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Carol Carlson 02-06-2008 06:18 PM

Breast reduction to unaffected breast?? Anyone?
I had a partial mastectomy 4 years ago. So I am basically lop-sided. It's not terribly noticeable, but it is so annoying to try buy a bra that fits correctly. I have one large and one medium as a result of the surgery. I would like to have 2 medium, but of course that involves a breast reduction on the healthy breast and I'm not sure I want to go " under the knife" unnecessarily.
Anyone had this done. ??
My Onc. says insurance is no problem, that her patients have had it done and gave me the names of some breast surgeons that have good outcomes.
Any suggestions ??
My weight is pretty stable also.

chrisy 02-06-2008 06:59 PM

Hi Carol,

My situation was slightly different, I had a left mastectomy so was left with one large and one gone. I had reconstruction on the mast side and reduction on the other side and LOVE my results.

chrisy 02-06-2008 07:01 PM

One other point

While I am very happy with my results and have absolutely ZERO regrets, you are indeed talking about surgery on healthy tissue.

One thing to consider is that the reduction side will be more difficult to mammogram due to the scar tissue (just like the partial mast side) and so will require diagnostic mammos.

As I said, I'm totally satisfied but agree it is not a decision to take lightly.

weezie1053 02-06-2008 07:36 PM

I had a right mastectomy followed by an implant. My 54-year old left breast was droopy and not as perky as the right breast with the implant. I am small breasted, 34B, but the difference was noticeable. I had the left breast lifted, and my plastic surgeon did a great job. I have a very small scar that is barely noticeable. It also moved the nipple so everything was symmetrical. My implant, on the other hand, is not as full as I would like. I wish now I had chosen the trans flap procedure, but both breasts are are the same cup size so my bras and clothes fit well.


Carol Carlson 02-06-2008 07:55 PM

Chrisy and Louise.
I appreciate your input. Some of my family and friends are saying, " why would you risk surgey just to have symetrical breasts ??? easy for them to say when I try on a dress or blouse and I look so weird . They can call it vanity if they choose but as far a a proper fit I call it neccessary for my overall appearrance. I'm 67 years old but look pretty good for my age. I have a bit of vanity because I've always looked good. ( humbly said)
So I'm back to square one but appecaite all the comments.

Mary Jo 02-06-2008 08:10 PM

In my humble opinion, it has nothing to do with being vain. Having to explain ourselves to others for reconstruction decisions we might make should not have to be either. I am contemplating DIEP reconstruction 2 1/2 years after my initial diagnosis. There are a lot of people I won't tell just for that reason. I (we) owe NO ONE an explanation for decisions we might make to "put ourselves back together." I have decided that if I decide to go ahead with my DIEP reconstruction and am asked the question "why are you doing this" my answer will be simple......................"it's a decision I've made as a way of putting me back together and it isn't something I can explain because you wouldn't understand because you are not me." As my husband always says "you owe no one any explanation" and he is right, we don't.

So, if this is what you want to do to make yourself more comfortable Carol....you go ahead and do it.

Love & Peace,

Mary Jo

SoCalGal 02-06-2008 08:23 PM

I was so sick of my unmatched pair after all the cancer crap that I scheduled a breast surgery which was just a quick out patient thing and I have NEVER regretted it.

I wanted to finish my breasts so I could just throw a tshirt and jeans on and be me. So I did and I was and I am:)

No regrets. Make sure you like your plastic fantastic guy and make sure you realize it's compression wear and stitches and drains again (maybe).

Good luck!

MJo 02-07-2008 12:43 PM

A friend in my support group had a breast reduction to her right and mastectomy and reconstruction to her left. She is very happy with her reduction. In fact, she showed it around to everyone in group! It does look nice. I myself, as the result of my lumpectomy, have one droopy and one high breast. I am considering a lift to Droopy. I don't show them around in my BC support group!!

