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Mary Jo 11-28-2012 08:11 AM

Just sharing......
Good Morning my special her2 friends.......

I check in on my her2 friends often but don't post much anymore. Although, that being said, my not posting much surely doesn't mean I don't want to encourage or care about you all. You are all a very special part of my life and always will be.

I was diagnosed in June of 2005 but didn't become a part of the board until 2006. So many of you ....Becky...Chrisy....Flori....Sheila......Andi... ..Lisa......Bill.....and I could go on and on and on are often in my heart and I wonder how you are. I check.

I am doing fine as are many of my sisters. Lots of you are struggling and many of my her2 friends have passed on. This morning as I think on our sister, Sheila, I just wanted to share that although so many of us are doing great, many of us are struggling and WAY too many are losing their battle with breast cancer. In all honesty, I hate using the phrase "losing the battle" because in my most humble opinion, the battle is the Lord's. With Him by your side you lose nothing and this life will end for all of us. Of one thing or another. However, with faith in your Savior, it never really ends. Eternity awaits. BUT, that being said, it doesn't mean that those of us here on earth don't have heavy hearts and cry over the sadness of many and their struggles.

I'm not sure why I posted....maybe I'm speaking what many of our hearts are thinking today. Over the years, many of my "friends" have passed and it's always a reminder to me that life is precious and we should never forget to let those in our lives know how special they are to us......

You are all special to me.

Peace to my sisters and brothers......

Mary Jo

Ceesun 11-28-2012 08:27 AM

Re: Just sharing......
Beautifully stated Mary Jo. I admire the faith in God that you often express. Glad you are doing well! (I took a trip to Lourdes a couple of years ago and it gave me a sense of joy and peace I hold onto.) Ceesun

Jen 11-28-2012 09:30 AM

Re: Just sharing......
Thank you for "Just sharing" these beautiful sentiments Mary Jo for all of us here on Her2 support.

Laurel 11-28-2012 05:43 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Nicely said, Mary Jo, and I think it is important to all of us and especially to the newly diagnosed that there ARE many more members of Her2Support who are living and thriving post treatment with no recurrences even among our Stage IIIc gals.

We have lost too many members lately it seems, but this disease does not win all the "battles." To our newcomers I say, "please try to see that we win more than we lose here." Stay and know you will grow to love those who post and become "real" to you and dear to your heart. The pain is bittersweet and the potential for heartache is part and parcel with being a member here on Her2Support. I think you will discover it is worth every tear you may shed to laugh, rejoice, cheer on, and pray fervently with the members here.

I count myself blessed to have known Sheila Rawlings as well as every member who posts here.

MJo 11-28-2012 06:22 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Hi Mary Jo. This is the other Mary Jo. I don't post much either but, like you, I check in regularly. I was diagnosed in 2005 so it's been 6 years since my treatment ended. Sometimes the painful time I went through feels so distant that I barely think about it. Other times I remember that life is fragile. (I don't even want to crush an ant any more.) As a survivor, I know I have to make the most of every second. I have been privileged to help my friend through her pancreatic cancer fight. She's finishing an immunotherapy clinical trial and has been NED for more than a year. I pray that Her2, pancreatic, ovarian and every other cancer will be eliminated SOON!

LoisLane 11-28-2012 06:36 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Mary Jo thanks for your post today. I think we are all in a very reflective mood right now with all that has been going on. Thinking of all our friends here on the board and sending love and support. Laurel you are correct there will be laughter, tears, and rejoicing on this thread. Love to all.

Paty 11-28-2012 07:24 PM

Re: Just sharing......
MaryJo, thank you for your beautiful words, many times I feel the same.

Love to you,


karen z 11-28-2012 07:44 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Mary Jo,
Thank you for post. It came at an important time. It has been difficult on the site but Laurel is certainly right about the tears and laughter. We are a bit of a unique group of folks- tough, fierce, funny, sarcastic........so many wonderful adjectives come to mind when I am in the company of our members or simply think of them- which I do all the time.

Mary Jo 11-28-2012 07:57 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Karen, I couldn't agree with you more. We are a unique "breed" as it were. Haha! We are "sisters" and "brothers," who share a common bond. Breast cancer. Breast cancer has taught me much......much of it good. In all honesty, I wouldn't change a thing about my life. It's all been for a reason and I am a better woman because of it. However, even though I wouldn't change a day of it, I would change the fact that many struggle, suffer and die because of the horrific disease. That makes me sad. Missing those we love and cherish...that makes me sad! So, we hang onto one another and cherish each day we are given. We support one another....encourage one another....build each other up......cry together.....laugh together and never forget what brought us here. Never forget that our lives are a gift and a gift we should use to bring hope to a hurting world.

karen z 11-28-2012 08:15 PM

Re: Just sharing......
yes, Mary Jo.......perfectly said.
i had a "moment' last night that was tough. i started crying thinking about individuals I had met at SABCS who I could not/would not see again and other individuals and their families who are suffering so much right now........and at the same time how I feel so at home and free when I go to the conference and how much I laugh (and how much I want to slip into Macy's one ore time). I remember last year with one of the members (and i told her this)........"my God- you could be a comedy writer". And all of her sarcasm and jokes were in the midst of much pain. She was so damn funny. And it is a strange thing to be crying and laughing at the same time and feel so close. And, yes, this is not your average group of individuals. So much pain and so much joy.......at the same time. I thought again about this today as I sat in a faculty meeting. The outright pettiness and "point making' were difficult for me and I came close to leaning over to someone to say "once you have had cancer treatment......... all of this seems particularly ridiculous". But, alas, I quietly graded papers (on the sly) and realized that the majority of folks in the room did not yet understand. I am forever changed.

Jeanette 11-28-2012 08:43 PM

Re: Just sharing......
As always MaryJo you speak from the heart, as most of us do. I have never had a meltdown, but today I came very close to it. Just thinking of all the sisters and brothers who have passed on. Have my own issues right now, but try not to think about them. My heart is sore right now. Blessings to each and everyone of us, Jeanette

Pray 11-28-2012 09:40 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Mary Jo, Your post is just what this site needed right now. Thank you. Sheila taught me how not to be mad about this cancer stuff. I clung to that phase way to long. I have been forever blessed by Sheila she has literally changed my life for the better along with this site. Here is where my hope began. Thank you everyone and I do thank everyone. Each and every one of us matters and has a purpose here.

SoCalGal 11-29-2012 01:11 AM

Re: Just sharing......
Great post -Thanks much.

Jackie07 11-29-2012 02:01 AM

Re: Just sharing......
Indeed this is a very special group with very special people... Thanks, y'al.

tricia keegan 11-29-2012 04:15 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Love your post and I echo your thoughts too MaryJo and feel sad we've lost so many here in this our own her2 family, I've lost other friends with BC who had a better prognosis than I too which makes me sad but I've forever grateful to all here who made me realise her2+ was not a death sentence as was stated on every other site I visited when diagnosed. I've met so many wonderful intelligent people on this site and Sheila is one I'm especially close to and is in my thoughts and prayers daily. xx

mamacze 11-29-2012 06:35 PM

Re: Just sharing......
Mary Jo,
Thank you for checking in and sharing, just because. Words from the heart are awe inspiring and yours just gave me goose bumps. An old pastor friend of mine once advised, "Never resist an impulse to be generous". You were generous with your heartfelt words and how grateful I am.
Love and Hugs,
Kim (from CT)

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