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rinaina 11-15-2008 11:52 PM

checking out my vertigo and need prayers
I do not normally worry or get nervous until I have to or have a definitive reason to, however, I will admit I am very frightened over this vertigo I have been experiencing for several weeks now. I have an appointment with my ENT doctor on Monday and will also call my oncologist on Monday to discuss this with him. I know I probably should have called him first but tried not to panic. My internist first tried treating me with bonine which didn't do too much and then referred me to my ENT. I know the nature of Her2 and it's high rate of recurrence and metastasis but I didn't want to jump to the worst conclusion right away, but the more I think about it and experience it, (subtle as it is), the more I worry that it could be a sign of the worst, brain mets. I keep telling myself not to panic because I was stage 1, no node involvement and I had my year of herceptin but I am still very worried. Please say prayers for me. I promise, I will call the onc on Monday and will report back as soon as I know anything. Thank you sisters for your support.

Chelee 11-16-2008 01:11 AM

Rina, I totally understand your fear...we've all been there. My upper back has been hurting and my breathing feels affected and I'm freaking out. So I totally understand. It's pretty normal for that panic to set in.

But seriously...there are so many causes for vertigo. I've had vertigo off and on for years. It happens when I lay on my left side or bend my head the wrong way, then everything spins. My ENT & primary both say it's just positional veritgo. But when we have this cancer cloud hanging over our head we natually think the worse.

I think you did the right thing by seeing an ENT first. I'm sure he will find the cause of your vertigo. Something is probably going on in your "inner ear". That has always been the case when I've had vertigo...even long before bc. I know its hard...but try not to worry...I will almost guarantee you that your ENT will get to the bottom of this. All you might need is an antibiotic. I was falling into the walls once...it was awful. I thought something was really wrong with me!!! But I just had a nasty infection and with a shot in the back side...and a "Z-Pack", I was good as gold. So take a deep breath and try to relax till Monday. (Even thought I know its easier said then done.) Hang in there.


Lien 11-16-2008 01:41 AM

I know of someone who had the same symptoms. Her ENT did a procedure in which the fluids in her inner ear were manipulated. Problem solved. She was as scared as you are and is a BC survivor too.

Both my children and I suffer from various allergies. We get vertigo every now and then.

There are lots of other reasons for vertigo. You did all you could to prevent a recurrence and with your path stats it's highly unlikely to be brain mets.

Still, we worry. So I'm sending you calming, healing vibes.

Hang in there girl!



Sheila 11-16-2008 05:41 AM

I know exactly how you feel, and I know the worry. I also had the same thing a few months ago, along with severe nausea and headaches...after a brain MRI, which is what they need to do to get a definative answer, I was diagnosed with benign positional vertigo...they did tell me that this is more prominent the older we get (gee thanks). You are in my prayers that this will be nothing...but get the brain MRI first, then after mets are ruled out, they can look for the cause.

rinaina 11-16-2008 07:24 AM

Once again, thank you all for your encouragement and support. I feel a little better after reading all of your replies and am more hopeful that perhaps it is just positional vertigo. Years ago I had many problems with ear infections and had to have tubes put in several times but once I started taking an allergy pill on a regular basis my ear infections stopped. Tomorrow can't come fast enough! Hugs to all for making me feel a bit more at ease. Thanks for your understanding as well....only another her2 bc survivor knows why we would worry about this.

Gerri 11-16-2008 08:43 AM


For peace of mind make sure you get that brain MRI Shelia was talking about. I was having headaches (more than usual), felling a little woozy, and walking a little lopsided at times. I played it up a bit with my onc because I was concerned. She immediately ordered an MRI and it came back just fine. I'm really glad I had it done, just to rule out anything bc related.

Good luck and let us know what you find out.

caya 11-16-2008 09:05 AM


I'm sorry you have to deal with this vertigo problem - but as others have said it could be many things. Have you been taking any new medications lately? Even something that would seem relatively inocuous - my oldest DD was on a drug for mild acne a few years ago, and about 4 - 6 weeks after starting to take it developed vertigo - really dizzy. We had her at neurologists, the dermatologist etc. - Finally our GP diagnosed her - a very rare side effect of that particular drug -but she had seen it in her practice a few times over the years with teenagers/young adults. As soon as my DD stopped taking that pill, the vertigo subsided (although it took awhile).
Could also just be a virus, like labrynthitis (inner ear virus that causes vertigo - my DH had this a few times, there is basically nothing you can do for it, it just has to pass).
Obviously you have to get this checked out, but I am just trying to give you other possible reasons why you could be experiencing this, other than brain mets.
Try to be positive, as others have said, with your path stats etc. it is so unlikely to be brain mets. But of course this is always our fear as BC, especially HER2+, survivors.
I am praying for you today -
xo Caya

rinaina 11-16-2008 10:44 AM

I just have to say thank you very much to all you great women. If one of us ever is unsure, worried or upset there are always so many who are there to help in anyway they can. I am so appreciative and thankful for this forum and so fortunate to have it to turn too. I wish I had more time to devote to it but everyone is always in my prayers and I feel honored to be a part of this great support group. You have all made me feel more at ease with your replies and I will definitely be consulting with my onc about an MRI as well as see my ENT doc tomorrow. Will post again once I know anything definite. Thanks again.

