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Tom 02-17-2007 12:20 PM

My Sweet Angel is Gone
Dear friends at HER2 support,

It is through waves of tears that I tell you that the love of my life, my sweet Mother, has left this world. She passed away on February 11th, but I was not able to post or access the site as I was unaware of the changes made.

My heart is broken into a thousand little pieces, and I am torn apart from the inside out. My Mother was the most selfless, devoted, and caring mother that ever walked the earth. Any good that is in me came as a result of having been raised by her and my Father. They worked tirelessly to give me a good life, and tried to teach me what was true and right in the world. The last words I spoke to her before her casket was closed, was to thank her for loving me the way she did.

I feel as if I have been hit in the face with a shovel, and I don't know what to do next. Our routine of many years now has come to a grinding and gut wrenching halt. I will tell you more when I can next bring myself to write about her, but I will let you all have this one bit of satisfaction. Thanks to the efforts of Joe, Christine, and all of you, Mom did NOT succumb to the Beast. Her death was unrelated to it in any way. All of you helped me and her beat the Beast down and kill it. For that I will be forever greatful.

I am going away for a few days to help a friend with her recovery from brain surgery (not cancer) and will post when I return. Thank you all again. I will never forget what you did for us in my most desperate moments of darkness through her battle. I love you all very much.

Greatfully yours,
Proud son of Hazel K. Brown

sherri 02-17-2007 01:22 PM

Dear Tom,

I just read your post and my heart goes out to you. Tom, what can I say. I'm sure your Mom had a great life otherwise she couldn't have a son like you. She was a great woman, she lived her life fully, she gave you as a gift to the world. And I know she was in peace when she left this world, knowing you will continue her life. I love you like my brother and we are here for you. I know she does not want you to be sad, and she wants you to continue her way of life.

Much love,

AlaskaAngel 02-17-2007 01:26 PM

Tom, you and your mother are very real for us because you have been so caring and willing to share pieces of yourselves and your lives with us. I'm glad there is so much that your parents gave you to continue to help you make your life really count. Many times your comments here have been valuable to others. Take the time you need now, and come back when you can.



Sheila 02-17-2007 01:36 PM


All of us Mothers on this board truly admired the selfless and tireless way you looked after your Mother. always looking for something to help her....if only all Mothers were as lucky as yours, to have such a loving son! You were a gift from her and your Father, and you in turn returned that gift by caring for her and giving her your "all" when she needed it most.May the love she shared with you and you with her, help you heal through all of this and continue on....you made her more proud than many a mother! You are a true example of respect and love. Thank you for sharing at this hard time....she is at peace now, and will forever be remember in your heart and ours.

Jeanette 02-17-2007 01:36 PM

Tom, I don't post often , but I always looked forward to reading your posts. You are the most caring person I have ever had the pleasure of not meeting personally but thru your posts. I have sons also that are very caring and I hope they can measure up to your standards. Your dear sweet Mother is at peace now in the arms of Jesus, so please celebrate her life. Please don't leave this site, we need you here with us. God Bless you, Jeanette

tousled1 02-17-2007 01:55 PM


My heart felt sympathy is sent your way. Your mother was fortunate to have such a loving son. I'm at a loss for words. Please take care of yourself.

jag 02-17-2007 02:04 PM

Tom....no Words Can Help With The Emptiness You Feel....but You Did Good With The Way You Loved And Cared For Your Mom....may God Be With You At This Time....

Mary Anne in TX 02-17-2007 02:08 PM

Hi Tom! Thank you for making time when it didn't feel good to do so, and letting us know about your mother. No more powerful thing in this ol' world than love. And you have had a family that understood the power and used it fully. I'm so sorry for your grief. I hope that you will find some peace soon. I must say that it took me several years to stop grieving for my mom after she died. She fought such a valiant battle her last 3 years against Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. What an example she set for me, just as your mother did for you. God bless you and thank you again for caring enough to let us know. mary anne

kareneg 02-17-2007 02:59 PM

Dear Tom,

My heart breaks for you and you family. You are truely a wonderful man and son.May god bring you through this horrible ordeal. Again my deepest sympathy.

RhondaH 02-17-2007 03:05 PM

I was SHOCKED to read your post and tears are streaming down MY eyes for you. If your mom was all that you said she was, you are DEFINATELY your mothers son and I KNOW she and your father are proud of you. If there is ANYTHING I can do to help, please let me know. BIGGGG huggs to you. Take care and God bless.


PS, my son is a Brown also and if that is any indication that he will be as wonderful as you, then he should wear the name proudly:)

mslinda 02-17-2007 03:44 PM

Dear Tom:

I have been so impressed when I would read your posts. Not many men would care for their mothers the way you have. My husband did, so I feel very fortunate to have him. I have raised two sons that I hope have the compassion that you have shown. My prayer is that God give you a peace about your mother's passing. Your parents sound to have been very special people. Please know that my heart is with you.


bonnie 02-17-2007 03:51 PM

I am so sorry. I lost my mother soon after beginning chemo and she, also, was the most wonderful mother one could ever have. She also had breast cancer but died of other causes. My heart goes out to you.


tricia keegan 02-17-2007 03:57 PM

So sorry
Tom My sincere sympathy to you on your Moms passing.
You will both be in my prayers.

Montana 02-17-2007 04:22 PM

I'm very sorry to hear about your mother, Tom.

RobinP 02-17-2007 05:09 PM

Dear Tom,

My deepest sympathy goes out to you. Your mother was lucky to have such a devoted, caring son, as I know you were to her. I am praying that God will touch you with peace and comfort you. Please take care and do come back on the boards when you are able.

Lolly 02-17-2007 06:43 PM

Dear Tom,
I am so sorry for your loss. You can't imagine it now, but one day memories of your mom will make you smile through your tears as you think "what would mom say or do about this?" Our mom's will always live in our hearts.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

<3 Lolly

juanita 02-17-2007 06:47 PM

You are in my prayers!

Carol Carlson 02-17-2007 06:52 PM

I am so sorry to read about the loss of your mother. I lost my mother several years ago and I still miss her. She was my angel in life and she is still my little guardian angel sitting on my shoulder every day as your Mom will be for you.
You were both fortunate to have had each other.
God bless and take care,
Carol Carlson

Marlys 02-17-2007 06:57 PM

Tom, my heart cries for you. I know that soon you wil be able to remember her with less pain. I lost my mother when I was 9 and have always wished I could have known her as an adult. But I do know that someday I will meet her again and I will be able to make up for all that time. I will pray that your acute pain will subside soon.
Love and hugs,

heblaj01 02-17-2007 07:01 PM

Dear Tom,
I am very sorry for you in this tragic times. I know for sure, having corresponded with you, & having read all your posts that you did everything you could for your mother. I also know you will find inside you the strength to slowly overcome the awfull pain you now shoulder. You have all my sympathy.

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