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Joanne S 01-10-2013 11:05 PM

What will the results be?
I guess it's my turn to whine---I've been patting myself on the back for doing pretty good at keeping positive and hopeful, but tonight I'm not doing quite so well. I'm feeling apprehensive and anxious about what the news will be tomorrow. What am I going to hear? I hate this feeling. I'm scared. I'm feeling alone because my mets dx is somewhat rare and different from yours...

My baseline MRI was in September and have been on Aromasin (Exemestane) and Affinitor (Everolomis) for 4 months. I'm very grateful that I've been able to tolerate these meds as they have so many terrible side-effects that many can't take them. I've had my share of side-effects, wah, but if they're doing their job, I promise I won't complain about them. I had my pelvic MRI 3 days ago - tomorrow I find out if this hormonal therapy is having any beneficial effect???

I could use some positive vibes. I'm not a very good writer - can't find the words to express how much I appreciate all of you sharing your experiences, your wit, knowledge, spirit, kindness, support and prayers. Sisters, you mean the world to me. THANK YOU! Love ya, Joanne

IrvineFriend 01-10-2013 11:34 PM

Re: What will the results be?
I'm sorry you're having a hard night Joanne. I don't know much about the met to the uterus but know that another Her2 sister is sending warm and positive thoughts your way and I will say an extra prayer for you.

I was on pins and needles until I got the results of my PET/CT scan so I feel your pain.

Can they do a hysterectomy for the met to the uterus?

Hope you're able to get some sleep tonight. When I was waiting for my results, I read the success stories so I would have some hope even if the results came back disappointing.

They say God will only give us as much as we're able to handle, so know that you're a very strong woman. Also, I see how supportive you are with others on this site and your journey helps so many others with this crappy disease.


dawny 01-10-2013 11:37 PM

Re: What will the results be?
Lots of good vibes coming your way Joanne!!


Pray 01-10-2013 11:38 PM

Re: What will the results be?
Hang in there Joanne! Your doing a great job. Trust in The Lord your are always in his hands. Please know you are in my prayers. May the peace of our lord be with you always your friend, nancy

Paula O 01-11-2013 03:43 AM

Re: What will the results be?
Waiting is so hard. I hope you hear some really good news today, Joanne.

Lifting you in prayer,



Redwolf8812 01-11-2013 04:01 AM

Re: What will the results be?
Praying for you, Joanne. I see in your signature line that your diagnosis was changed when you progressed to stage 4. My friend Kelly (shaysmom on here) has been fighting stage 4 ILC for 10 years. One of her biopsies showed her2- but she is still treated as being her2+ and is doing well.

- Penny

Becky 01-11-2013 06:55 AM

Re: What will the results be?
The waiting for test results is always so scary, one never gets used to it. We are waiting here with you.

Huge hugs

europa 01-11-2013 07:19 AM

Re: What will the results be?
Sending you great juju.

Joan M 01-11-2013 09:20 AM

Re: What will the results be?

I'm sending positive vibes over the miles. And by the way, you look great!


Mandamoo 01-11-2013 02:45 PM

Re: What will the results be?
Big love and good thoughts from down under. Xxxxx

KsGal 01-11-2013 03:02 PM

Re: What will the results be?
Im sorry, Joanne. I don't think the anxiety over the scans over goes away. Im sure sending you lots of prayers and positive energy, and Im so glad that you are tolerating your treatment with not too many awful side effects.
I have scans Monday myself for my liver situation. Im really hoping it has at least held steady while Im working on these brain tumors, because I really don't want MORE chemotherapy right now.
We can't be all up and positive all the time. This is such a devastating disease, and we hate it, and its not fair. No-one should have to go through all this. We are here for you...((hugs)) Holding your hand across the distance...Just know it is going to be good news.

NEDenise 01-11-2013 04:35 PM

Re: What will the results be?
Making you wait 3 days seems cruel and unusual to me! You poor thing! You are one remarkable woman!