Patb 11-16-2008 04:55 PM

Best of luck when you go to your Dr. I will be thinking
of you this week.

Mary Jo 11-16-2008 06:51 PM

Hi Rina,

I wanted to chime in too. Just wanting you to know that I pray that Monday comes quickly for you and that brain mets are ruled out PRONTO. I, too, suffer from occasional dizzy spells (as I call them). They have been going on for over a year now with no rhyme or reason for them. They will be gone for months and then reappear. Mine seem to be sinus related. I have never been to my onc. because of it or any other doctor HOWEVER, have thought of it on occasion. Everytime I think I should call the symptoms disappear for a while. So, I haven't.

I'm sure your dizziness too is related to something other than brain mets BUT I do understand the worry. Boy, do I. As I always say to people (just to be funny) I've had cancer in every part of my body in the past 3 years and so far I'm still doing well. Haha!

Love to you "sister" and prayers too.

Mary Jo

suzan w 11-17-2008 01:18 PM

I too had a bout with vertigo...and was so sure that it was something fatal, I suffered with it for 2 months before finally going to the ER. I insisted on an MRI (and got one!). It turned out to be vertigo, plain and simple...and eventually cleared up. It is so true that we worry about every little pain...let us know how your appointment goes!

schoolteacher 11-17-2008 01:54 PM


I hope your doctor's appointment goes well.


Chelee 11-17-2008 02:33 PM

Rina, Just wanted you to know I am thinking about you. Let us know how your appt at the ENT went today. Hope you got some answers.


Leslie's sister 11-18-2008 11:38 AM


I just wanted to post that my thoughts and prayers are definitely with you. I will pray that this is nothing. Please keep us posted!


runtolive 11-18-2008 11:53 AM

my sister recently had something very similar.. it was a virus which attacked her 8th cranial nerve.. causing hearling loss, vertigo, tinnitus, bad tinnitus.. the acute phase lasted about a month.. and after 3 different ENT specialists, she got a diagnosis she believed.. she did the meclizine, voltaren , stimuli exercises to reteach her brain to recalibrate her balance.. etc etc she missed a few weeks of work, could not drive, etc..

she is better now.. but has some permanent hearing loss.

run to live

Believe51 11-18-2008 12:38 PM

Hey Girl
Still saying my prayers and awaiting your update.>>Believe51

Jean 11-18-2008 01:12 PM

Hi Rina,
I had the same thing...I wonder if it is not somehow connected to the drain of Estrogen since we are taking AI's. I had a MRI of my brain and all was clear.
I think it is good to have just for a base line anyhow.
My dr. did say the following, that certain foods will interact...MSG being a big contributor (found in salad dressings) and even on fresh salads to maintian their fresh appeal....even some chemicals found in wine.
This could set off the vertigo...while I was at the BCS last Dec. I know it was from the salad! It was all I had eaten...a large plate of fresh salad with dressing.
Try to determine when you have the attacks, is after a dinner out, a glass of wine?...keep track.

I have been vertigo free for about 9 months now. It is important if you feel it coming on to take the medication
ASAP...much like our nauesa meds, once it gets control,
it is difficult to get out of the spiral.

All good wishes...to you.

rinaina 11-19-2008 07:13 AM

Update on vertigo and Happy Thanksgiving to all....
Thank you for all your input, concern and suggestions. I saw the ENT dr on Monday and they did a hearing test and exam. In my left ear, which is the one I have a history of ear infections with many years ago, I have a very minimal loss of hearing. The doctor examined me and found some scar tissue in this ear due to the years of tubes I had placed. He believes I am most likely dealing with an inner ear problem but ordered an ENG test that will be done next week. If the findings are inconclusive after those tests, he said he would order an MRI. My onc is in agreement with this game plan for now. Last night I had my most severe bout with vertigo along with a killer headache, (almost felt like sinus headache), and some nausea as well, but this morning I feel fine.
Jean, just wanted to mention that I was er/pr negative so I am not on any aromatise inhibitors but thanks for thinking of that.
Will be out of town day after Thanksgiving for a week. Heading south for some much needed r & r and warmth, (we hope). Will check back as soon as I know anything more. Thanks again for your help and support. Wishing everyone a wonderful and warm Thanksgiving.

yankeebikachic 11-19-2008 07:32 AM

I get terrible vertigo with my allergies. Try not to worry, it may just be fluid in your ears. Mine got so bad once that just turning my head quickly made the room turn upside down. A little fluid in the ears/sinus passages can do crazy things.

rinaina 11-19-2008 07:36 AM

Unfortunately there was no fluid in my ears according to my ENT doc, but you raised good points. Thank you.

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