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Sheila 08-04-2012 10:36 AM

Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Tomorrow, I will be getting Carboplatin to my Perjeta and Herceptin as I continue to progress without a chemo, and since I progressed on Taxotere recently, Carbo is the drug of choice, and one of the few I have not had.

It has been a rough week as I am now having a problem using or lifting my left arm due to nerve involvement. The pain has been severe in my neck, arm, shoulder. Imhave spent the past week unable to do much of anything. I was taking Tramadol for the pain with no relief. I am now on Lyrica for the nerve pain and Tylenol with Codiene ever 4 hours for pain. This is the first time I truly feel like a cancer Patient in ten years....the pain and inability to do things has really been a rude awakening. I will start the new regimen Monday...praying I get a response. I will say the Lyrica is making the nerve pain more bearable. trying to remain strong and positive....I am getting so much beauty sleep I should look 10 years younger.

rhondalea 08-04-2012 10:57 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
I am so sorry that you're in pain. I've never had any luck with Tramadol, and Tylenol 3 isn't much better. Like tamoxifen, they are metabolized by CYP2D6 (for which I am an intermediate metabolizer, and it may be that you are too). I'm glad the Lyrica is helping, but I hope your doctor can find a better pain reliever for you.

Of course, what I really hope is that the addition of carboplatin will kick the cancer into oblivion so you don't need any pain medicine at all.

Jackie07 08-04-2012 01:31 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin

The abstract below sounds very encouraging:

Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2012 May 2. [Epub ahead of print]
Platinum Compounds: A Hope for Future Cancer Chemotherapy.

Ali I, Wani WA, Saleem K, Haque A.

Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi-110025, INDIA. drimran_ali@yahoo.com.


The discovery of cis-platin and its second and third generation analogues created a hope in cancer chemotherapy. Cis-platin and its second generation analogue carboplatin have been used for the treatment of some cancers. The third generation analogues have superior anti-cancer profiles for curing a few cancers.

Unfortunately, certain side effects such as renal impairment, neurotoxicity and ototoxicity etc. are associated with these drugs. But, combination therapy makes these analogues more effective with fewer side effects. In addition, the results of some ongoing clinical trials will make the safety profile clear in near future.

The present article describes the current status of cis-platin and its analogues in cancer chemotherapy. The special emphasis has been made on cis-platin discovery, development of second (carboplatin, oxaliplatin, nedaplatin) and third (lobaplatin, heptalatin) generation analogues, comparison of their chemotherapies, mechanism of action, therapeutic status, recent developments and chronology.

Moreover, attempts have been made to describe the future perspectives of these drugs in the cancer treatment.

chrisy 08-04-2012 02:09 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Sorry you are having such a rough time. Carboplatin is a good chemo, I had it with taxol/herceptin in 2004. I hope it will be a rude shock to that cancer!

Hang in there my friend.

KDR 08-04-2012 02:30 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Wishing that this new addition will get you into optimum shape and that you are back to yourself soonest.

Andrea Barnett Budin 08-04-2012 02:37 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Dear Sheila,

You are a shero for sure. Your avatar reads like a novel. But you are so strong and brave and determined, I always think of you in uber laudatory terms! Plus through it allllllllllllllllllll -- you have that quick sense of humor that never fails to make me smile. Thank you for all you do and give of yourself, my Sister!

My husband is having major nerve pain (from his eye to his thigh) and they have him on Neurontin (Gabapentin). He takes 300 mg and it is mildly helping. He can't really handle a higher dosage, but it is a drug that can be given up to 1800 mg. You might be a good candidate for that. I pray you get some relief. Please ask your doctor.

I am over here in your corner, rooting for you and sending you loving, healing energy, my Friend!

Big gentle hugs,


NEDenise 08-04-2012 09:19 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
I'm so sorry you are in so much pain! I'll be praying extra fervently that the docs have come up with just the right combo to kick this cancer's ass!

I saw in Andi's post that she mentioned Neurontin. I took that for neuropathy, and my mom took it for nerve pain in her legs when her cancer started to effect her legs. Neither one of us had any side effects...but it did help with the pain. Maybe something to hold in reserve...in case Lyrica needs some help.

Hoping to read about your pain relief soon...and a return to the wonderful, beautiful, happy Sheila we all love so much!


ElaineM 08-04-2012 10:09 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
I am so sorry about the pain.
I hope the addition of Carboplatin will help.
Hang in there Sheila. Please know we are all thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better soon.
Special vibes are coming to you from the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I have my fingers crossed for you as I type. Hopefully I am not making mistakes by doing that.
It would be nice if you can read this post.

Redwolf8812 08-05-2012 04:24 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Sheila, I'm on carboplatin also. The oncologist put me on Vitamin B6 for neuropathy and it made a world of difference.

Prayer going up for you.

- Penny

Mary Anne in TX 08-05-2012 09:11 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Hi Sheila! the carboplatin surely worked for me. It's what finally started the tumor marker numbers to really go down. Cheering for you every day!

