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nitewind 05-03-2008 02:25 PM

I have always dreaded the month of May
For so many years, I hated to see the month of May approaching. Please bare with me, I really am struggling here.
When I was 10 my mom died on May 28th. Later in life, my dad died on May 22nd and was buried on the same day that my mom died. Two years ago, I found the lump in my breast on mothers day and was diagnosed with cancer on May 18th. My son nearly took his life in May four years ago.
And now so much sadness about Kate, I can hardly bear it. I can't stay away from this board but I don't want to read anymore. I know in my mind that the month of May has nothing to do with it but in my heart it hurts so much to have all of these things happen in May. I wish I could just rip it from my calender.
I guess I just need to vent, to yell or to scream, I really need some extra strength right now. I can't get Kate off my mind, such a sweet wonderful lady and always facing the worse things with that lovely smile on her face. I know that you are all joining me in constant prayer for her, we need to pray for a miracle and for peace of mind and heart for her.
Thanks for listening. I'm afraid that right now I'm a blubbering mess, wish I could just sleep thru this month.

Jackie07 05-03-2008 02:32 PM

It's healthy and necessary to vent...

Something nice about May though - your cancerversary is approaching, don't forget to celebrate!

Mary Jo 05-03-2008 02:41 PM

Oh sweet Susan..........Thank you for sharing your heart with us here. It is always good to get your feelings out and often times it's extremely helpful as you gather strength from others as they try to support you and put things into a little better perspective for you.

I know life can be hard....boy do I know.....and I know lately, here on our board there has been so much saddness and heart ache BUT we have each other. We love and care for each other greatly. We pray for one another and we are all "sisters" ( and brothers too http://www.her2support.org/vbulletin...cons/icon7.gif) together on a journey that can be so sad at times and so joyful at other times. I pray that God would help you concentrate on those joyful times (like the month you were blessed with your precious grandson Dylan) and help you deal with those times that bring you sadness.

Love and Peace to you sweet friend and I pray your heart can be lifted up as you think on that which brings you joy and together in spirit may we all gather together to pray for our "sisters" who are struggling the most right now ~ our dear Michelle and Kate!!

Mary Jo

StephN 05-03-2008 02:41 PM

Surely can understand all that sadness wrapped up in one month. Please feel what you feel and let it pass.

For my family the month of May has always been full of joyous gatherings and events. My grandmother was born May 9, myself on the 4th and my sister on the 16th. Then there was Mother's Day. I always had friends with May birthdays.

The weather would always be so nice, even though it marked the end of ski season. It marked the beginning of summer trips or swim meets as the planning would be in full swing. There was always so much to look forward to after Easter.

March seems to be the bittersweet month for me as I lost a lot of people then, but not my parents, which is much harder.

MJo 05-03-2008 02:47 PM

This has been a difficult week for us on this board. I am healthy, thank God, but several people I know lost loved ones last week. Life is very precious, but it's so hard to understand that maybe it's not worth trying. I just read that Einstein said to look deeply into nature for better understanding.

nitewind 05-03-2008 02:50 PM

Thank you, my sisters. Thank you for understanding and for caring so much. You are the dearest, sweetest people that I know. I wish we could all be together just to draw strength from each other and join in one huge hugfest! I do thank God for this board even when it's so difficult at times. God bless each and every one of you.

Bill 05-03-2008 05:21 PM

Sweet Susan, my heart goes out to you! I know exactly how you feel. Certain months can be bad for me, too. This past week here on the boards have been hard for all of us, and then on top of all that you have your own personal crosses that you bear every May. I'm glad you vented to us. I hope and pray that this May will be a little easier than others and that God will send a special Joy to you this month to help you through it. Peace and Comfort to you, Bill

Mary Anne in TX 05-03-2008 05:36 PM

Susan, here's throwing in a big prayer for you too. You just scream! And we'll pray for you. ma

sassy 05-03-2008 05:48 PM

"I wish we could all be together just to draw strength from each other and join in one huge hugfest!"


We are all together, not in body, but in spirit, love and support as we "gather" here on the board. Here is my huge "HUG" for you. I hope that you will find peace and comfort during this difficult month.

Barbara H. 05-03-2008 06:58 PM

My heart goes out to you! You certainly have some tough times to remember in May. I was also diagnosed during that month, initially and with my recurrence. When was that little grandson born? I'm certain that he is a "life of joy".
Thinking of you!
Barbara H.

tricia keegan 05-04-2008 02:25 AM

Susan, I'm sorry you're feeling low right now and pray the coming strengh and hope to get through this month and maybe think of the good things rather than the bad. A Cancerversary coming up is a big celebration so focus on that...your good health and try not to look back too often.
We're thinking of you..

dhealey 05-04-2008 04:54 AM

Susan, My heart aches for you. Praying you find peace and comfort throughout the month.

Jean 05-04-2008 07:28 AM

May certainly is a month of sad memories for you. My wish for you, is that you experience some new memories that will bring a smile to your
face and soul. In the meantime until new happy memories can be made
please know you are supported and loved here.


Soccermom 05-04-2008 09:58 AM

Just some thoughts...I post on another site where there are two young mothers fighting for their lives. Once you have had BC you become a member of a club where no one takes their lives for granted. Sometimes the survivors guilt get to you though. To hear and read the desperation in anothers post, well, it breaks my heart when I can do NOTHING to help.
Susan,>>>>>>>>>> this is me reaching my hand out to yours to share my strength with you,... if we all form a circle the strength will grow tenfold.


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