Sending prayers, warm wishes, and golden healing energy to you across the country.
ps- don't sell yourself short...I think you're a fine writer :)

adelay 01-11-2013 04:45 PM

Re: What will the results be?
love and prayers for a great report

chrisy 01-11-2013 05:48 PM

Re: What will the results be?
Waiting is the hardest thing. We've all been there! Try (not easy I know!) putting it out of your mind for the weekend, reset your scanxiety alarm for when you will find out the results.

Hang in there

sassy 01-11-2013 08:04 PM

Re: What will the results be?

Praying and keeping fingers crossed for good news. We are here for you.

Joanne S 01-11-2013 08:53 PM

Re: What will the results be?

The good news is that there are no new tumors and the cancer has not grown. The doctor classifies this as "stable". I'm a little disappointed that the cancer has remained the exact same size as it was when I started my treatment, but I don’t want to complain---I know it could be so much worse with this terrible disease. We all know how unpredictable this beast can be. Just feelin’ a lil void today - I guess I'm entitled, tomorrow I'll feel better.

Since it's been a year since I had my last PET scan, the doctor wants me to have another one just to make sure nothing else in going on anywhere else. So the current plan is to continue with these same meds (Afinitor and Aromasin), schedule the scan, and see the doctor in a month for the PET results.

The onc office usually schedules my appointments to go over the results of my diagnostics with my onc 2-4 days after the scan. Once the scan/study is done, it is electronically available for immediate review by a specialist/radiologist MD. Whenever(?) that specialist completes has analysis and results report, the scan and report are electronically available to my onc. So 2-4 days is just the norm wait time for me. I didn’t realize anyone gets their results sooner. You must be special!  :)

IrvineFriend, Thanks for asking. When I was first diagnosed with this mets, my onc sent me to see a Gyn/Onc/Surgeon. After review of my scan and a very physical pelvic exam, he explained that the cancer is beyond the inside of my enlarged uterus and just too close to my bladder and colon, so I’m not a good candidate for hysterectomy. My hope was for it to have reduced enough so I could get the surgery, but  :( that’s not going to happen now.

Thanks to all of you for you kind words, questions, support and prayers! I am sincerely grateful! And please know you all are in my daily thoughts and prayers!

Giant squeezing cyber-hugs to all my sistas, <3 Jo

Joanne S 01-11-2013 09:19 PM

Re: What will the results be?
RE above post by Redwolf8812: " My friend Kelly (shaysmom on here) has been fighting stage 4 ILC for 10 years. One of her biopsies showed her2- but she is still treated as being her2+ and is doing well."

Redwolf8812, I had no idea - I don't think ILC and HER2 negative are mentioned in Shaysmom's signature. THANKS so much for sharing that info with me. I will mention it to my onc, and perhaps Shaysmom might have more info to share with me about still being treated for HER2+. :) Hugs, Jo

Shaysmom, Any info you can share with me would be appreciated. I hope you are continuing to do well. Joanne

Pamelamary 01-11-2013 09:47 PM

Re: What will the results be?
Joanne, in my opinion "stable" is good! Good to hear your current treatment is tolerable, but never feel you can't complain.
I heard elsewhere.... "Yes, I could be hit by a bus tomorrow, but at least I wouldn't be dragged behind it for 5 years." We are entitled to complain!
Warm wishes from Australia.... Pam

Joanne S 01-11-2013 10:47 PM

Re: What will the results be?
"Yes, I could be hit by a bus tomorrow, but at least I wouldn't be dragged behind it for 5 years."
Pamelamary, Thank you. tootoo funny- you made me laugh out loud! Therapy - I needed that.
Wishing you continued improvment Pam!
Long distance hugs and best wishes to you in Australia, Jo

Bunty 01-12-2013 04:44 AM

Re: What will the results be?
And another 'good onya' from Australia Jo. Stable is good! I'm picturing that scene from the film "Speed" where Keanu Reeves rigs up a device under the bus that he and Sandra Bullock escape on. So, not getting dragged by a bus, but escaping a run-away bus (cancer), equates to 'stable' in our world perhaps?
Just a silly thought!!
Best wishes, Marie

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