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madubois63 10-29-2007 08:39 AM

Halloween and cancer - a little cancer humour.

Halloween and cancer:
So, how do Halloween and cancer go together you ask? Cancer has given me some of the best/worst costumes over the years, but not always at the right time of the year…My first costume was the invisible woman. After being diagnosed, I sat in rooms with doctors and family members while they talked about me as if I wasn’t there. Some friends just disappeared from my life. I guess they couldn’t see me anymore! Then came chemo, and I became an alien. At least that’s what I saw in the mirror. Maybe that’s what my old friends saw too?? My bald head and big shocked eyes made me look like something out of a 50’s sci-fi movie. At first, after the modified radical mastectomy, I looked like a mummy all wrapped up in bandages. But then I looked in the mirror and realized I had become Frankenstein all sewn together. I was frightened at first, but the scars faded and my Mexican tattoo made things better (If you haven‘t heard that one yet, ask. It‘s another story for another day). I achieved remission and then became Wonder Woman. I went back to college and work (both full time), took care of my 2 kids on my own and tried to please everyone. After a while, that wasn’t working and the cancer came back again. I became one of those pod people carrying around invaders in my body. I felt like I didn’t have control and I was fighting for dear life. Then came the leukemia accompanied by anemia. Yes, you guest it…I became a vampire. Although the nurses took small bottles and needles worth of blood for tests, I needed pints and pints of blood to survive. I’ve always had a thing for horror stories and black clothes (slimming), but this was beyond ridiculous! During the transplant and isolation time, I wore masks and robes and looked like a freaky bald mad scientist. Then my liver went in to rejection, and I turned yellow then green. I could be Frankenstein again or the wicked witch depending on my mood - lol. I had to take the horse serum to get well again, so I tapped my hoof a few times and did a fairly good neigh. So here it is just a few days from Halloween, and I am not bandaged, yellow or green. My hair is almost shoulder length. I am no longer invisible (I learned to speak up - pretty loudly too). I’m not dependent on transfusions, and I am in total remission. Any ideas on what to be for Halloween?? I am fresh out of ideas!!!

Have a happy Halloween - Love to all, Maryann

Audrey 10-29-2007 09:28 AM

Wow, MaryAnn, I loved your post--you've certainly been through so much and so many "costumes" (I recognized myself in a number of those, too, particularly invisible woman and alien). As for this year, I suggest Amazon warrior woman, superhero or rockstar!

Verna 10-29-2007 09:32 AM

That is a heck of story, but oh so true, you should write a book. The only thing I can suggest is if you are plump from the steroids and chemo treatments ( I gained 30 lbs) you can throw a sheet over yourself and go as a queen mattress.
No, pun intended I just heard it on the radio and thought it was cute.

BonnieR 10-29-2007 09:34 AM

Wonder Woman!!!!!

Carolyns 10-29-2007 09:54 AM


That is an amazing post - so inspiring. Forget what you plan to be for halloween I think that we should all dress up like you (monkey and all, from your picture) and be you...our own personal super hero!!!


Carolyns 10-29-2007 09:58 AM


Okay, I just looked at your picture again...what is that stuffed animal? I said monkey in my last email when I suggested that we all dress up like you. You are my hero!

Maybe you could be the Ever Ready bunny - keeps going and going!!!!


Patrice 10-29-2007 11:03 AM

I hope you're going to write a book some day! You're more than inspiring!

And I vote for Wonder Woman!


lilyecuadorian 10-29-2007 11:11 AM

a cat (I hear cat's have 7 lives ) or wonder woman it be apropiatte too

madubois63 10-29-2007 12:30 PM

Thanks for the praise - it makes me full of myself for a little while. I keep saying I'm going to write a book, but it just seems like everyone has a book about cancer these days...

Carolyn: The stuffed animal is actually a Bernese Mountain dog/ rocking horse. I have a "Berner." I saw this in a store at the Mohegan Sun Casino and had to have a picture with it.

Lily: I'm not sure how many lives I've used up so far...

