think the only thing we can do is make sure that we eat a healthy diet, cut out the junk food and EXCERCISE! While undergoing treatment I think you really need to focus on proper nutrition and not worry about your weight as long as you are eating properly - I know, not so easy to do.

Now about hair. Losing it is hard, but the good thing is that it does come back after you are done with treatment. Mine came back just as thick and the same color as before - no gray! I actually wear it shorter and curlier than I used to because I ended up really liking it this way.

Hang in there Terri, you are going to do great.

Take good care,


GO ANGELS - sorry just couldn't resist!

Terri B 06-06-2008 08:42 AM

Thanks for the responses. It's as i suspected....


I just don't want to get so fat that i can't move! It's bad enough right now that I can't paint my own toenails (pout!)! Tying a pair of shoes??? puulleaasee.

Okay, enough whining. Other than that, i can't complain. My port is wonderful, hardly felt the stick at all! Getting my foobs pumped up a little every week so i look like i have a little bit up there! I can even sleep on them!! (couldn't do that with my real ones!!)

First treatment went well. i still feel normal (i know that will change) i'm not complaining. :P

SoCalGal 06-06-2008 11:10 AM

Hi Terri-
Will you add your treatment to your signature? I can't recall off hand but if you are getting steroids with chemo and not every day they may not make you gain at all.

I have been following a gluten free dairy free diet for a little over a year to optimize my immune system. My sister joined me to show solidarity and without "dieting" she lost over 30 pounds. She has also kept every pound off - again - just following "our" diet.

Make sure to eat plenty of protein - people on chemo need as much protein as athletes. And try to take a walk everyday. Okay - that's all the advice dishing I can stand:).


Terri B 06-06-2008 11:23 AM

Thanks Flori

I have added my treatment to my signature. I am being given the steroids before my treatment every monday. It's decadron.

Thanks for the info!

fauxgypsy 06-06-2008 12:20 PM

I maintained my weight all through treatment. That is not to say that it is my ideal weight but I weigh the same after several months of chemo with steroids, almost a year and a half of herceptin, and several months of tamoxifen and /or arimidex. I am flabbier than I was but then I am no longer climbing ladders and scaffolds. I have noticed that I am eating less but it is not affecting my weight. Who knows what I will like in a year.


Terri B 06-06-2008 12:24 PM

Well, Leslie, that's at least encouraging.

caya 06-06-2008 01:58 PM


I gained 10 lbs. during chemo, mostly because I was too tired to exercise much, and also I ate more carbs than I normally would.
I have lost that 10 lbs. now, + another 5, and my goal is to lose another 10 -15 now that I have finished Herceptin. I retained alot of water during Herceptin, had alot of swelling in my left leg, ankle and foot. They tested me for a blood clot in that leg 3 times, but I was always okay.

Yeah, it's a bummer losing your hair - but it will grow back. Mine grew back straighter and less grey - I finished chemo in May 2007, and have not yet dyed my hair, it's a lovely salt and pepper - more pepper.

Good luck Terri, you will be fine.

all the best

R.B. 06-06-2008 02:19 PM


You might like to look at this thread.


There is a lot of evidence but no proof that balancing the omega three and six mother fats and ensuring a supply of long chain omega 3s will help reduce the risk of inflammatory conditions and some cancer including BC.

There is also evidence that points to long chain Omega 3s increasing basal metabolism and the mother omega 6 reducing it.

It also looks as if Omega 6 may encourage fat storage and omega 3 encourage fat burning.

The body stores a lot of Omega 6 and not much Omega 3. In some people today it is 25% of body fat. In the 50s and 60s it was maybe 5-7%.

For many to balance a high level of stored Omega 6 fat will require higher levels of oily fish than the general dietary recommendation of one or two servings a week.

There are some interesting links on diet in the thread. Simopolous is a very well respect author on the subject.

Please talk to your doctor if you significantly change your diet or start taking fish oil, especially so with treatments. There are some posts on this site as to fish oil and chemo etc, suggesting synergies in some cases, but that is a subject you would have to discuss you and your doctor.

goops 06-06-2008 03:05 PM

A Yankee fan huh....I am a big MN Twins fan.

I had A/C Chemo first and I lost about 20 pounds when I was on it, but they when I started the Taxol I was hungry all the time and gained the 20 back. When I completed chemo I weighed the same as when I started 5 months before.

Mary Jo 06-06-2008 03:28 PM

Hi Terri.........I like you http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif You're funny! Hehe!

Anyway...........you sound like you're doing great...you have a great attitude.....I LOVE that!

I gained 15 pounds during treatment and hated EVERY SINGLE POUND .......... when herceptin was finished though I lost it. Now however, I've gained about 8 while gearing up for my DIEP reconstruction. I keep saying to myself - "self, settle down....you're growing breasts" Hahahahaha!

GO BREWERS..........

