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Laurel 03-19-2012 06:24 PM

COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
In the face of great odds, I can do it.

In the words of one of my one biggest heroes, “In the face of great odds, know too that you can persevere and succeed no matter what the odds.”

This is what is happening to me now. My doctors are telling me “no”, but my body and mind and my soul are telling “yes”. “Yes you can.” “Yes you can overcome this madness called cancer.”

At last week’s appointment, Dr. Smith told us that I had few options left, none of them very bright: alternative therapies (herbs, supplements) or palliative care – which means just taking medications to keep me comfortable (e.g., pain killers) and just let nature take its course.

My choice? Neither. I fought too hard to just give up. I’m not going to give up, just like that. So my next step is to seek out a second opinion doctor who I’ve seen before and see what chemos are left for me. If we find a new option and try it, we will see the results quickly; and if we don’t see results, well, we’ll be right back here making more difficult decisions.

In other news, life is good. It’s been filled with its challenges. Remember that after I got back from the hospital, I found myself slightly paralyzed and needing to work on my upper body strength and still find myself in a wheelchair. My body strength is coming back and I’m getting better. This improvement gives me great hope and encouragement, because when you see improvement you know that things are going in the right direction.

This week we will meet with another doc at UCSF. Please pray for me if you are the praying sort, so we can find out exactly what is going on.

A note from Jay :
It’s been a month since our last update – and it has been a month of “bonus time” – days that might not have happened - and ones in which we are thankful for. We’ve done coffee and pastries in our neighborhood, countless lunches at Chow, strolls through Golden Gate park and Crissy field on the weekends, attended cocktail parties with friends, and a lot of special quiet dinner + movie + microwave at popcorn at home. This is also incredibly painful though. Courtney’s memory is affected by whole brain radiation, we are both struggling with an uncertain future, and each day sometimes feels like its own mental and physical Ironman. Thank you for supporting us, and for understanding us being in our own private island for the past month or so, while we wait to see how this all unfolds. We’ll keep you posted, and ask for your continued prayers.

BonnieR 03-19-2012 06:29 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Prayers for sure! God bless you both. Jay, that was a very touching note. Keep the faith.

Paty 03-19-2012 06:39 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Thank you Laurel for the info. I will keep praying for Courtney and Jay through this difficult times.

chemteach 03-19-2012 07:11 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Ugh...keep fighting and hoping and working and doing. My prayers, thoughts, fine wishes and so on are with Courtney!

yanyan 03-19-2012 08:39 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
I pray that courtney will find light through the tunnel of cancer fight. So many young women here suffering from this disease. There are alternative therapy that Courtney can try and it does not interfere with chemo like herbal medicine or qigong

Pray 03-19-2012 08:50 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Gods blessings Courtney and Jay. You are in my prayers and so is your family. My Dad survived stage 4 lung cancer and was given tops 6 months to live and he is ned today at 83! Literally anything is possible!!!!!

Ellie F 03-20-2012 04:19 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Courtney and Jay
You are always in my prayers wherever I am!
Blessings don't always come in the way we want but I guess that the day you two met was one of them.
Hope the second opinion brings hope and a fresh plan.

caya 03-20-2012 08:28 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Sending big hugs from Canada - Many blessings to you Courtney and Jay.

all the best

Ceesun 03-20-2012 08:56 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Praying for you. Ceesun

schoolteacher 03-20-2012 09:21 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Courtney and Jay,

I am so very glad to hear from you both. I have been waiting for an update. You both are in my prays. Let us know which chemo or chemos you will do next.


ElaineM 03-20-2012 10:07 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Keep going Courtney (and Jay). Keep searching for the right answers and treatments. Keep enjoying life.
If you are interested in alternative therapies there are now many hospitals in the U. S. that combine conventional and alternative or
complementary therapies for cancer.
Take good care of each other.

Vicky 03-20-2012 07:28 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Prayers coming your way Courtney and Jay! Keep fighting and letting your indomitable spirit win! I think of you often and it was good to hear an update, but I am also so glad you've had such a private and special time together.

Blessings to you- love and prayers too!

7andcounting 03-20-2012 07:50 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Courtney, if you have the will to get a second opinion and to try and fight, I say to go for it. This cancer journey can be exhausting, so I am so glad that your spirit says to keep fighting. I hope your second opinion Dr. can think outside the box and will give you some good options. So glad that Jay is with you to help you fight. Glad your upper body strength is improving. Yes, I will pray for you both!

CoolBreeze 03-20-2012 08:04 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Go Courtney! Go Courtney! You are awesome. You keep proving them wrong and enjoy your days while doing so.

lkc Gumby 03-21-2012 04:15 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Prayers going out to you Courtney and Jay. I believe that Doctors don't know EVERYTHING, only God does.

KsGal 03-23-2012 12:07 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
You are amazing, Courtney. Many blessings to you and your family.

Emelie B 03-23-2012 08:32 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Prayers and positive thoughts are always with you both. I am so glad you two are enjoying the best of life. I have found it makes the bad times easier to endure.
I know you two will do what is best for you and that we all have to make our own way.
Stay strong and in love,

Laurel 03-23-2012 04:36 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!

Decisions Decisions

I’m going to have to make some hard decisions this weekend: treatments about chemo, treatments about home care, and general treatment decisions. These aren’t easy choices.
Because I know the price that I’ll have to pay for going on a toxic chemo again. But I know the reward I will see if I go back on chemo. Hopefully my chest wall disease will disappear. But with cancer there are no guarantees. [Jay notes: We did meet with the UCSF 2nd opinion expert, and working with Dr. Smith, we have an option. Courtney will be starting a low-dose oral chemotherapy on Monday to attempt to keep the disease stable, while also maintaining our quality of life.]
In the meantime, we are still trying to jump the hurdle of me walking. I am making some progress, but still am wheelchair bound, much to my disappointment. I have learned a lot about myself going through this experience of being partially paralyzed. I am grateful for the people in my life who do the simple things for me, like Jay, who has breakfast ready every morning, like my Mom who’s been spending time with us and helping with unpleasant tasks like going to the bathroom and doing laundry among other things.
In other more hopeful news, Jay began his new job last week [sold his company!], and is already in the swing of things. Although he does miss his morning sleep, a luxury previously offered by being his own boss.
That’s all for now. Tune in next week for a treatment update.
[Jay notes: The past few days brought some great dinners at home w/ friends, countless phone calls (it’s impossible to talk to everyone who calls, so please understand), and quality time together. This weekend, we will be spending more time with Courtney's family , a leisurely Sat in San Francisco, and really soaking life up...]

7andcounting 03-24-2012 11:49 AM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Courtney, so glad to hear that there is an option for you to go on. Hoping the pill keeps things stable and gives your body a chance to get stronger and that you will be able to get up and walk. I'm glad you are having the opportunity to spend time with friends and family and soak up life. We should all be doing just that. Your spirit for life is so encouraging to me. I hope to read more of your updates and to hear about continued progress! I pray for you! And for Jay. Our dear husbands go through so much as they walk with us on this journey. Hugs!

Patb 03-24-2012 12:43 PM

Re: COURTNEY'S LATEST UPDATE. When the going gets tough....the tough keep going!
Every step, every day I am praying for you. I hope
the treatment helps and at the same time you can
heal and enjoy life with Jay.

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