Mary Anne in TX 02-07-2008 01:20 PM

You go, girl!!!! Whatever you decide! It's a pain in the neck to be "lopsided", even if it did save our life! We can be grateful and inconvenienced also. I think it's a hard decision, but only those who have walked in your shoes could have any idea what it's like. Good luck on a brave decision! No matter what you do, you're great! ma

chrisy 02-07-2008 03:39 PM

Ignore people who can't possibly understand
I have to respond to your comment about people asking you why risk it...

They can't understand and although I'm sure they mean well, they really just don't have a clue. If having matching breasts helps you reclaim your life, then that's more than enough reason to do it.

Weezie - I thought I was the only one who talked about getting perky past 50!

Carol H. 02-16-2008 03:30 PM

Hi Carol, I'm sixty years old and I like to look and feel good too. My lumpdectomy at 11 o'clock right breast made my 34B into a 34A. I've tried so many different things just to get the bra to fit right. No luck. Since reading your post I have been brain storming for all the people that have different size breast and choose not to have breast reduction. ( I'm using my size just as an example.) I took two bras a 34B and a 34A ,cut them in half between the two cups, sew the 34B left cup to the 34A right cup. You can sew it by hand or machine. Yes, your still have two different size breast, but the bra fits again and feels good. I did practice on two old bras first, it was so easy. Good Luck on what ever decision you make. Carol in Fl.

Carol Carlson 02-16-2008 04:37 PM

Thank you so much for your post.
I actually went to a place where they try to adjust bra size post-mastectomy ( mine was a partial ) I had them design a few to see if it would work but I still feel uncomfortable and it's been almost 4 years. I've gained and lost a small amount of weight but right now my weight is pretty stable ( though I wish I could knock off a few ). Anyway, I did make an appt. with a breast surgeon for this coming week and I'll see what she has to say.
Also, the difference in breast size is approx. 36B to 38C or D. Quite a difference.
I'm not only tired of the misfit but of "hiking up" one of my bra straps frequently and I so look forward in the evening to taking it off completely..
I really appreciate your input and if I decide against the surgery, I
will surely try your suggestion.
Thanks again.
Carol C

Carol Carlson 03-26-2008 06:34 PM

Hi All,
I made an appt. with a plastic surgeon who speicalizes in breast reconstruction in Boston. She was wonderful, supportive and very reassuring about results. She was highly recommended by my Onc. and I have an "in" with the OR nurses at the hosp. who said nothing but good things about her. If you know any nurses, trust me, they tell you like it is with Docs. I am one so I know....
I have one "B" and one "D" and I'm reducing to 2 " B"'s . I have so many clothes that just don't fit right or feel right.
I've thought long and hard about this... 3 years, so it has not been a hasty decision.
My husband, who is nervous about me going under the knife again, this time electively said sweetly, 'Have you thought about losing 10-15 lbs as an alternative... !!!!!! GAWD, now that makes a lot of sense don't you think..... All kinds of logic there... I would still end up with one large and one small .... DAHHHHH.... incidently he still has the dagger hanging out of his neck.
My surgery is Tues. 4/15 . I'm actually looking forward to it other than the pain of course. They tell me-- in one morning-- out the next . The drain will come out before discharge.
Wish me luck
Thanks to all for your comments.
Carol Carlson

BethC 03-26-2008 07:27 PM

Carol, I am very interested in your post. My breast surgeon said that she took quite a bit of tissue in my lumpectomy and that I will be smaller after I complete radiation. Of course, that side was smaller to start with! Anyway, she said that they would do whatever I wanted/needed and was very supportive. I would rather reduce the bigger side than implant the smaller side. Good luck in your surgery and please post again and give us an update!

cmljungren 03-28-2008 02:40 PM

I am 6wks out from my left breast reduction surgery and I'm pleased. I was a C cup following my lumpectomy and my unaffected breast a DD. So it was a pain to find a solution to making a bra look ok. I finally decided to go for the surgery. The first couple of weeks I wondered what I had done!! But...as the weeks go by it's looking so much better.
Be prepared for how lifted the "new" breast will look compared to the other. But that does relax over time. Each week I can see how the breasts will match better. And volume-wise, I can tell in my bra that there is barely any noticeable difference.
Of course...the "girls" will never look great as a matched set ever again. Now instead of big boob and cancer boob....I have cute boob and cancer boob. :>D And a girl can do a lot with one cute boob!!!

