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Andrea Barnett Budin 01-14-2016 02:12 PM

New members want to join
Have come across a batch of metastatic breast cancer ladies who want to join our group.

I gave them the link.

Remind me please -- then what? HOW DOES ONE SIGN UP?


I've been a member for so long, I don't recall how to go about this.

Feel silly asking, but I know you can help me out...


jaykay 01-14-2016 02:46 PM

Re: New members want to join
If you look at the top of the message board, there is a "register" tab. On the same line as Home/Her2Support/Terms of Use/etc.

Andrea Barnett Budin 01-14-2016 05:39 PM

Re: New members want to join
Aha!!! I see it. Thank you. I will pass that on.

They couldn't find it either. How silly.

It's right there! Duh... :o))

MaineRottweilers 01-14-2016 05:43 PM

Re: New members want to join
Looking forward to their appearances. Thanks for showing them the way, Andi.

Andrea Barnett Budin 01-14-2016 06:28 PM

Re: New members want to join

People post all sorts of things. Some about their stage and specifics. I replied to one of those and mentioned my 20 yr survival. What. WHAT????

So pp started replying all excited. And I responded to their questions. Then someone said they didn't think that was the forum for such discussion. So I stopped. The next day I posted that I wondered why it wasn't appropriate for a group of metastatic bc ladies to share information, experience, what worked and didn't and so on.

Later yesterday one of those ladies who is apparently very well connected in the metsters community tagged me on my page giving a very brief synopsis of who I am.

I replies started pouring in. Over 200 pp replied. So so excited. Of course I mentioned HER2 site. And some asked how they could join.

I was so elated. So many going through hell, scared, worried. And I was offering hope and my sunny outlook and advice and they couldn't stop thanking me and asking for my supplement list and so on.

I have been on a high ever since.

This is what I love doing. This is why I believe I am still here. It's my mission. To share and spread my message to all who'll listen.

Sure some don't want to hear. They say some eat sugar some don't. They all die. Well, that person isn't going to like my message. I'm an acquired taste perhaps. But I actually like that person, just not so much her bad attitude. I will have to work on her. LOL.

So I was checking the exact name of the HER2 site I always talk about. Some said they went to that site but couldn't figure out how to register and damn if I couldn't find it either.

It's right there. I am too old to know the simplest tech thing. I'm lucky I can turn the light on in each room. These new fangled fancy switches, dimmers, push to the right for this, to the left for that. What happened to on and off??? Too funny.

Anyone, I think they will feel right at home here and you are all so welcoming. One is a newbie. Others are very experienced let's say.

We could use some new blood. Fresh perspectives and experiences, don't ya think??


MaineRottweilers 01-14-2016 06:56 PM

Re: New members want to join
Oh, Andi! I am excited for you too. It is what you are here to do. You and Flori among others are what keep me going on those dark days when I am sure I will die in year or two. No, no. No, I am NOT. I cashed out my retirement and I am determined to outlive my resources, destitute and happy for my FULL LIFESPAN and that's is YOUR doing, my friend and stats be DAMNED.

Hahaha, too old---no such thing. The gadgets they have for our homes these days, shame Inspector Gadget. I don't know how to work our TV remote, it controls EVERYTHING in the house. I just want to turn on the TV.....

Yes, yes we do need some fresh perspectives and open dialog. We are such a diverse group and not everyone wants to be treated the same way or even treated at all. It's nice to have supportive viewpoints from a number of directions. I can't wait for the newcomers to start posting, we're so quiet here.

PinkGirl 01-14-2016 08:02 PM

Re: New members want to join
you're an acquired taste ..... 😂😂😂

SoCalGal 01-14-2016 09:51 PM

Re: New members want to join
Pink girl - belly laugh on that comment. Andi such great news and I echo Tracy's sentiments. Always so good to help others. Xoxo xo

Jedrik 01-14-2016 09:59 PM

Re: New members want to join
Is this the point where I say "Hello and THANK YOU"?

I'm not from FB, but found you all by myself a short while after being diagnosed and have scoured these pages for information ever since. I love knowing, even the scary things, as not knowing what might happen scares me even more. So you ladies gave me quite a bit of peace of mind and a more positive outlook into the future and give me strength by example.

Not to mention some very helpful "cancer hacks" that are getting me through treatment nicely so far.

About posting: Not a lot of experience I can share as I'm still having CT for early stage cancer. Will work on a signature asap.

SoCalGal 01-15-2016 12:13 AM

Re: New members want to join
Welcome Jedrik, glad you found us, we're good eggs! This site has been a life saver for me. Hope you will find it helpful and supportive :)

jra40 01-15-2016 07:49 AM

Re: New members want to join
I'm going to start calling you Awesome Andi! Glad you found that FB page and recruited some newbies! Welcome Jedrik, glad to have you join our wonderful group of warriors :)

jaykay 01-15-2016 08:41 AM

Re: New members want to join
Oh Andi BB - you are definitely not old!! How many times have I not been able to find something in front of my face? :-).

You are actually one of the youngest at heart on this board.