Verna: I liked the mattress - very funny. My cheeks are still a little plump, but I lost nearly 60 lb this past year. Maybe I can be a twin mattress??

PinkGirl 10-29-2007 01:16 PM

Happy Hallowe'en
Madame Dubois,

I can't tell from the photo of you with the Bernese Mountain dog if you look
more like Chaka Khan or Whitney Houston. But........you could try dressing
up as one of them and go door to door singing "I'm Every Woman"........
Just a thought.....

Verna 10-29-2007 01:26 PM

I still think you should write a book! You really have a way of putting things down on paper, I on the other hand know what I feel, but cannot put it into words, (still have chemo brain, it's a great excuse). It's funny we can all relate to your story, but someone who is not been through what we have would not understand.
We've all been through alot! I think we should all be Wonder Women!

Chelee 10-29-2007 02:10 PM

MaryAnn, Much of what you said hit home for me. The invisible women, & your disappearing friends, etc. You seriously do have a way with words because I actually got a bit emotional reading your post. You've been through alot and your one strong women and certainly a major inspiration to me.
As to what to be for Halloween...you need to find a costume that projects one very amazing women....because your it!


IRENE FROM TAMPA 10-29-2007 03:28 PM

Your post is so funny
Hi Maryanne

I had a good laugh while reading your post. You echo so much of what many of us have felt.

How about the many faces of Maryanne by incooperating a little bit of each of the phases you went through....but leaving your beautiful face to shine through which is who you really are.

Whatever you come up with, HAVE A BLAST..

Take care

Bev 10-29-2007 09:27 PM

An angel with horns or leather would work for me. Meant in a nice way. Kind of like one tough angel. BB

Sandy in Silicon Valley 10-30-2007 11:38 AM

What to be for Hallowe'en...
Hi, Maryann -

Great post & thread. You've had an obstacle-filled journey with bc, mets & leukemia, and have kept bouncing back, with humor and ebullience. I like "Tigger" as a name, and a costume - you've definitely got the GA-BOING tail/tale thing going!

..."And the wonderful thing about Tigger, is that Tigger's a wonderful thing..."

Sandy in Silicon Valley

chrisy 10-30-2007 09:03 PM

Sandy, when you talk about Tigger, it reminds me of my beloved oncologist (who died a couple years ago at 42) who was VERY MUCH like that - bouncing around the office spreading good humor. He used to dress up as tigger for events. He was such a joy, and I miss him so much. He was also a wonderful thing. BTW, he was also associated with Stanford - so you may have crossed paths with him, too.

dhealey 10-31-2007 03:08 PM

Your story made me laugh and I needed that after a day at work with crazy patients (must be Halloween or the full moon we had earlier in the week.) I think you should be tiger as you keep bouncing back! Your an inspiration to all of us.

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-01-2007 12:37 PM

The Morning After...
My daughter just called to say the school called. Josie (11) -- who never misses a single day of school -- needed to be picked up. She had a horrible headache. She came home and threw up. ISN'T HALLOWEEN A FUN HOLIDAY? All the kids are coming off of a major sugar rush and every one is exhausted, out partying far in to the (school) night. They need to make November 1st a holiday of rest, as Josie's teacher just mentioned...

Loved your tale Marryann. Well done! I totally related to becoming invisible to friends, or more accurately having certain *friends* disappear off the radar screen... Their loss, I say. Yes, and the alien in the mirror (a greyish green, bleary-eyed, bloated face -- from Dexymethazone), bald, no eyebrows or lashes). Desperate Housewives portrays the chemo patient w/eyebrows and lashes, if you note. So not a true reflection (no pun intended). Mummy, check. Frankenstein, check. You and I could go as Wonder Woman, little walking miracles!!

Yesterday I found myself wearing my leopard shirt and red lipstick. I'm feeling very crazy sexy lately. Must be the 160 mg of Black Cohosh I'm taking for my hot flashes... I'm feeling hot in a whole new way... http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gstres/thghts/smile


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