Sandsam 03-28-2008 11:29 PM

Hi there I had a mastectomy and reconstrunction (trans flap ) at the same time and chose to have my other breast reduced and lifted at the same time. I am thrilled with the results and both boobs fit great in my bras and I can even go without a bra!!! I think it is a personal thing and for me it was the right choice to help me heal and deal with the dreaded BC.

Take care and what you think is best for you


Mgarr 03-30-2008 02:49 PM


I just wanted you to know I took my mother in law for her breast reduction after her lumpectomy left her feeling lopsided as well. She was 68 and has never been happier with her decision :)
Best of luck.

Louise O'Brien 03-30-2008 04:20 PM


I'm really interested in this topic because I'm facing the same thing. At this point (unless I change my mind) I'll be having diep reconstruction on the left side - and I'll return four months later for a reduction on the good side. I made this decision after seeing two plastic surgeons - and I just clicked with the second one.

I totally understand how you feel - and how any one would feel in our boat. As for the critics - hey - unless they've walked in our shoes how would they know? I'm a size D - and told the surgeon I'd be delighted with a size B. Right now I feel quite lopsided and I refer to myself as a "circus freak". That's what this has done to my self esteem.

I have an insert I can wear and in normal clothes it looks quite good. You would never know. It was expensive but it's still heavy and as grateful as I am to have something that makes me look "natural", I'm tired of lugging it around.

I had a sobering moment with a dressmaker though, a few months ago. She didn't know my history and she was taking in a dress and matching coat. As she was pinning everything she said, "you know, you really need to get a good bra - you're hanging too low."

She felt awful when I explained why I could do nothing about it - but in a sense she was right.

I made my decision in Janurary and I'll get my official surgery date in June. I haven't wavered in my conviction that this is the right thing for me to do - even though I know it might not be a picnic a few weeks after. But my goodness, haven't we already learned to cope with the worst?

I'd like to read more discussion on this - and from women who have had surgery or are about to have it - especially when we get closer to our dates. I'm still fearful and I don't rule out the chance that I might just bolt. I'm also interested in recuperation times.

I've been assured by the way that it will still be possible to read mammograms on the good side.

Carol Carlson 04-29-2008 05:24 PM

Well, I bit the bullet and went for the left breast reduction 2 weeks ago.
Everything went well and the plastic surgeon who I love and does amazinglyling good work ( from what I hear) also revised the nipple on the affected side, which was askew. I now have 2 "B"s and I am already so much more comfortable just 2 weeks post-op. I had very little discomfort.
I have to wear a bra 24hours a day for 6 weeks. And they need to open in the front to faciltate putting on ointments and dressings when needed. Not to get too graphic but for those of you interested, the drainage stopped after one week. I still have some bruising but the incinsions are healing very well. The sutures will come out next week. I have actually worn blouses that have been in my closet for almost 4 years !!!!! And a few cotton shirts even with my soft shapeless bras that I"m still wearing.
I stayed in the hosp. 1 night I had a drain in overnight and that was removed before discharge.
The surgeon said it will be about 3 months before the tissue fully relaxes.
I was assured pre-op that there will be no difficulty in accurately reading a mammo which was a concern for me.
I am SO HAPPY I had it done.
After 3 1/2 years of being uncomfortable with bra fittings and not being able to wear clothes that were hanging in my closet, it is already, after only 2 weeks, such a great feeling.
I have to wait another 4 weeks ( 6 week total ) before I can do anything strenuous like playing golf, etc.
I really appreciate all the positive feed back from my initial question and the support I received when I was on the fence about having it done.
Also just a side note. -- the only people who knew I was having it done was my husband, son, daughter and best friend. I made to appt., had the surgery and told a few other people AFTER. I just figured it was a personal matter and didn't want to listen to all the chatter about it. But that's me.
Thank you all again for your support and I feel great......
If any one has any questions ... ask away.
Love, Carol

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