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karen z 01-04-2013 01:52 PM

NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
Well, watched the first Parenthood of 2013 and wondering how folks are feeling about the portrayal of new breast cancer developments this last week:
continued chemo
hair falling out,
buzzing of the hair (alone)
emotions (I found the emotional scene during the hair cutting true to life)
and so on........

also, the term "portacath" was used but not explained so the "regular" viewer may not have understood it but we would. wondering how the character (all aspects of) will change over time. she definitely feels better than I did on chemo (!) but I had AC and then Taxol and I am guessing she would be on a different plan (and is a lot younger and presumably energetic to begin with). Not sure Herceptin has been discussed yet?

jaykay 01-04-2013 03:05 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I could definitely relate to the hair falling out (just a few short weeks ago for me!). I got my hair buzzed alone by my regular stylist and it was a relief to get it all off although I look crappy with no hair.

Was surprised she didn't get a wig beforehand. I definitely believe someone involved with the show has gone through this because so much is very true to life.

karen z 01-04-2013 03:39 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
It is surprising that she didn't even look for one ahead of time (just because most folks do- it is almost a rite of passage to at least go look with some good [and honest] friends and make a day of it. I bet you look better than you think you do. I find that most people really look pretty cool- with or without beautiful scarves, etc. I did look for a wig and (at the time thought I had to have a super good human hair wig). Boy, was I wrong. I would give anything to have all that money back now!!! I was more comfortable with scarves or turbans (or just simply sleep caps at home). I didn't wear my wig that much at all. I know some people do but I would have been ok with something much cheaper and some great hats!

I agree that the plot line is more true to life (and with more details/emotions) than typical. Really wondering how "far out" they will take this story. I hope very far as getting cancer is such a life altering event with foreseen and unforeseen effects (emotional/all kinds of personal stuff) for a long long time.....if not forever.

Pray 01-04-2013 05:39 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I don't remember looking so good when my head was shaved?

I thought it was great it ended up beat.

Thought the bit with her husband and sister in law (?) looking for and buying one was unrealistic. To much goes into buying a wig, size, color, style, wether or not it looks good on you. I don't believe its plausable. Was fun to watch.

Just curious, has anyone else noticed that all the braverman family are irressitable to any one they meet? They attract the oppisite sex like no one else I have ever seen. Really?

Doesn't stop me from watching it though.

Peace my friends,


Mary Jo 01-05-2013 06:54 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I love it. Of course, some of it is "different" but then again, I guess that, too, is true to life. We are all different in how we handle breast cancer...i.e. emotions....how one handles treatment....how a spouse handles it, etc. Being a 7 1/2 year survivor myself, I am surprised how the emotions I thought were long gone, can rise to the surface in a flash.

Joanne S 01-05-2013 09:47 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
Karen Z, Thanks for mentioning the show. I didn't watch it, but it seems like something I'd like to watch so I will DVR it. I too, didn't do very well on the same AC & T chemo as KarenZ, but some of my chemo buddies who had the same chemo were much more determined and dedicated than me---they worked and functioned quite well every day.

karen z 01-07-2013 08:44 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
Hi Joanne,
By the way.. I lived in Detroit for two years during a postdoc at Wayne State (I am originally from Ohio). I am a college professor and I could not have possibly worked through AC and T. In hindsight, I would not have even gone back during radiation if I could things over (rats that one can not do things over). I know everyone reacts differently to chemo and have known lots of patients who "worked through" but it was definitely not an option for me. Just walking down to my mailbox and back sometimes put me on my couch for a few hours. I got diagnosed when I was 53 (I am now 61) and I wondered if it was my age, general constitution or what..................but towards the end of Taxol my doc was seeing me every week to see if I could get through another week (I made it all the way through). On the other hand, some folks are much much better and do not miss a day of work. Even with a hard time, I did have many days that were fine.......with some just some fatigue or nausea. But do watch the show. First of all it is a good show (been on for many season) and second, this year's plot is highly relevant. BEST

sarah 01-07-2013 09:04 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
Haven't seen the show but how wonderful to have a character with breast cancer in a show on TV; really important to humanize the whole thing. I watched some episodes of something called "....C" maybe the C word???? about a woman with cancer but didn't like it, the character with cancer seemed to be a selfish bitch!

karen z 01-07-2013 09:11 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I watched an episode or two of "C" as well and it didn't do anything for me. But if you haven't seen Parenthood (you can actually start with season one and watch all seasons free I believe- just google "full episodes of Parenthood") I am guessing you will really like it. It has a great ensemble cast, the stories of three generations of a family with great sibling relationships and is very very funny. I did a marathon viewing once I found the show to get caught up to this season. You can also watch this season first (one of the lead characters has HER2 positive bc) and then go back and get caught up.

Deb33 01-08-2013 06:59 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I could really relate to the scene in the butcher shop when everyone was staring at her bald head in the bandana - I hated it when people did that. She does a great job portraying all of the emotions that come with this journey. I am so glad they had her lose her hair - I was afraid she would have her lumpectomy and be done - so interesting they gave her the HER2 spin on things.

karen z 01-08-2013 07:15 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
Very interesting and I agree about the emotions. Will see what tonight's episode brings (at least I think P is on tonight).

Hopeful 01-09-2013 07:47 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I have been a fan of this show since it first aired. In a bit of irony, Lauren Graham was a late addition to the cast. Maura Tierney was originally cast in the part, but had to back out after the pilot was shot but before it was shown, due to treatment for Her2+ breast cancer.

