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tricia keegan 03-11-2007 11:35 AM

Condroitin/Glucosamine for Arimidex neuropathy??
Hello everyone
I began taking this supplement about two weeks ago mainly for stiffness and joint pain but my Onc seemed to think it may also help the neuropathy in my hands which I had during taxol but has become a lot worse since taking Arimidex last Serptember.
I'm just wondering if anyone has had good results from this as I know it's early days yet but if anything I think this may be making my symptoms worse rather than better if thats possible!
I also have to begin Fosamax for some bone loss in the next few days and am concerned now if I'll have even more side effects to contend with!!
Thanks for any advice

atdec05 03-11-2007 04:23 PM

I am taking that supplement, but not taking Arimidex, so can't tell you about the interaction. I experienced joint pain on Herceptin. You have to take it for a few weeks to notice anything, but I definitely move better. I use to hobble out of bed in the morning, and no longer do that.

You should check with your onc. to see if s/he is aware of any reason you shouldn't take it. I know women on Taxol take it as well.

- Anna

sassy 03-11-2007 05:11 PM


I have taken Glucosamine/Condroitin from the beginning of treatment, so I can't really say how much it has helped--I have no frame of reference without it. It seems that everything A/C, Nuelasta, Taxol, Herceptin, Arimidex and Fosamax can cause joint pain or stiffness. I think the Arimidex has caused the most. On the positive side, it does seem to get better over time.

As for neuropathy from Taxol, B6 seems to help and that too will abate over time.

I found the Fosamax the most objectionable of all to me. Just did not tolerate it well. Fortunately, I was able to switch to Zometa after showing osteopenia. Although zometa was tough, with flu like symptoms for a day or so after treatment, right now I only have to take it once a year and that beats the weekly Fosamax.

Although after two years, I'm still not back to my "OLD" self, my new self is still here and kicking--working toward getting back better strength and stamina.

Best wishes to you and hope things get better.
Wong Amat Tower Condominium Pattaya

panicked911 03-11-2007 05:45 PM


I stated glucosimine/condroitan about three quaters of the way thru my year of herceptain,. I was also on arimidex and lupron when I started - the aches and stiffness did not abate until 2 months after I stopped herceptain. I am better today but not back to where i was - the lupron and arimdex will be a part of me for at least the next 3.5 years and so will the glucosimine - I am afraid to stop it .


suzan w 03-12-2007 10:00 AM

I have taken glucosamine/chondroitin for years and honestly cannot say whether it has made a difference or not! I had severe joint pain when I started herceptin and arimidex-started both at same time so can't say which one really caused the pain! However...I am now 5 months out from my last herceptin, still on arimidex...and the joint pain has lessened considerably. I also have osteoporosis and have been taking Fosomax for years...when I first started it I noticed flu-like symptoms so my doc. switched me to Actonel. Then after the breast cancer diagnosis-I went back to Fosomax because of arimidex's effects on bones...and my onc. felt that Fosomax was a little more potent than Actonel...

tricia keegan 03-12-2007 04:09 PM

Thank you all:)
I was very interested in all the replies to this and think maybe I just have'nt given it long enough to work as I've only been taking it a couple of weeks.
I will try the B6 too (I'll try anything right now!)
It does seem as though we've all been left with these side effects though from chemo/herceptin/Arimidex and maybe I was being naive thinking I'd be back to my old self one of these days!!
Anyway this I can live with and it's far preferable to the alternative of a possible recurrance.
Thanks again ladies:)

newgg 03-12-2007 05:49 PM

Also take the supplement gluco/cond and have for several years. Started it for arthritis in my thumbs. Do think it has helped with all the "stuff" that I have taken to fight the beast. ( do any of the meds not cause joint discomfort?) Did not have as much difficulty with neuropathy as some others have had. Did run out of the gluco/ Cond once on a trip.....ugh! Could feel the difference in my thumbs and hips in just a few days. Have made sure NOT to do that since. May have to get some B 6 next. Old self may be gone but the new self is great and having a bunch of fun!! Gonna crank up the motor home and off to Suwanneefest for some music, music and more music !
Hugs, Bonnie

tricia keegan 03-13-2007 12:20 PM

Thanks Bonnie:)
Sounds like you're having fun and enjoying life!
You've just convinced me to keep trying with these supplements
and hopefully they'll help me as they have you.
Thanks again and you go girl!!!!

newgg 03-14-2007 03:50 PM

Gone !
Yes, Tricia...
I am almost rolling.....got to pack that motor home and be sure......be very sure.......I have all those great chemicals !
Movin' On !

CLTann 03-17-2007 03:39 PM

Please take note that I had aches like you when on Arimidex. Since switching to Femara, the joint aches are gone. I know both drugs are of the similar chemical structure, there are subtle differences that may give us different side effects. You might want to consider switching first.

I have sciatic nerve pain now but the MRI shows that the sciatic nerve pain is from perineutral cysts, which are totally unrelated to breast cancer and the medications. My other MRI and bone scans are all clear last week.

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