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unregistered 11-09-2005 05:53 PM

Herceptin and weight gain
Hi everyone,

I am curious if any of you have experienced the same thing. I have been on Herceptin since 8 Sep, every 3 weeks. Before my 1st treatment, I was about 118 - today I saw the Doctor, and am at 135. This seems so dramatic. Although my clothes aren't fitting that much different, I am amazed at this. I can't think of what else it could be. I have been on Zoloft since April, and no weight gain. Had my ovaries out 1 Mar, and no weight gain. I know I shouldn't complain, but should I mention this significant gain to the oncologist? The doctor I saw today was my endocrinologist ( I still see him from having grave's disease) who follows me with my synthroid. Anybody else experience this?

Unregistered 11-09-2005 06:59 PM

I started herceptin in June and I surely have been packing on the pounds. I just thought it was probably just from stuffing my face a little too much but now I'm beginning to wonder. I've gained at least 10-15 lbs. since early summer. ????
Any one else shed some light on the subject-- having a similar experience ??

Unregistered 11-09-2005 07:14 PM

Herceptin and Weight Gain
I have been having the same problem. I even joined weight watchers and was doing great - but after 2 weeks had gained .6lbs. I guess I should be glad it wasn't more! I can't handle doing a diet like that and not getting anywhere. Am trying to incorporate healthy eating now. My nurse said to let my body settle down and heal after finishing chemo in May. I have gained like 25 lbs since then.


margaret 11-09-2005 09:05 PM


I found that I definitely gained weight while I was on herceptin. After I finished my year of herceptin, the weight came off very easy and I got back to my normal weight with very little effort. When I look back at that time, I so appreciate being able to have the herceptin. It really was a minor temporary situation to deal with the weight gain for me. I just appreciate being able to get the herceptin.
Good luck with your treatment.

Lani 11-09-2005 11:24 PM

Are your rings and/or shoes tighter?
Herceptin can cause peripheral edema--ankles, feet, wrists and hands look a little puffier than normal --carrying around a little extra water everywhere is like carrying around several liter sizes of sodapop. They quickly add up to a lot of weight! Are your rings feeling tighter? If this description fits your weight gain, then the excess weight (from water retention) should probably come off quickly and easily once herceptin is stopped.

Sheila 11-10-2005 08:25 AM

I have been on Herceptin 2 years and have managed to put on 24#. Dieting, exercising and healthy foods do not seem to help....I guess its a small price to pay for what the Herceptin does. If you do notice that your ankles and hands are swelling, notify your Dr....it could be a sign of cardiac issues related to the Herceptin. You may need a Muga to verify.

Kim in CA 11-10-2005 10:17 AM


I also experienced some water weight gain(had puffiness in ankles) the first couple years on Herceptin. I eventually asked my Onc to prescribe a mild diuretic and that helped alot. I have since weaned myself off of it and try to stay physically active. Seems to be working, cause my weight doesn't fluctuate much at all anymore and I am basically at my pre-cancer weight (except for the annual holiday weight gain!). So maybe it just takes time for our bodies to adjust to the Herceptin http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon5.gif

Kim in CA

Yorkiegirl 11-10-2005 12:35 PM

Herceptin Weight Gain
WELL, I guess that explains it !! LOL

I wasn't aware that weight gain could happen on Herceptin.

dberg 11-10-2005 06:46 PM

Holy cow, I thought I was gaining weight from the tamoxifen. If it is from the herceptin too then I am in big trouble. I cannot get my wedding ring off, my shoes are tighter, and I feel bloated all the time.

Barbara2 11-10-2005 07:49 PM

Every time I step on the scale, my weight is up. Have gained about 15 pounds in 8 months. Have been on Herceptin about 5 1/2 months. Have discussed the weight with my onc and also an endrocinologist. Neither have had any magical advice as to how to shed the pounds! The thyroid is a little sluggish, but can't do much about that.

My clothes don't fit and I am short, so 15 pounds is huge. So in the meantime, I walk my legs off, and try to eat sensibly. I have never dropped weight quickly in my life, so doubt very much that the weight will fall off after finishing the herceptin.

But, if the herceptin works, no further complaints here!!

Gina 11-12-2005 02:29 AM

Yes, Herceptin for some reason does seem to...
cause steady and continual weight increase. I have some theories...of course...but would like to hear from others why they have read or believe the weight gain happens. Since I have been on Herceptin off and on for over 6 years...my weight has gone from 165 to 200!!!!! I HATE it... I walk. I eat a fantastic diet...etc..etc..but the weight will not come off...EXCEPT...when I stop taking the herceptin in years past...it would seem to melt away..but guess what...?? Then, my cancer markers would go up again and BOOM, I would be back on herceptin and Double guess what??? FAT AGAIN...sighhh...at least being 5' 10" HELPS with BIG thick Neandertal bones, but there must be some connection. Any thoughts????

Best of luck to us all--better broad than dead I guess...chuckle...chuckle,
Gina L. Popp
Original DX in 1997; STAGE IV mets in 1999; 6 years and 7 months experience with Herceptin; This month marks my 8th year since mastectomy and I am STILL here...smile.

Jointy 04-23-2020 09:27 AM

Re: Herceptin and weight gain
I have not observed weight gain due to the use of herceptin. But as soon as I stopped going to the gym due to the fact that they were quarantined, I began to grow stout. I was very worried that I would lose the figure that I had been seeking for so long. But my crony advised me prowaist uk
Thanks to this belt, I can not worry that I will lose my figure. Now I can stay slim even in quarantine!

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