Apart from the bc arc in this season, I have thought the depiction of Asburger's Syndrome in the show seemed very honest. Some fans thought the actor that portrays the affected child really suffered from AS, but it turns out he is simply a fabulous actor. It seems that the writers and researchers care enough to get the medical details right.


Just curious, has anyone else noticed that all the braverman family are irressitable to any one they meet? They attract the oppisite sex like no one else I have ever seen. Really?
Pray, LOL, you are so right! But with all the reality, there has to be some fantasy, no? :)


karen z 01-09-2013 08:06 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
Absolutely fascinating (and meaningful) info about the HER2 connection. And I think the actor that portrays Max does an amazing job! Just incredible.

And the Braverman family members DO seem irresistible to all the meet!!! And I want the grandparents' house, complete with the lighting outside! I could totally see myself in that house- even though it is too big for me (I just want it).

Redwolf8812 01-09-2013 11:14 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
The hair-shaving scene was so realistic. I found it fascinating. As I watched her expressions change while she shaved her head, I kept thinking, "how does she know?" What a powerful actress.

OT - Did you know that the actor who played the part of Sarah Braverman's fiance is John Ritter's son?

starwishn2 01-09-2013 11:24 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I've watched most of the seasons and have enjoyed it. I was a little surprised that she doesn't have a port but I know that happens. I think she is doing a good job of showing the emotions and trying to keep a normal life style going. I didn't like the segment when she was rude and upset with her husband for purchasing her a wig when he was trying to do something nice. Thankfully the outcome was good. I didn't want the general public to think those of us with BC don't appreciate our spouses and caregivers and that we do realize it is difficult for them as well. As I'm a few months further in treatment than "Kristina", I cry at times while watching.

A lot of "fun" subplots!!

karen z 01-10-2013 05:25 AM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I did NOT know that Sarah's ex-fiance (will they get back together next week?) was John Ritter's son. Strange thing though as I had never seen him before (I don't think) but he looked so familiar to me.

Kristina did mention (in one sentence that went by quickly) that she had a port in her body, although it does not seem to be apparent when she wears v-necks, etc. (arm port?). I cry too and I am a few years out now. I know that some of my emotions are still quite raw. They can be suppressed unless I start thinking or see/hear something out there in the world. Some good subplots for sure !!!!!!!

Hopeful 01-13-2013 12:49 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
The January 14 TV Guide has a Q&A with Monica Potter, who plays Kristina Braverman. Interesting tidbit:

Q: Have you been doing much research about breast cancer along the way?

A: I've wanted to experience firsthand through the pages of the script, as Kristina did. It's so hard for me, because I want to know everything . . . and my husband's a cancer doctor. But it's kept it fresh and new and raw.

I guess that answers some questions about the attention to the medical details.


lasarles 01-14-2013 04:32 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
My husband and I were watching the episode where she shaved her head..then walked out and showed Adam (her husband) and how surprised he seemed. My husband reached over to me and said "thank you for letting me do it for you, and with you". He is my rock! And I too have cried watching.

CoolBreeze 01-14-2013 05:51 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I've been a fan of this show since the very beginning and so was really disappointed when they were going to do a breast cancer storyline. They usually don't do it well on TV and go through all the cliches. The beautiful bald woman with eyelashes but no hair, the puking, etc. (I've been on 7 chemos and have never puked and I have sat in an infusion room every week for 3 years and almost everybody says they don't get sick. I know it still happens but it is now rare thanks to pre-meds, and yet Hollywood makes it seem like a given with chemo).

I kind of like they way they did it on Sex and the City as Samantha kept her normal life and just did a variety of wigs (like I thought I was going to until I discovered how uncomfortable they were!)

While they did show Kristina puking and sick, they showed her smoking dope to feel better. I'm not sure how I feel about that one. I guess, whatever. I know late stage people who are using marijuana but not early stagers, unless they liked to before.

And, of course, she still looks great although that bald cap with all her hair piled under looks pretty phony. She looks like an alien.

I like the way she is going about regular life, like most of us do. It might be cool if they showed some friendships that can happen in the infusion room.

I didn't understand why they made her husband get the wig. Isn't that the one thing women look forward to when knowing their hair will fall out? Or, if not look forward to, at least find fun? I know I did. The one she ended up with was pretty but she walked out of the Hotel without wearing it because of the color, which I think would have been more true to life if she had complained about the heat and itchiness. :)

On my blog I recorded and put up the scene where Adam says, 'Have you seen these women? They look like ghosts" about his fears of chemo. I have been doing chemo and while I'm not any beauty, I never was, I am pretty sure I don't look like a ghost! Again, I suppose it is a real fear of what chemo is but the reality is quite different.

I just hope they show her going on about her life and then just sleeping more and more and letting her family take care of things. But, that might make for boring TV.

And, if her husband is a "cancer doctor" (why did she say that instead of oncologist) then he knows HER2 outcomes. She'll be doing herceptin for a year, wonder if they'll keep it up after she's "cured" at the end of the season? Or, is she going to end up wearing pink and running for Komen?

It would be awesome of she had metastatic disease and died but that would just be a bit too real for Hollywood, wouldn't it? The most they would do is give it to her in the bones and then let her live 20 years with treatment. :)

I went through my first year of chemo without a port. I only got one because Navelbine burned me. I have great veins, even now.

karen z 01-15-2013 09:50 PM

Re: NBC's Parenthood 2013........so, what do you think.
I am enjoying this season (like the other ones) and think the show is doing a good job with Kristina's story line (with so many other subplots going on and characters to continue to develop). It is probably impossible to convey any one person's story and have it resonate with all other narratives but I have been touched by many scenes.

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