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chrisy 04-17-2007 09:28 AM

Not the news I was hoping for...
Hi friends,

HEY, My liver's back!

I got the results of last week's PET/CT scan, which was done to clarify and get more information on the new recurrence in my liver.

The good news (I guess!) is that the left lobe of my liver, which the original scan reported appeared absent, is back! The not so good news is, there is a 3.5x2.3cm lesion there, in addition to the 1.5cm one in the right lobe. That actually makes sense, as with my previous recurrence the left lobe was pretty much "completely involved"

So, although I enjoyed my little boat trip on "de-nile" , I guess it's time to add some bigger, or at least different, guns. I've got a couple of more hoops to jump through first, but I expect to start on a clinical trial of Tykerb + Avastin next week. I will be under the care of Dr. Hope Rugo, so I know I am in good hands. In her words yesterday, I lose nothing by trying this combination which could work for some time...and then I STILL have all the chemo options. Yippee!

So, although I'm a little discouraged (My heart really sank when I got that news), I'm not ready to quit yet!

Thanks for all your support.

Sheila 04-17-2007 09:36 AM


I am so sorry to hear that both sides of your liver have decided to be a pain...you have such an upbeat attitude....I know you will show them who is boss! Heres to the Tykerb Avastin cocktail....may it remove the invaders and send them packing!

LAURIE 04-17-2007 10:11 AM

Sorry to hear the news. Hold your chin up high, you and your smiling picture are an inspiration to a lot of us here. Thank you for sharing,we are all here to support you.

Lolly 04-17-2007 10:24 AM

Ah, Chrisy, the "Trip down De-Nile" is one I'm quite familiar with~ Sorry it's back to the old grind, but like you say, it's good to have options. As long as we have options, we have hope! Hang in there, and KUDOS for entering this trial, it's so important to find which agents are going to work best with Tykerb! We will all benefit from your experience, so keep us posted, and best best wishes.

<3 Lolly

StephN 04-17-2007 11:23 AM

You are 'whole' again ...
Dear Chrisy -

Glad they "found" the rest of your liver! What a hoot ...

Just not the part about it containing tumor. You could have done without that I am sure.

Having one of the "Superstar" oncs is a great comfort and takes you into this new round of treatment with a good measure of confidence. That is the only kind of med onc I will have and they have done right by me so far.

Remember that the liver is one of the easier places to treat, and the proposed regimen sounds like something I would consider wholeheartedly if my cancer kicked up again.

Andi 04-17-2007 11:42 AM

Chrisy - I'm sorry to hear your liver is acting up. With your positive attitude and good medical guidance from your oncologist, I'm betting on you and that you will get this under control. You are in my prayers!

Margerie 04-17-2007 12:00 PM


I hope the news about your liver isn't going to keep that smile of yours down. I am hoping the very best results from your new treatment. Can they really take that pesky lobe out surgically so that it really disappears?

As a side note, my ENT's office called today to schedule a scan of the thyroid I had removed in December. I told them to check with the pathology department.

tousled1 04-17-2007 12:06 PM


I'm so sorry to hear your news. I'm praying that the Tykerb/Avistan will do the trick. And, as you said there are plenty more chemo cocktails out there.

Hopeful 04-17-2007 12:30 PM


I am so sorry for your news. You will be in my thoughts. Best of luck to you.


chrisy 04-17-2007 12:40 PM

"escaping" tumor on the loose
One of the things I love about my onc is the way she expresses things. She said of this new activity in my liver "Well, it looks like it's escaping the Herceptin". Well, let's hope we can recapture it, punish it, put it down and get back under control!

Caroline UK 04-17-2007 12:44 PM


I haven't been on this site very long, but I've enjoyed your postings and your sparkly smile makes me feel cheered whenever I see it.
Best of luck with the road ahead...I'll be thinking of you, and sending good thoughts all the way across the ocean from here in sunny London

Jean 04-17-2007 01:05 PM

Dear Chrisy,

You are always so courageous and always have such a beautiful positive attitude. I am sorry that you have to deal with your liver. But I am
pulling for you and praying that Tyikerb/Avistan will kick it right out.

Sending you prayers and hugs,

caya 04-17-2007 01:05 PM

Sorry to hear about your recurrence Chrisy - but it sounds like you and your onc. will fight it with everything out there.
Good luck with your new treatment plan.

lexigirl 04-17-2007 02:21 PM


Shoot! Not the news we were hoping for exactly. Your terrific attitude will get you through this bump in the road. I hope NED finds you very soon. Kill the beast!

Hugs and Prayers,

Linda 04-17-2007 03:04 PM

Good luck with this new treatment. It sounds like it won't be too hard to tolerate -- much easier than standard chemos. Lots of positive liver thoughts from up north of you.

Mary Anne in TX 04-17-2007 05:11 PM

Hi Chrissy! I see no quitter in that wonderful face of yours! Discouraged for a bit, but nothing but fighter in you! I so hope that this is just the right mix for you to reclaim your good health and NED. Wishing you sweet dreams and a powerful battle won! ma

Lori S 04-17-2007 06:57 PM


I am sorry to hear of your recent recurrence. I wanted to share some very encouraging news. I am currently on the Tykerb/Xeloda trial and a women in our group who has liver mets just had her first scans at 6 weeks. In just 6 weeks her liver mets reduced by 50%.

Hang in there! Here's to the tykerb/avastin cocktail and another NED.


Mary Jo 04-17-2007 06:59 PM

Hi Chrisy,

Oh, you doll! Your smile and your positive spirit absolutely lift my spirit and put a smile on my face.

Yes, this beast is tough and it sure can knock us on our A _ _!!!! BUT we can kick back and knock it flat on it's A _ _ too and I know you will do just that.

I said a prayer for you as I was typing this and ask the Lord to bless you with His strength and Peace as you go along your journey.

Hugs to you Chrisy,

Mary Jo

Rendi69CA 04-17-2007 07:32 PM

I am so sorry that the monster came back. I just want to wish you well and a speedy recovery. ((((Hugs)))

sassy 04-17-2007 08:03 PM

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You have the strenght and courage to move on!

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