Paty 08-05-2012 11:06 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin

Tinking of you and sending you good wishes with the new drug. I am so sorry you are not feeling that well, but there has to be a drug for that pain. Love you Sheila, you are my hero!! Hugs, hugs, hugs!


NEDenise 08-16-2012 05:03 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Hi Sheila,
Thinking of you this morning and sending tons of prayers, love and positive, healing energy your way!

Close your eyes, my friend, and feel it all wash over you!

Mtngrl 08-16-2012 07:16 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Dear Sheila,

So sorry you're disabled, in pain, and experiencing progression. I pray that the new regimen is your ticket out.

I love you.

Andrea Barnett Budin 08-16-2012 08:33 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Dearest Sheila,

Always always always thinking of you. You are one of the most remarkable women I've ever had the pleasure to know. (Even if it is a cyberspace love affair...)

My husband is diabetic and having major nerve issues (eye and thigh, ulna). The doc has recommended just what I've been pleading with him to take. He's not a supplement person. But since the endocrin lady told him, he's added some.

B12 (helps energy as well as nerve repair) and B6. Also Alpha Lipoic Acid (600 mg), L-Carnitine 500 x 2 and Co-enzyme Q-10 -- 150 X 2.

I pray these will help you get some relief. And, of course, that your new recipe will be effective and kick canser's butt!

Much love, as always, always, always,


Lani 08-16-2012 10:59 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
not saying it will help, but doubt it could hurt:

have you ever tried TENS--transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation

Non invasive, it uses gel pad electrodes attached by wires to a machine smaller than a transistor radio
(really dating mysel!!!)

It works on the prinicipal that if you place the ekectrodes between the pain and the brain that it will interfere with the gating mechanism of incoming pain messages to the spinal cord and brain.

It sort of mildly tickles the nerve above where the pain is and works similarly to biting your finger when you stub your toe. The brain doesn't seem to be able to process two pain messages coming at the same time, so by biting your finger your toe pain seems less.

I knew a breast cancer patient who tried this 20 years ago, long before bisphosphonates were used, for pain from multiple mets in her thighs and pelvis and it seemed to help her.

Was it the placebo effect? Maybe. Was it coincidence? Perhaps. The devices are usually free to try from physical therapists, may be available to rent rather than buy and have come way down in price over the years as I understand it.

Perhaps asking your doctor for a referral to a pain doctor early on before things get out of hand would be useful---or at least ask if your doctor thinks this might be worth a try on the theory that there is no reason it should hurt.(you don't put it over the site of the pain but proximal to it so no strong electric fields near the tumor (it only uses pocket batteries anyway)and nothing is invasive, just skin pads with gel.) and it might possibly help.

As you know I ALMOST never make suggestions(I am not qualified to do so), just post info. Don't know if my suggestion is pertinent or advisable, but from what I have read and heard, it is unlikely it could hurt.

Best of luck

Andrea Barnett Budin 08-16-2012 12:00 PM

Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
In '01 I fell in a pothole and broke my ankle in 3 places, tore tendons and muscle and required surgery. After the 3 mnths of terrible pain they removed the cast and I was allowed to go for physical therapy. I did so 3 days a wk for mnths.

After phys therapy they put ice on the ankle and then the TENS machine. It vibrated little tiny tickles and after a while it lessened, so I asked them to turn the machine up. They did. And it was great for a while, but I needed to crank it up again. And again and again. They finally moved the machine next to me so I could do it myself.

I swear it's electronic nerve stimulation helped me heal and lessened the severe pain. I love that machine. And would recommend it to everyone! It was miraculous in helping me heal and experience far less pain.

Laurel 08-16-2012 07:26 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin

I was off the boards for a time and missed your update. I am so sorry to hear you are suffering and will pray you find relief and that the Carboplatin is a wonder drug for you. I know you are not one to complain so my guess is this nerve pain has you pretty low. Prayers coming your way. Hang in there and please update when you are up to it. Love to you!

mmoons 08-16-2012 07:56 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin

I too was off the internet for a while, but immediately clicked on the post from you...and was so sad to hear of your pain.

I hope you feel all the love and support coming you way from all of us, Sheila. Please let us know how you feel - when you are up to it.

Love, love, love you and pray you feel better. I will eagerly watch for the post that the next cocktail has kicked this stupid beast far into oblivion.



Pray 08-16-2012 09:04 PM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
Dearest Sheila,

I too am hoping and praying this new treatment for you works! My heart aches knowing you are in pain. Gods blessings to you Wonderful women. I hope we hear some good news from you soon. Peace my friend, Nancy

ammebarb 08-17-2012 07:36 AM

Re: Adding Carboplatin to Perjeta and Herceptin
I am also thinking about you and praying that you are getting some relief from pain and a good response to the carboplatin. Gentle hugs, dear Sheila.

Barb A.

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