Mary Jo

weezie1053 06-06-2008 05:36 PM

Terri, I think most of us gained weight. I will celebrate my 2 yr canceranniversary in Sept 08 (month of surgery). I finished herceptin in Nov. Only until recently have I had the energy to think about a diet. It will come. I gained 15, and I have lost close to 10. By the way, I come from a very short family and most of them were overweight so I joined Weight Watchers 20 years ago, and it is a great way to get it off. It is not always easy to eat healthy as I hated the taste of everything but ice cream while on chemo. I use to pork out on the Edy's Ice Cream and I was my own worst enemy when there was a 2 for 1 sale.

Last Thanksgiving one of my sisters told me I looked like "Mom." Well my mother was a little butterball. Only a sister can make such a comment and live to see tomorrow.

It's part of the journey, but this too will past.


Marlys 06-06-2008 05:37 PM

I'm with Sheila. However, I sure you will be forgiven for being a Yankee's fan. My husband is one too and I still love him. We do go to Phoenix to Cubs preseason 'cause Florida's too far away. Good luck with your treatment and don't beat yourself up about the weight. It doesn't work!!
Love & hugs,

Jean 06-06-2008 05:54 PM

Dear Terri,
I gained pounds and pounds while on chemo. Yes,
it will drop off later....I know how you feel but you must
say to yourself this is a speical fighting time and try to
think of those pounds as your temporary armor in the fight.

Besides all "Yankee Fans are beautiful"
Hang in there it does get better.


swimangel72 06-06-2008 07:19 PM

Terri you still have a beautiful face - don't worry about the extra pounds right now - just try to eat a healthy diet and get some exercise. I'm also tall (5'10") and totally understand about how the number on the scale would scare shorter women - but the good news is at least we can CARRY the extra weight. When I first became a lifetime member of Weight Watchers (about 20 years ago) I went with a short girl-friend. A 20 lb weight loss for me was equal to a 10 lb weight loss for her - she used to get frustrated until I told her all things are NOT equal since we don't have the same height and bone-structure. Oh and I can hide the extra weight even more because I have very broad shoulders and hip bones......but it makes it hard when I need was forced to buy a size 18 Women's in jeans just to fit my stomach because I still have such a flat ass that the fabric just hangs back there! No matter how thin I get, it's the same story - clothes don't always fit me well.

I look at any weight gain now as insurance that we have something to fall back on. A friend of mine was seriously ill with some kind of lymphoma.......she had to be hospitalized for months for her chemo treatments. She survived and to this day, my friend says she had a better chance to survive because of her extra weight on her bones. Sounds like an old-wives tale (my mother always told stories like that, me-thinks remnants from the Depression) but maybe there is some truth?

Anyway - just continue being your upbeat beautiful self Terri - as my mother always says, "And this too shall pass away."

Chelee 06-06-2008 11:17 PM

Terri, Many women do gain some weight but I know I sure didn't. My chemo was "TCH" & I had a very difficult time eating. Everything smelled bad & tasted terrible. Even with the 3 days of steroids around infusion time, added with more steroids in my IV...I really thought I would pack on some weight from everything I had read... but I lost a total of 34 lbs in four months. So not everyone gains. Some of us odd balls actually lose for whatever reason? I've only gained 3 to 4 lbs back since I finished chemo about 2 yrs ago & I'm holding steady it seems. (Knock wood.)

One "NP" that saw me was so concerned because I dropped 10 lbs in one wk. And believe me...I wasn't exercising at all. Far from it. lol

But I just wanted to let you know there are a few of us out here that didn't gain weight. When I was loaded up on the steroids I found it even harder to eat. So no...your not doomed. :) You will just have to see how your body responds. We are all different. Hang in there.


abitjaded 06-07-2008 01:00 PM


Feel for you. I actually lost a lot of weight, but had rad and AC first before the Taxol and Herceptin. No matter whether you gain or lose, the whole experience does not promote mirror gazing and self-admiration. Hey, I'm getting Taxol and gee, how wonderful I look!!!!

I wish I had been able to over eat. I might have felt better. At least some reports suggest weight lost can cause more peripheral neuropathy to accumulate, as happened to me.

So eat girl. You look good. Not so sure about the hat though. How about them Rockies.


StephN 06-07-2008 01:39 PM

Well, we won't say much about the Mariners, since they are having a hard time coming together as a team this season ...

Terri - Keep asking the good questions, friend. Diet is VERY important when you are undergoing what really amounts to a slow poisoning of your body. You need good protein to rebuild the cells you are losing. I was told by my med onc to eat an egg every morning, and I did.

Cheese is also good (harder the better). Beans, nuts, broccoli, lentils and other veggies are extrememly important. You need foods that will aid your body in keeping your red blood count up.

If there is a nutritionist at your cancer center, see that person and get some brochures or handouts on foods cancer patients undergoing treatment should eat.

Don't worry so much about your weight. If you eat the right foods, you should not gain much, if any.

STAY AWAY from sweets and fast foods. This is where the calories are. I know there is not much in the way of low-cal comfort food, but these foods are also low in nutrition.

If you think nutrition rather than calories, you will do better in the long run. This is just part of the string of adjustments we need to make to deal with this disease.

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