Andrea Barnett Budin 01-15-2016 06:19 PM

Re: New members want to join
You are all so nice. I knew I loved you. You remind me why. You are all good eggs, even Pinkie. Tehe... An acquired taste. I'm just me. Real. If that doesn't work for you, look elsewhere. But I am here for you all the same.

Thank you Janis. WELCOME JED...! Even without experience I bet you have thoughts, like you just expressed. It is less scary to know than to wonder and let your imagination run wild. Knowledge is power. And this site has helped every single one of us, including me, at low times when it feels like the planet just fell off its axis in our world. JRA I am glad I posted on the Metastatic Breast Cancer Project Working Group. I also joined the quest to facilitate research. That sounds grand, doesn't it. They're more serious, focused on something really important. They do digress from time to time into silly but somehow it was suggested my input was inappropriate for that forum. I wondered aloud why when you get 1,000+ mbc ladies together it is fruitful to compare what's worked and what didn't. Many agreed. And one kind lady, who is evidently well connected w/many friends in the community tagged my page on FB and introduced me to her friends. Who can't get excited meeting an outlier like me as she called me. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN. Here -- meet one.

IT'S MY GOAL TO MAKE AS MANY OF YOU AN OUTLIER TOO! Flori shares generously from her heart and she is a pretty spectacular lady with winning ways who has defied the odds and made her own trail for others like her to follow. Plus she's an artist and shares her skills with pp who need an therapeutic outlet for their angst. The cancer community sure does stir up some raw emotions that need hugs in all forms. Even this far out, yes I HAD cancer, but you never fully escape. The oncs stalk you, worry about you, spring on anything slightly amiss and plunge you into test and biopsies and surgeries to get biopsies and more tests and then waiting for results and you all the while are struggling to keep your chin above water and not let your thoughts run wild. So many come here at those times and need some love and advice and uplifting messages to occupy your brain instead of the ideas that are so full of fear you could plotz. Pinkie, my linguist, do you know plotz? Can you use it in Scrabble? Is it legit?

Tracy you do have a beautiful generosity of Spirit. Thank you for your words. They touch my heart. I sometimes wonder why I am spending so much time on this post or that but the reason is I see that a lot of pp are looking (? lurking) and not all posting for a number of reasons, so I keep doing what I do. It thrills me to hear specifically that I contributed to making your down day turn a bit rosy.

I love your attitude. And that you are tech challenged as well. I got a CD from my dghtr. She looks so fabulous and she's been exercising to the tape. So when she was finished she would give it to me. She did. Wks, mnths passed. I obviously am not getting any younger or thinner. She asked if I... No... I feel compelled to fess up. Neither your father nor I can figure out how to work the CD thing. I recall many yrs ago we were watching some movie and it took us over a half hr to turn the thing on. Then we were too tired to watch it all... Pathetic yet our reality.

Yes, you will live a full lifespan. SEE yourself far far into the future. When my granddaughter was born I had a dream. Calligraphy in green and it said full screen in my head in my dream Jocelyn Taylor. What could that mean? I asked my other dghtr, her mother. Maybe it's her Bat Mitzvah invitation.

I was sold. I began to envision myself at her Bat Mitzvah in 13 yrs. I was so happy and radiant, standing at a circular table, clapping my hands to the music as was my husb and friends and family. Soon Josie walked out onto the dance floor all dressed up. I was glowing, so proud.

Then -- I lived that dream!!! And that was 6 yrs ago. She is now 19...! Off to college.

So I have other dreams I see myself far far into the future. It becomes a self-prophesizing goal. (??? sp) You make it become a reality. And the Universe works with you, as your thoughts and mental images are made of energy and go out from you. The energy you emit is sensed and responded to IN KIND...

So dream your dream, Tracy. Dream several dreams.

Defy the odds and the stupid predictions. This is your life. You are the Captain of your Fate. See your destiny and then live it!

Hugs to all mentioned and those not,

sassy 01-15-2016 09:15 PM

Re: New members want to join
There is only one Andi BB and we love you


PinkGirl 01-16-2016 06:29 AM

Re: New members want to join
I almost plotz-ed when you said someone gave you an exercise video. Have you ever noticed that exercise sounds like extra fries?? I checked and plotz is a valid scrabble word. I heart you too AndiBB!! .

suzan w 01-16-2016 09:11 PM

Re: New members want to join
Love this thread!!! I have loved this site for over 10 years now!!! Found it by accident. Welcome newcomers...you will love it too. Hey, Maine Rottweillers...I cashed out my retirement too, 9 years ago, I am still alive, broke and had to go back to work! F#%* cancer!!!

jra40 01-17-2016 04:30 AM

Re: New members want to join
LOL - Susan, GREAT post!!!

Soccermom 01-18-2016 06:37 PM

Re: New members want to join
Andi Andi Andi... You've brought me back into the fold😍

Andrea Barnett Budin 01-18-2016 06:41 PM

Re: New members want to join
How huge my smile is, Marcia...!

You delight me with the gift of your presence once again...

We all have much to learn for your beauty and grace.

I do love you.


SoCalGal 01-18-2016 10:37 PM

Re: New members want to join
Wow, soccermom is back :))) good work, Andi BB. And Pinkie, you are beyond funny. Not that many people make me LOL. I heart all of you!!

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